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joined Mar 29, 2017

I hope Ririha gets raped by faceless fat old women.
Wow that's a sentence I never thought I'd have to read.

joined Mar 29, 2017

God damint Mimika you useless pedo lesbian.


and with that being taken into account

this would be the perfect panel to end the series

I wouldn't hate it for just being like sometimes life is shit and people are shit so here's an ending that isn't happy. I'd probly like it but.

joined Mar 29, 2017

The "Queen of Yuri" is Morinaga Milk.

Thats a very peculiar way of spelling Minakata Sunao.

That's not how you say Takano Saku

You don't know how to write Ratana Satis

You mean Ooshima Tomo >8)

That's not how you spell Takemiya Jin

Dynasty commentors, I'm happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but Morishima Akiko is the greatest yuri manga-ka of all time.

What have I done....

Look, can we all agree that Mochi is about to surpass SOMEONE as Queen of Yuri?

Mochi takes her place among the Council of Queens.

I don't even.

Mochi IS the senate.

Now that is an allusion I've not heard in a long time.

It's safe to say this got out of hand fast.

joined Mar 29, 2017

God damint Mimika you useless pedo lesbian.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Wait are these the main characters I can't remember.

Image Comments 23 Sep 23:54
joined Mar 29, 2017

Pls stap I've seen Flip Flappers like 15 times at thisnpoint and now soon to be 16 I have 2 labreports and a research proposal due soon T_T.

Image Comments 23 Sep 23:52
joined Mar 29, 2017


Citrus discussion 21 Sep 06:59
joined Mar 29, 2017

@ Klice

Reading your comment made me understand more about Mei. In fact I have a little complicated feelings for Mei's thought =.=

I hope Saburo Uta will give us Mei's POV. Maybe Mei bedeviled and harrassed Yuzu for the first time that because she still not fall in love with Yuzu, and now she scares, hesitates,...just because she fell in love with Yuzu >< ( OMG =.= such a confusing girl !)

.__. At the end of chapter 32, I don't know what made Matsuri, who always keeps the shiftiest face, will show the emotion like that =.=

If Shiraho senpai and eyebrows vice president are talking about relationship of Mei and Yuzu, Matsuri will have a cunning laugh, so following their facial expression, surely there will be a more important thing which related to Mei =.=

Keep in mind Mel was a broken mess of a person for the first chunk and only thru Yuzu was she able to gain back some humanity. Basically she is slowly turning her emotions back on and will hopefully make peace with her inner demons "in her case abandonment". On a very scary note this is also how yanderes are made ie broken person falls in love and just stays insane while being in love but I don't think she was anywhere near absent minded enough for bloody axe murder.

Image Comments 16 Sep 12:20
joined Mar 29, 2017

I enjoy it just because it's different but then again I'm more open to things in general but everyone has an opinion.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Guys really think that S*** like that actually is what women want, don't they? The fostering of such abhorrent, ignorant, sexist ideologies like that, is exactly why rape-culture is still thriving today! It's sickening! And then saying, "be a man!!"!? That just furthers the misconception that men are 'supposed' to behave as violent pigs, rather than as a human with any inkling of intellect or something even remotely resembling the sense of fundamental morality that makes people responsible for their own actions! Just more victim blaming inducing douche-baggery!

Ok chill man I live in New Jersey and here like 20% of the people are worse then anything in this comic strip. The sexually deranged monstrosities are easily dealt with compared to the guys who try to enter my home because Jesus said I need to hear his bullshit (the reason why I have a bat at my front door). If you want to tell this kinda propaganda out take a trip to New York get a soap box and a mega phone and yell it out while people break all your bones for blocking the subway.

Image Comments 12 Sep 11:57
joined Mar 29, 2017

The pirateception.

1 x ½ discussion 12 Sep 11:51
joined Mar 29, 2017

I shouldn't be liking this as much as I am...dammit. It's so adorable though! TTwTT

Yes embrace the darkness inside of you and become one with your own desires(it took quite a bit of restraint to not make a lich king joke here).

joined Mar 29, 2017

Japan 2024
- already created time travel machine
- hs girl can grow 20cm
- still use LINE
- still does not allow same-sex marriage

Yeah, I vote for the "fake" time travel too

I think the part of Japan still does not accepting same sex marriage to be the only possible part.

Line works and with good enough updated could be used for another 10 years let alone 7.
And ya Japan hates gays kinda weird considering they are currently over populated seems like a no brainer :p (only half serious basically telling the same sex couples to go to a different country also gets 2 or more people out but who knows if they even thought of that)
Also this comment is an excuse to make the comment total even as usual :p I just can't help myslef.

last edited at Sep 12, 2017 12:15AM

Image Comments 12 Sep 00:01
joined Mar 29, 2017

Nothing to see here just a princess forcing herself on some commoner.

Image Comments 11 Sep 23:59
joined Mar 29, 2017

Looks like the dude took to long to decide and instead has to go with the little boy.

Image Comments 11 Sep 23:57
joined Mar 29, 2017

Update on translation I passed this image by a friend who knows more then me about hyroglyphics he told me "I don't know now get this porn out of my face" seems I have hit a brick wall.

Image Comments 11 Sep 21:33
joined Mar 29, 2017

The real issue here is we will never know what the back wall says.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I am not all that great on navigating web wings, but am I correct to conclude that there was no new chapter on the 28th to go with the announcement?

It's been released in Wings magazine, but alas, there's no web version as of yet. I dunno if it's because the release schedules for Wings and Web Wings have de-synced or if chapter 1 was just the exception.

With how weird companies are these days I wouldn't be surprised if the reason was the new cause we don't like money (Konami and Nintendo heading this new and retarded take for business).

joined Mar 29, 2017

Doesn't this qualify as a series at this point?

I feel like it should have qualified as a series quite a while ago.

I call upon an admin to fix this non-non-issue.

joined Mar 29, 2017

"Not like its my problem"

Can't lie thats like 90% of the reason I give shitty advice to people.

That's both extremely true and extremely shitty of you. Yet I can't fault you in any way so keep up the good/bad work.

Image Comments 08 Sep 12:17
joined Mar 29, 2017

Jesus these two made me tear up once already I don't need to cry moreT_T

joined Mar 29, 2017

Y'know, now that I think about it, this manga is kind of a logical deconstruction of stuff like Citrus or Fragtime or Notes from the Garden of Lilies. What kind of girl would stick around a bitchy love interest even after finding out that she's bitchy? Well, logically, a masochist.

Wait I went out with and still hang around a girl who's first reaction to most things is to punch me and I've come to expect it as part of my life does that make me an m. I need to know so I can quickly find an over weight middle aged man to abuse me.

xxx discussion 04 Sep 05:20
joined Mar 29, 2017

The artist said on Twitter that he'd like to do SFW Hannah x Barbara for the winter.

Now I know what to ask for Christmas

Is it an alpha Black Lotus magic card? :O

Image Comments 04 Sep 05:08
joined Mar 29, 2017

If she's 19 she could have had almost 2 years to make a baby with science and it be fully legal.

Image Comments 04 Sep 05:05
joined Mar 29, 2017

I assume the guys were hit by some large vehical I like to imagine a boat thrown a few miles from a tornados on the water came and removed them from our world. (I need to stop watching old catroons)