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joined Jul 1, 2014

Stoats are predatory and direct. Got it.

Beloved L discussion 29 Dec 04:00
joined Jul 1, 2014

That would be really rich if he was her husband, seeing how she confided in him about being in love (with her?). But I think he got beaten up for being gay.

That would make more sense. So everyone's gay in this webtoon besides the married chick who's bi or straight?

You know... at one point almost all the friends I hung out with most often were gay. Like tends to prefer like. Straight people hang out with straight people and so on and so forth. I never find it weird that lots of characters are gay in one story. I only find it weird when someone comments on it, like, they've never had a gay friend before and clearly all gay people are loners among heterosexuals.

Image Comments 29 Dec 03:04
joined Jul 1, 2014

So... I was rereading this... and their "age gap" is only 4 years. It's just that physically Yuri cannot age past 12.

Image Comments 29 Dec 02:44
joined Jul 1, 2014

MakoxAmi for life.

Image Comments 29 Dec 02:43
joined Jul 1, 2014

Here comes the bride, all dressed in angel wings...

Image Comments 29 Dec 02:41
joined Jul 1, 2014

I assume this is tracer and D.Va. They don't always have to be a couple. They could just be besties!

joined Jul 1, 2014

I'm still not convinced Asahi is a boy.... five years later and he's still a tiny stick thin figure? I could be wrong. It's just that all those clothes and being hidden and what not...

I'm probably just projecting thinking I want him to be a girl.

joined Jul 1, 2014

Edit: I also realised that the Takoyaki guy has light hair, so if it's someone we know, it's more likely to be Kotooka or god forbid, Asakura.

Oh god.

inb4 Kotooka x Tsukasa and Asakura x Washio end.

Nah. Asakura will totally be rubbing peens with Subaru. He gaaaaaay.

joined Jul 1, 2014

I just can't love Washio. She is the kind of person I dislike.

Yes, I mean: "I want to keep caring for her." What a monster would say something like that? Absolutely terrible.

I hope we get her perspective on more recent events, 'cause all of the old stuff doesn't seem all that relevant any more, especially after the end of the previous chapter.

I actually get why Washio is disliked: it's almost like she's just too perfect. At that age, we want our kids to be imperfect with flaws where they actually learn from things. Washio really has nothing to learn from. She's not taking any chances. She's just laying back and observing. At least Tsukasa tried going out with a guy. And Kotooka thinks she can change herself if she finds the right guy.

They're bumbling about and making mistakes which reflects the rest of us and that's why we like them.

But... we still don't know a whole hell of a lot about Washio. She may come to surprise people, yet.

Image Comments 23 Dec 16:19
joined Jul 1, 2014

Blast from the past! Love it.

joined Jul 1, 2014

Words cannot express.

They should have sent... a poet.

joined Jul 1, 2014

Aw shit! Yuzumori callin' it like she sees it! About time, though. Let's see how this plays out.

grabs popcorn and munches

joined Jul 1, 2014

Please no het ending for Tsukasa. :( I really hope this is labeled yuri for a Tsukasa reason. But I keep feeling like one if not two of the three girls will end up with husbands in the future and that would make me a sadCam.

joined Jul 1, 2014

I'm just rooting for Asakura, the pure-hearted little cinnamon roll. Also Subaru who is infinitely more interesting than his sister.

Well, to be fair, they're both fairly interesting and also fairly mundane. Both have their good and bad points. Personally I like that Tsukasa is pretty okay with having a crush on a girl instead of fretting over it being a girl. That to me is fairly interesting in and of itself. She's also high spirited and rather unselfish which makes her quite fun. Plus she seems mad good at soccer.

Subaru might have the cross dressing thing, but he's otherwise very withdrawn and focused on his sister. His interactions with Asakura are good for him, but he appeared quite one dimensional for a long time. It's good to see him coming out of his shell more. He has to deal more with his personality whereas Tsukasa has to deal more with others and her feelings for them (or lack thereof).

it's late and I might have rambled off subject, but the point is, I think we identify things in characters that we like or don't like based off our own personalities. There are a wide variety of characters here with many different personalities, so it's okay to think one more interesting than the other. I just personally think they're all rich and vibrant with their quirks. Even kotooka's mom is a funny one.

joined Jul 1, 2014

I think Kotooka was about to go full yandere in at least 2 instances. Good thing now she's only gonna ruin everything...

I wouldn't mind her going yandere, then at least Tsukasa would know how she felt. Although I have a feeling Washio is soon going to figure out (if she already hasn't, and I suspect she might have) that Kotooka has feelings for Tsukasa. Hoo boy. That would be just more piled on to the problems Tsukasa might soon find herself having on top of Subaru and other boy.

Image Comments 15 Dec 04:03
joined Jul 1, 2014

Not a fan of couples looking at me while I look at them, but still a nice pic.

Beloved L discussion 14 Dec 00:59
joined Jul 1, 2014

Personal opinion on this piece so far:

Highschooler thing might be an instrument for the author to help the main character reflect on her past. She wouldn't do it if she didn't have a youthful reminder around. Now, whether or not they end up together (I'm fine in either case), that's honestly up to how Weiwei gets over her own problems.

But right now, I see Weiwei deciding not to dwell on the past and just enjoy herself. It happens to be with someone about twenty years her junior, but she's not going to fret anymore. She feels/felt good with the girl and that works for her for the moment. There doesn't have to be a deeper meaning beyond that, though I suspect the high schooler hopes for such.

Image Comments 14 Dec 00:26
joined Jul 1, 2014

I, for one, enjoy Tracer in a more masculine fashion. She looks positively dashing.

Lily Love discussion 11 Dec 07:19
joined Jul 1, 2014

I don't mind that y'all consider it generic. The fact of the matter is I remember a time when finding ANYTHING remotely lesbian love main storyline was beyond difficult if not impossible. If it means that we have to churn out something "generic" to help contribute to more being published, then I'm all for it!

joined Jul 1, 2014

My prediction is that face is Yuzumori misunderstanding what she's saying and thinking that they can no longer be friends at all, rather than something more than friends. Cliffhanger feels almost too cliche here.

Alien Girl discussion 08 Dec 00:15
joined Jul 1, 2014

THIS IS ADORABLE. I almost never favorite things and I favorited this!

joined Jul 1, 2014

Man this series takes me back... Hasn't it been going on for around 5 years?

I can't wait until 2020 when this series will finally finish

More like 2030

Image Comments 02 Dec 16:54
joined Jul 1, 2014

And that novel? Pulse!

joined Jul 1, 2014

Koyomi isn't psychic (to the person above). She's a writer, so she probably naturally just observes people around her. I'm not a writer, but I tend to do the same thing. Bad an interacting with others, but good at guessing things about them or predicting their reactions.

Beyond this... I REALLY REALLY think this confirms that Nanami has real feelings for Yuu. Yes, she might be a little selfish with her, but she's obviously very afraid of losing Yuu.

Image Comments 28 Nov 06:00
joined Jul 1, 2014

My sailormoon pairings went like this:
and everyone else.