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joined Dec 12, 2016

I thought we were talking about interpretations to discuss whether the yuri tag is warranted or not. If we're talking about politics then I'm gonna pass, that topic never ends well in online discussions.

Oh no, the yuri tag already won out since anyone who has read the raws knows for a fact that Yuu is as gay as they come. The "politics" in question are about Rin having the hots for Yuu, he wouldn't have bitten her if he didn't, and the implications of the sexual pleasure when bitten. Some want to take his character involvement more seriously while others are saying that he is just a catalyst for the plot who becomes a gag character after his job was done.

last edited at Feb 16, 2017 5:55PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Bad news for those who like this manga. Chapter 23 will be the last one.

Canceled or does it have an actual ending?

joined Dec 12, 2016

If I may throw in some formal logic to the discussion, the statement "the author's own interpretation is not the only correct one" (the core of the death of the author concept) is not logically equivalent to "all interpretations of a fictional work are equally valid".

Actually, it means exactly that. If the author doesn't have the authority to state an interpretation is wrong then who does? If the author themselves doesn't have the authority then no one does and therefore all interpretations are valid.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Yeah, no, still ain't that convincing.


The notion that the author's intent isn't privileged is one of the cornerstones of modern literary critical theory. This ain't just me, some guy on the Internet, making shit up.

I know you are not making it up, but that doesn't make it correct. "Death of the Author" is just a way for critics to pat themselves on the back and act like they know what they are talking about when they are told that they are wrong. It's stripping context away in order to achieve the meaning you want. It's fine to have different interpretations, but when the author says that it's wrong then it's wrong. Analysis and interpretation of a piece of work is not automatically valid, they are not immune to facts.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Yeah, no, still ain't that convincing. A wrong interpretation is just that, wrong. Over analyzing and trying to force a message that isn't there is not magically valid. You can have an opinion, but to say that your opinion is what the piece is trying to convey despite opposition from the author then you are no more less wrong. Creators have the power of "Word of God" and can say that your interpretation is wrong.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Some of the best yuri series have male characters in it, people really need to get over already. It's tagged yuri for a reason despite the uploaded chapters not showing anything concrete to base it on.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I don't. What happened?

It started with the yuri tag, because the scanlation team read ahead and saw it was yuri, but the first few chapters were a bit tame, so people were dogging to get the tag changed to subtext.

Now it's subtext but the chapters are starting to pick up and the same people complaining before are now wanting the tag changed back to yuri but we're now just mocking them: "they're just gal pals doing friend stuff as friends."

I've read Vol. 1-3 of Futaribeya and the yuri level is so low there that you can basically say it's your average CGDCT subtext manga with some fanservice here and there.

Except for the kissing and the declaration of being a couple and Yukiko tagging it as yuri on their Pixiv.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Ok, this is interesting, but there was a line that confused me. On page 20, he says that if you look at all of vampire history you won't find many cases of blood sucking, but basically everything else makes it seem super common, both between him sucking her blood and expecting her to suck other people's blood.

Probably just the case of Vampires being so rare and most being able to either subside their thirst with milk and salt water. Most vampires probably don't go hunting due to personal morals nor have a willing blood bank.

Anime season 10 Feb 08:08
joined Dec 12, 2016

Still no officially confirmed on relationship

Nothing on screen but at least the creator gave the confirmation on NanoFate.

Another one to add to the list is Symphogay, more commonly known as Symphogear. Three seasons of gay girls that do everything but kiss on screen, and that includes actual love confessions.

And of course there is always Valkyrie Drive where the girls literally do everything but confess.

last edited at Feb 10, 2017 8:09AM

Asian yuri movies? 10 Feb 05:11
joined Dec 12, 2016

Transit Girls

It's like an abridged version of Citrus, it's not a movie but it will only take about 2.5 hours to watch the whole thing.

I watched this today!

It's... Odd. There were parts I really liked, I liked the main girl a lot and how the show made it pretty obvious from the beginning she was in the closet.

But goddamn the kisses were soooo stiff and the taller actress just looked uncomfortable with it, it had all the sensuality of someone getting forced to kiss their weird-smelling grandma goodbye.

Also some of the use of music was downright criminally bad.

Now I'm feeling like I'm just ragging on it, but I really did like it overall!

Oh, no, I agree. The acting was pretty bad, the jealous girl was probably the best actress out of the whole thing. For me, the bath scene made up for the stiff kisses. And the music was mood breaking at some points. But I will take what I can get, it's pretty good as a whole, not everything has to be as good as The Handmaiden.

joined Dec 12, 2016

From what I have read on danbooru and a few of the raws this is gonna be a good one. Can't wait for more.

Anime season 09 Feb 03:32
joined Dec 12, 2016

Too bad I'll be in Japan and can't see it until after many weeks have passed! Nooooo!!


Asian yuri movies? 08 Feb 06:11
joined Dec 12, 2016

Transit Girls

It's like an abridged version of Citrus, it's not a movie but it will only take about 2.5 hours to watch the whole thing.

joined Dec 12, 2016

yeah i definitely realize that there is a big problem with the anime community in general with supporting unhealthy romance like abuse, incest, and pedophilia, it's just that i usually just stay in my yuri corner and it's frustrating to see stories like that taint the LGBT community's public image. i definitely don't think that stories featuring gay people should all be bland happy picturesque fairytales so that the straights dont think we're sinners or whatever, but romanticizing abuse and incest and pedophilia is deplorable no matter what. ESPECIALLY since the LGBT community is so associated with pedophilia and """""converting""""" children.

Once again, they are not blood related. Two unrelated people not being able to be together just because their parents got together first is just insane to me. I can understand being displeased with how much actual incest or pedophilia is portrayed in yuri works but these two people aren't even related. Their familial bond is dictated only by a few legal documents. Equating pseudo-incest to actual incest and pedophilia is just off base.

Syrupy Love discussion 04 Feb 00:25
joined Dec 12, 2016

I don't get everyone's confusion.

Tsubasa meets Misaki and they start doing the nasty regularly. Rumors start at school about Tsubasa being a prostitute. When she comes to school with a black eye Misaki can do nothing but wonder if the rumors are true so she asks Tsubasa. Tsubasa tells Misaki the rumors are true and leaves, she then goes to Jun's house. This is where a flashback happens.

Tsubasa lives in an abusive household. One day she meets Jun. Jun provides an avenue for Tsubasa to defy her father, they pretend to be prostitutes to rob men and then start having sex with each other. Turns out Jun is a real prostitute and seems to be grooming Tsubasa to pimp her out. Jun gets two customers to have their way with Tsubasa but changes her mind when she sees how much Tsubasa doesn't want it.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Yay, glad that this is getting picked up. Still hoping for a second season.

Anime season 01 Feb 17:20
joined Dec 12, 2016

Kobayashi Her "Maid" is in the OP so it's safe to assume that they will do the house visit, but question remains whether or not they will do THAT scene.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Anyone willing to make avatars of the faces in this manga? They are great and amazing. (That last page this chapter damn)

If you are on windows you can just use the snipping tool to grab any avatar you want.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Thank you, this is exactly what I needed for that whole fiance plot point. Glad to hear that they are going to fight it together, even though I think all she needs to do is say "no".

Favorite Manga 27 Jan 03:32
joined Dec 12, 2016

Tie between Poor Poor Lips and Majyo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane, will reread one of those every couple of weeks in a single sitting. You don't really see either of them pop up as a recommendation unless someone is looking for something specific.

joined Dec 12, 2016

wish there were more yuri mangas with this kind of play

I will take every opportunity I get to plug Sunstone. Not a manga but it's just too damn good to miss.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I don't consider girls with dicks any less of a girl. This manga just triggered me a little cause the baby isn't even the couple's, it's obviously the goddesses'/magic's/liquid's.

Whose features are a mix between the two...? Also parthenogenesis is a thing and scientists have been trying to make it possible for humans for decades.

joined Dec 12, 2016

For the 2nd chapter, were the girls from different schools? Their uniforms are different.

Yeah, Misa was worried that she made a scene in front of the student from Akari's school at the cafe. Top left panel

joined Dec 12, 2016

oh my that got kind of lewd at the end there o/////o I wonder if this manga is ever going to go there?

Oppai kisses have been a thing for a while.

Anime season 24 Jan 15:49
joined Dec 12, 2016

Attack on Titans on April 2017, can't wait

will deviate from manga.......

Really? where didja hear that? :(


According to the trailer it isn't deviating much considering all the major plot points are still there.