Forum › Posts by Freya

joined Jun 4, 2015

when did she start calling nekoyama kitkat? I never noticed

joined Jun 4, 2015

This is so great to finally see, the sample was on danbooru so long ago i thought i'd never get to see the whole thing :D

joined Jun 4, 2015

I like the plot but it seems like it was ended really abruptly. more closure or something, its seems like it was almost laughed off that they'd just try harder

joined Jun 4, 2015

very interesting read, love how the plot is done for revealing what was really happening

Sonomama discussion 08 Aug 02:55
joined Jun 4, 2015

New Morino Hon? Blessed be the day, the day could not get any better. Would be beyond awesome if its connectedto another in the future.

joined Jun 4, 2015

There can always be more bullying when tatsuya is involved lol but a great read nonetheless XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

interesting read, never read anything where koishi used her powers like this before

New Game discussion 07 Jul 01:52
joined Jun 4, 2015

Great start to the anime :D
Since we're so far, each new episode i'll unfortn compare any and all subtle differences. read it a good dozen times or so, have it pretty much down pat XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

Go back to touhou shino XD
We need another self insert or at least more kantai, goin as admiral would still be amazing :D

New Game discussion 09 Apr 08:52
joined Jun 4, 2015

I would absolutely buy a game with that aesthetic.

Try any of the Disgaea series or Nippon ichi in genreal.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Def know that feeling, when I had two jobs and somehow had a day off at both fell asleep friday night and wake up sunday morning XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

Read on Hijiri's story, The temple and her sealing and it'll make more sense. If you're new to Touhou, there's tons to look up and learn about. Start with Gensokyo, what it is; and branch out from there. Can spend years reading all the cool stuff that's out there. Canon and otherwise.

joined Jun 4, 2015

For those wondering, Sagume's ability is essentially to jinx things. Apparently it only works when she doesn't want it to.

I don't think it can be described as a jinx, the reverse of what she says will happen. Therefore she's very careful in what she says and is usually quiet because of this.


Reversing a situation with her words

She can use her ability as well, just has to be very careful with it. She'll prob be paired with seija a good bit, surprised there isn't more as of yet.

joined Jun 4, 2015

These always make me sad, usually nice endings; but oh the feels in between T.T

joined Jun 4, 2015

You could also whitelist one tag, then specify in the blacklist things to narrow it down more. Yuri for the whitelist then start narrowing things down to confine the search. throw het, drama, angst or whatever and it'll start to narrow the results

joined Jun 4, 2015

From what i gather, it would have to be implemented. Its a blacklist that double negatives itself to in short, being a search within a set of tags. ie Not( Not yuri; yuri crush) anything that doesn't have at least those two will be omitted bringing results for yuri and yuri crush. Rather than a whitelist where both need to be present to work.

From what my understanding, i could be wrong. took a bit to try an understand its meaning.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Imizu's reisen is just like that for her ears, it did take a while to get used to. I thought I had read this here as well already, but it may have been danbooru. awesome as always, and damn eirin does look good in a miniskirt XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

I"m still lovin it, a bit repetitive indeed with how she freaks when otaku are mentioned but the story is still progressing if not albeit a bit slowly. Goin to the wind priestess shrine instead of Reimu's will make her sad though lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

cowards a bit harsh but a bit more than i would say is indirect or subtle. love how dense eli is though, esp how the tea idea was hers you'd think it'd be more obvious lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

I wonder from what time of 6 to noon has eli been awake wondering when she can move lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

Very cute, awesome story. haven't seen any other time travel with kantai before

joined Jun 4, 2015

love happy endings, admittedly confusing in some parts but liked the story, not very familiar with this class yet, which attributed to some of the confusion.

Steps discussion 12 Mar 03:31
joined Jun 4, 2015

Not what i thought it was, but still loved it, both friends that dig their teachers XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

Always love the Touhou references. I've always considered Reimu the main protagonist. The whole Hakurei bloodline an all that, plus she's beast in almost every single popularity contest.

Alice isn't part of the sdm crew nor in eosd but there's so much where you see her practically living there its easy to put her in with them. If you were gonna do it right, I guess you'd have to go back to pc-98 with Shinki an gang.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Well, 3/9 can be said as miku (mi kyu) in japanese, so I guess that's why some would say that.

I've always heard and read it as san kyu, a word play for thank you of course. They had a 3/9 tour with the same idea i believe. hatsune miku's thank you tour.