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joined Jan 27, 2019

Well, Dateless Bar Old Adam (which apparently took place moments before this book begins) does warn that people in the Sealing Club's future are weak against old-fashioned alcoholic drinks...

(These two are adorable.)

want discussion 29 Jan 20:54
joined Jan 27, 2019

Oh, heh, the title finally made sense. "Wan"-t. Like a dog barking.

unknown.'s MamiYukiho is always adorable. Mami is a riot — and Yukiho gets two super-sweet moments, both in wanting to get over her fear of dogs for her lover's sake, and her "by my side" declaration.

FYL+ discussion 29 Jan 20:43
joined Jan 27, 2019

I want more adult Yayoi toying with Haruka, quite honestly.

joined Jan 27, 2019

A stuck dental prosthetic is one of the odder origins of vampirism I've seen. I should use this book as the backstory of a game of Night's Black Agents : a vampire conspiracy of immortal sirens, deeply rooted in the Japanese entertainment industry, centered around a shadowy agency known only as 765. See how long it takes the players to realize they're playing Idolmaster.

(Presumably after consolidating their control over their own agency, they would go after 876, but it's a female-only infection, so Ryo has to pretend he's a vampire;. Then on to 346Pro and I really want to see Kirari as a vampire, nyowa. There could be cross-coven conflict with Chitose and Chiyo...)

To trace the vectors:
Yukiho -> Mami
Mami -> Ami, Yayoi
Ami -> Miki
Yayoi -> Haruka, Iori
Miki -> Chihaya
Takane -> Hibiki
Hibiki -> Makoto
Ritsuko -> Azusa
... So Ritsuko and Takane have unclear sires, and Yayoi is the most prolific tertiary vamp.

joined Jan 27, 2019

The way Kanade is trying to keep up her "I am smoother than you'll ever be" aura and Fumika just keeps shattering that is golden.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I'm just amused by "Don't feel like you have to force yourself" only after fingers have been inserted. (To be clear, I do read this as consenting, albeit in problematic "I need to cajole/coerce you into doing this thing that I know you really want" territory. Fine for fiction.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

Ruby is best wingman. Ganbaruby, useless gays!

Seriously, adorable, adorable stuff.

joined Jan 27, 2019

For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure the "Tenth Konata" strip is referencing Kamen Rider Decade.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Boy, a couple more years and it would have been Cinderella Girls, and she would have been spending it all on the gacha. (I wanna see Konata as an AnzuP.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

Er... No, it really doesn't.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I really kinda cheered when the childhood friend forbade her girlfriend from clearing up the "prior experience" misunderstanding. Because accepting that you are not your lover's first and only can be important — and because that wasn't hers to say.

Purity culture is fucking destructive. Go look up the story of Elizabeth Smart if you want a real-life good example of how.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Wow, the callbacks... For what it's worth, Dogongodon Dorianne blew everybody into the world of battle manga in Yuru Yuri Chapter 109 ( ), in a brief metatextual romp that had them subsequently in a novel, and then a child's picture book. So this is an established power that Dodongo-chan has.

last edited at Jan 28, 2020 4:03AM

joined Jan 27, 2019

While I do enjoy NanoFate futanari, I kind of prefer the sort where penises are explicitly magically summoned. The "Fate just kinda has one" method heaps more angst onto her status as an artificially created being, and while I enjoy explorations of that, genital dysphoria isn't something to lightly lump in there. (Fate's particular manifestation of dysphoria would be a conflict between actually feeling comfortable in her body and feeling like her body and that comfort are things she's stolen from Alicia.).

Then again, that's kind of overthinking pure smut.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I like the implication that this all takes place in one of those training camp communal sleeping areas. Furtive under-blanket sex is hot (albeit considered rude IRL when people near you are actually trying to sleep; you're seldom as stealthy as you think you are).

joined Jan 27, 2019

Okay, my understanding of this: Eli wants two things here, as best as I can phrase them: experiences, sensuality in a transient world — that's the "to make memories" part — and self-control. She can't allow herself to be topped because she can't allow herself to lose her personal equilibrium — which is pretty damn fragile. She isn't demanding control over Umi, or physical fidelity, but she is demanding a measure of emotional fidelity — the idea is usually phrased as "You can stray, but make sure you come home." Umi didn't know she had that leeway, of course; she got frustrated at her own lack of control, and took advantage when (I'm guessing) Alisa came to her; Eli's demand at the end may keep that going or may break it off. I almost get the feeling that Alisa knows about her older sister and is just too smitten, but I'm not sure the text backs that up. Umi is certainly cheating, but Eli comes off as emotionally manipulative, if not abusive.

It all is, unquestionably, a shitty way to run a poly relationship on everybody's part, maybe leaving Alisa as pure victim. Sadly, clear communication up front makes for less dramatic storytelling (and doesn't always keep even two-person relationships from becoming tragic, sadly).

last edited at Jan 27, 2020 10:41PM

joined Jan 27, 2019

I used to get annoyed at the stereotypical always-lazy, always-sleeping anime characters — until I saw books like this one and like Tanaka-kun is Always Listless which had it doubled-down on. Now I've decided to see them as narcoleptic representation.

Towakano discussion 27 Jan 18:57
joined Jan 27, 2019

I'm willing to bet quite a bit that "ravenous sex devil" is the way no official source describes the real Homura.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Honest question: do ships have to be "endgame"? Do all your ships have to end with adorable old ladies snuggling in a nursing home somewhere, or is it okay for a desired character relationship to be "just" some amount of good time? I know that part of the whole appeal is that this isn't real life, but most of us don't live our whole lives with people we dated in middle school.

joined Jan 27, 2019

So, is that statistics as in x% of women, or statistics as in x% of Madokas? 'cause with Homura it could go either way.

joined Jan 27, 2019

This is showing my age, but when the first chapter actually said Koto-Hono-Umi, and again when Mezashi's chapter featured them — well, every time the second-years show up as a triad, I think delightedly, "KonoHonoUmi!" and then immediately a Cartoon Network promo from back when they were 90% old Hannah-Barbera reruns gets stuck in my head:

joined Jan 27, 2019

Yes, but nothing happens in the exact manner that nothing would happen in the original work. It's pretty impressive, really. Good job of original flavor emulation.

joined Jan 27, 2019

This is adorable, but AU NanoFate always makes me a little— uneasy? I guess it's hard to see Fate even being recognizably Fate without all the magic and tragedy, and falling so hard for Nanoha without Nanoha being the one saving her. Maybe that's kind of rude to Nanoha.

I mean, I know AUs are an exercise in character essentialism — yes, nothing that shaped this personality happened, but they're still exactly the same! — and I love Innocent with my whole heart. But still, the discomfort is there. Thanks for letting me work my feelings out in public.

Image Comments 26 Jan 02:48
joined Jan 27, 2019

Boy, reading through that again just emphasizes how gay Kotori is, doesn't it? With a strong emphasis on Umi, yes, but boy she notices all the girls.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I'm not crying, you're crying, you're the one ugly-sobbing at these precious babies bwah. Ahem. Excuse me.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Well, Chinatsu is hella creepy.

She is capable of being kind and sweet, but she has a documented tendency towards the "yan" side of yandere, nightmare-fuel artistic skills, possessiveness on the order of a hoarding dragon, and an ego that could blot out the sun. Her canon relationship with Akari has been good for her, but I'm not sure it's been good for Akari. (Not to say I don't like her! She's a great character.)

But I think this doujin does really capture her need to be loved and the all too common fear that if your lover isn't chained down to you they wouldn't stay. I read that last panel as not malice so much as the need to feel in control — and she finds Akari so bright that only by bringing her down can she keep her.

last edited at Jan 26, 2020 2:02AM