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Image Comments 07 Jan 18:40
joined Oct 22, 2018

hotline bling meme

Isn't the meme format called "drake approves"? Wait, let me Google it.

It turns out that the meme is just called "drake meme"...

last edited at Jan 7, 2019 6:41PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

"She just wants to be with someone" "ready to accept Sayaka's confession". Nah, that's stretching too much. If someone can actually read between the lines or at least look at the context and Touko's act of holding the keychain close to her while looking hurt, it should be obvious what she is referring to. I don't see any ambiguity in saying "I am lonely", maybe, like you said, it can be taken ambiguously in another context, not in this one. I don't think "I miss her" is the best TL either, but again, opinions.

Just adding my voice to say that "I miss her" is a pretty accurate translation in that it's what Touko intends to communicate, and translating it as "I'm lonely" erases that communicative intent. That an English reader could intuit a similar meaning is irrelevant - even if they come to the same conclusions, it's still not what Touko actually said.

English is actually my second language (my native one being Serbocroatobosniomontenegrin), but I agree.

Image Comments 07 Jan 16:23
joined Oct 22, 2018

Seeing this picture and reading the comments I've reached to the conclusion that it's time to delete this website,

That's just your opinion.

is over people... yuri is pepsi

And what is wrong with Pepsi? I mean, sure, nothing in the fizzy non-alcoholic drinks industry can't compare with Coca-Cola and especially Coca-Cola Zero, but Pepsi ain't bad.

last edited at Jan 7, 2019 4:23PM

Image Comments 07 Jan 16:18
joined Oct 22, 2018

Thank you for those additional memes!

joined Oct 22, 2018

Yuu x Touko is the endgame of the series so am not too worried. But I also want Sayaka to be happy as well & stay best friend's with Touko even after her confession.
Am hoping Nakatani sensei is planing on having Sayaka fall in love with another girl that love's her back. And am also hoping she's planning on having that free-spirited girl from the light novel about Sayaka's past show up in the mainseries, cause that girl actually had feelings for Sayaka, unlike that senpai that used Sayaka as an outlet.

I think that Nakatani sensei has a plan to have Sayaka have her own happiness in the series too just as much as she does for Yuu & Touko.

The part about Sayaka pairing up with that free-spirited girl is just wishful thinking... but it's a wishful thought that I also have.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Look, like I wrote yesterday, you're beating me over the head with "story structure" to what I see as a character driven slice of life.

On top of that you're expecting Citrus and I'm expecting Macross.

This is the kind of statement that makes your arguments incomprehensible to me—in terms of plot and story structure, YagaKimi is is the anti-Citrus.

Citrus set up a series of very specific problems and thematic questions:

  • How can two stepsisters be together as lovers? How can Yuzu and Mei specifically come to understand each other?
  • How can Mei deal with what she feels to be her responsibility to her traditionalist family?
  • How can Mei and Yuzu avoid a scandal that will destroy the reputation of the family school?

(There are many other questions, to be sure, and other ways of rephrasing these. But these are there.)

Then the story just wanders around, introducing new characters (like Shirapon) and spending chapter after chapter on things like the fireworks festival, the trip to the mountains, etc. before reviving the arranged marriage issue more or less out of nowhere.

So how are these seemingly intractable personal and cultural problems ultimately resolved?—by handwaving them away in a series of silent panels right before a big, crowd-pleasing wedding scene. All the shippers were ecstatic; anyone who was interested in how the story was going to resolve the basic conflicts of the entire series got less than nothing.

So no, my attention to the remarkably methodical and fully developed story structure of YagaKimi absolutely does not lead me to expect something like Citrus.

Everyone, can we get a round of applause for @Blastaar here?
and, no, this question wasn't one made with sarcasm; I was serious
himself starts applauding

last edited at Jan 7, 2019 3:23PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

It seems what Touko was saying there was not "I miss her" but "I feel lonely" if you see the more literal meaning (寂しい). Not sure why 4s translated it like that, although it's true that 寂しい gives the feeling that something is lacking, but I prefer "lonely" since it also fits with the title of chapter 35. "I miss her" takes the nuance and the implication away imo, since it's a bit stronger. Of course they miss each other, but I prefer implied things to remain implied.

One of the difficult things about translating from another language is that quite often a literal translation -isn't- a literal translation. Words have usages in language that don't carry over if you just look them up in a dictionary.

For example, if I say "Man, that girl is hot!" any english speaker immediately understands that I mean she is attractive. But if you just look those words up in a dictionary and translate it to
男は、あの女の子は暑いです, (Literally, "male, that young female is hot (as in physically warm)") that meaning is not only gone, but the new sentence is gibberish. It has none of the meaning that the original sentence had, and wouldn't make any sense as a direct comparison.

So you wouldn't translate it that way. You'd translate it to something like うわ~!彼女はイケテル。 or 彼女はセクシーね。

寂 as a kanji by itself carries a meaning of "lonely." 寂しい means something like "I'm lonely" "This is lonely", or "I miss (something)" A japanese person, with the given context, would immediately understand that Touko is lamenting that Yuu isn't there. She's clutching the keychain from the date, she's specifically thinking about Yuu's absence. "I miss her" is closer to the natural japanese reading of the expression than "I'm lonely".

The more you know - the less you knew. Or, as my father says:
One learns while one lives.

EDIT: By the way, I used this post of yours for a #DDM comment. Thank you!

last edited at Jan 7, 2019 9:35AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Psycho from this thread

he is infiltrated in every community he hates (LGBTQ plus)
and we noticed him and his group of trolls here influencing badly on community, and "educating" misleading people.
He is a guy pretending to be a girl in lesbian communities usually, and we studied his tactics by years. In link above he approached as QueenOftheRats, Knight of Cydonia, and probably the second person appearing in thread. We gave some useful info and tips against this psycho and his trolls. It can be useful for everyone who is and was a target of trolling.

We were not his only target!

If someone here tries to attack us for posting this, everyone should know it's him and his trolls!

... Aaaaaaaaaaand... I was right... the artillery barage may not have started, but telegrams are flying between Belgrade, Vienna, Budapest, St Petersburg, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Luxembourg, London, Cetinje, Tokyo and Istanbul.

I'm lucky that I'm (in the context of the metaphor I used) stuck in Bern.

EDIT: I wonder when will telegrams start reaching Rome, Sophia, Lisbon, Bangkok, Nanking, Washington, Rio, Ha'il, Riyadh, Bucharest and Athens.

Also, if I'm stuck in Bern, who'll be stuck in Tirana, Madrid, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Kabul, Addis Ababa etc.?

EDIT 2: Oh shit, I think I did go too far...

last edited at Jan 7, 2019 9:58AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

If you'd like to make a counterargument about how @Blastaar said you aren't a mind reader, try guessing what I'm thinking about.

joined Oct 22, 2018

NxY posted:

YagaKimi was in 16th place for blu ray sales last week with 2,849 sales

This is so sad... So if you want to success in sells you have to make it about idols, but what's the problem with idols? they can't fall in love(for real) so no yuri.
But really, I was expecting around 4000 to 6000

YagaKimi just out december 21, and got that sale. It’s pretty good in my opinion compare to other. And with the update sales, it already reached 3k at the moment. Let’s be optimistic it’ll reach 4k at least.

20th for the latest week, total 3723.

Only 20th? Urrrgh... If I wasn't broke, I'd buy as many copies as I could, just to ensure it gets in the top 10... but this isn't a "what if / alternate reality" scenario.
grips hand in frustration

last edited at Jan 7, 2019 4:30AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Shit... I mixed up... I should just stick to history and mapping, and stay aways from philosophy then... F...

joined Oct 22, 2018

The characters feel like they are studies on certain emotions etc, rather than real people, rendering the end result "intellectual" in nature rather than making me feel what the characters feel. Then only because it does have a very well structured narrative, which IS awesome, people here act like it's art or something, meaning they indeed fell for the "pretentious" effect. Even though the end result is more a story that is constantly a 6 or 7. No bumps on the road also means the story brings no excitement, it becomes just a "nice read".

It's certainly true, as I have said many times before, that this series is based on a highly artificial premise centered around two highly implausible character constructions (that is, Touko and Yuu's traits are themselves individually plausible enough, but the likelihood of two people with this particular combination of traits meeting and interacting the specific way they do is extremely small). But as in any fiction, either you grant the basic premise or you don't.

But while "they feel (or don't feel) like real people to me" is a perfectly legitimate reader's reaction, as a critical criterion it's inarguable, and therefore a complete dead end. And in its own way it's "pretentious," since it elevates one reader's subjective impression into the ultimate standard for judging a work. If someone else were to say, "They do feel like real people to me," what possible counter-argument can there be? "You don't feel what you say you feel"?

And I must say that I have little patience for "It's just a story," "You're overthinking it," "Can't you just like it for what it is?", etc. arguments. The "thinking vs. feeling" binary is itself a highly artificial construct, and thinking about stories and how they work, and then trying to put those thoughts into words, can in fact be a very high form of pleasure. If it weren't, I wouldn't be here.

PS: matsuri_wins, this series is a work of art, as is the crappiest piece of shit on this site. A lot of it's just not very good or interesting art.

Sorry for going all philosophical now, but this whole ""thinking vs feeling" binary is itself an artificial construct" kind of reminded me of some ancient Greek philosopher having said "I think, therefore, I am.".

joined Oct 22, 2018

Ya know, just because you can't relate or empathize doesn't mean it's actually pretentious or artificial, right?

Exactly. While I can't quite relate with most things, there are some mental issues of some characters I could relate to some I have. And sometimes, when I get overly emotionally invested in what I read or watch I can get the feelings of the characters (mostly when the emotions in question are the likes of pain, sadness and such).

joined Oct 22, 2018

Super. We really were interested how it looks like (in which words are those letters used).

You're welcome.
Finally, my nerdiness is actually being helpful.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Hey you, BV, can you tell us about those new added letters in Montenegrin alphabet?

Is that change applied in reality (in books, prints,newspaper), or it's about something else?
We did not visit Montenegro since 2013, in Herceg Novi. If you would like to tell more, we are friendly asking.


a ja, sto cu, a i sa kime cu, sirak tuzan, bez igdje ikoga, jedna slamka medju vihorove (that's what we still remember)

The two new letters are ś and ź

yes, we know it, are they applied into using?

Well, yes, but it really depends on the person. For axe, for example, you can say "sekira" or "sjekira" or "śekira" (I use the last one).

joined Oct 22, 2018

Hey you, BV, can you tell us about those new added letters in Montenegrin alphabet?

Is that change applied in reality (in books, prints,newspaper), or it's about something else?
We did not visit Montenegro since 2013, in Herceg Novi. If you would like to tell more, we are friendly asking.


a ja, sto cu, a i sa kime cu, sirak tuzan, bez igdje ikoga, jedna slamka medju vihorove (that's what we still remember)

The two new letters are ś and ź

Image Comments 06 Jan 08:16
joined Oct 22, 2018

But as for Sayaka:
This is so sad. Alexa, play Digital Fortress.

Image Comments 06 Jan 08:15
joined Oct 22, 2018

Oh, so I'm not the only one making YagaKimi memes? The following sentence is to ChenZ:
Ah, I see you're a man of culture, as well.

joined Oct 22, 2018

... I think I spotted artillery being reading for an exchange of fire on this thread...

joined Oct 22, 2018

How about: Yuu is adorable. Sayaka likes girls. Sayaka corners Yuu in the equipment shed. Hijinks ensue.

See, this is why I'm a terrible writer. Your version makes so much more sense.
Getting quite some use out of that equipment shed, aren't ya?

Heh... the equipment shed seems to run deep in the thoughts of everyone in the fanbase. For a place that (to my memory) was only shown twice, it sure is mentioned more often than expected among the readers and viewers.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Missed ya, Heavensrun. Missed you a whole fucking lot . . .

Not sure if sarcasms. <_<

Not in the least—I’ve been trying put out multiple interpretive brushfires with a spray bottle, and you brought the firehose.

Except for misspelling “Akari” (who I can only remember as “nice goofy het girl”), I don’t disagree with a word.

I also managed to forget Akari's name, and just call her by her surname - Hyuuga.

Why or, rather, how did I remind myself of that pun-y polandball comic:
Suriname: has to write something on a document or something
Document: includes a section where surname should be written
Suriname: is confused
Suriname: thinking it was a spelling error, puts an "i" in between the "sur" and the "name" in "surname", thus spelling "Suriname", and then writes "yes" bellow it on the designated line

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:47PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Missed ya, Heavensrun. Missed you a whole fucking lot . . .

Not sure if sarcasms. <_<

I think not.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Actually, -several- crackships cropped up out of nowhere here in the past couple days.

Not to mention somewhat of a war of words between @HayaH and @BugDevil, although, from what I saw, @HayaH was the one doing the war for the most part, while @BugDevil didn't really give a shit about it for the most part.
Correct me if I was wrong in that part I redacted.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Reached that part of your post, and literally had to pause reading it, just comment how hilarious I found that pun.

I'm pleased it amused you, but I can't take credit. It's a kind of common phrase. You will enounter it again in the future. ;p

Guess the edit I added to that post is yet to be read...

joined Oct 22, 2018

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Reached that part of your post, and literally had to pause reading it, just comment how hilarious I found that pun.

Read the entire post now. The way you explained everything was just... WOW. Wish my mind wouldn't immediately just wonder off into unrelated stuff (like history), so I could actually make a post like that.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:09PM