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joined Jul 26, 2016's pretty much physically impossible for Tejima and Miyata to get any other impression than these two being a gay couple isn't it.

Liberty discussion 10 Apr 23:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

...I'm increasingly convinced Honjo's boss lowkey ships them.
He's also a major troll so I guess it evens out?

And Liz seems to have some pretty unusual hang-ups. :/

1 x ½ discussion 10 Apr 09:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

In fiction the audience is typically privy to the whole process of the affection emerging, such as here, and can duly draw informed conclusions of the people involved and their motivations. IRL we do not have that luxury and would normally know next to nothing about the people involved and must default to (generally negative) assumptions - plus let's be honest here, people are generally rather more lenient and flexible about people they know than of complete strangers.

There's also the uncomfortable detail that IRL such parent-child relations in particular are often anything but wholesome and healthy and instead rather tend to fall into the category of abusive...

Also recall that most people can readily compartementalize fiction and reality. It's the same deal as with charismatic but deeply flawed characters who make for a fascinating story but whose likes you'd most likely avoid like the Plague IRL because they're plain bad news. Well-written "villain protagonists" like the eponymous narcissistic sociopath in the classic opera Don Giovanni are a good example.

1 x ½ discussion 09 Apr 15:53
joined Jul 26, 2016

1) there've been entire civilization based on incest.

Yeah, no. Segments of the ruling class do not equal the entire civilization. The whole point was that they were considered special (usually meaning some degree of divine) and beholden to different sets of rules than the hoi polloi.
Or were just trying to sidestep the usual dynastic headaches by "keeping it in the family" - ask the Spanish Hapsburgs how well that works out long term...

3) Ah ? Did you hear of marbled crayfishs ? Can live in about any sea whatsoever, numerous, giants, yet, all females clones (parthenogenesis). So much for diversity, huh.

Parthenogenesis is overwhelmingly effective for sheer reproduction; rather less so for adaptation which is kind of the major biological selling point of sexual reproduction. (A certain level of diversity is nevertheless sustained by multiple self-replicating "lineages" within the species and the usual random mutations though.) It works fine as long as the circumstances stay stable but the species runs a pretty high risk of being wholesale fucked if there's a major upset in its relevant ecological conditions.
Which would be why species relying solely on parthenogenesis are fairly rare.

Also completely different from the biological driver behind the universal prevalence of behavioral (cultural and psychological for us humans) aversion to consanguinity, which is the accumulation of harmful recessive traits.
The aforementioned Spanish Hapsburgs could tell you a lot about that, too, if they hadn't quite literally inbred themselves unto extinction (which set off a major general European war that ended in a bit of an upset of long-established balances of power, but I digress...).

Also, mountains gorillas.

Hardly the only endangered species with serious inbreeding issues due to severely depleted gene pool and fragmented populations. (Africa alone has only too many examples.) Not quite seeing the relevance...?

'Course, the genetic/biological angle is for obvious reasons irrelevant in the context of a homosexual relationship but eh.

Slow Start discussion 09 Apr 03:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

Pretty sure all the weight Shion gains goes into her shions anyway...
RIP, panel borders.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ooooohhh, dere-mode Fuyumi. What a rare and adorable creature.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I still don't know how schoolgirl can like Mao, guess it's just her fetish.

"The heart does as it wills" as it were. Who people fall for and why is notoriously short on rhyme and reason.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The mental image I have is they'd basically shrug and consider 'lovers' to be "close enough if you need to put a name on it"; I can't really picture the issue really mattering to them one way or another.

It's something they quite literally grew up with after all.

Yuri☆Kome discussion 08 Apr 15:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well. Good luck with that relationship Shoko you poor, hopelessly smitten girl. Probably gonna be a rough ride and not end too well. :[

1 x ½ discussion 08 Apr 15:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

it's been bothering me for a while..
why does asuka has snake eyes..? it's so cute~

Notice what Ayako's weakness is~

Oh, good catch.
Coincidence?! I think not!! Asuka is reptile peepul confiiiirmtヾ(°Д°)ノ

Leaving that aside, this chapter sure dropped a bunch of tantalizing hints about the specific relationship and history between the sisters-in-law...

joined Jul 26, 2016

P sure Kyouko's plenty fallen for Kasumi already, she's just making heroic efforts to put that aside and be a "normal friend" to her since that's what she legitimately needs. (Degree of success varies depending on how much CHARISMA Kasumi unintentionally subjects her to that day...)

Conversely Kasumi mostly seems to be confused and vaguely frustrated by the confessions she keeps getting so in that regard it could be argued Kyouko indeed has the best shot because she actively avoids doing exactly that. It could be said that she's effectively, though quite unintentionally, taking the "slow and steady" approach instead.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, kind of getting the impression Gorilla-sensei and Bullet more or less just intend to let the Three Gangstas beat their heads on the brick shithousewall that is Torako until the essential futility and pointlessness of the exercise finally gets through to their numb skulls. Probably not much else to be done there really, given how they are, though Bullet does try at least.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ow, right in the feels when Yuki just up and drops all her coping mechanisms in front of the others... ;_;

joined Jul 26, 2016

Akiho and Fuyumi? The vibe I got from them is that they transitioned from BFFs to de facto lovers long ago without any fuss or for that matter particularly thinking about it. If someone actually asked them about it they'd probably reflect on the matter for two seconds tops before concluding that why, yes, they indeed are. (Although Fuyumi might just bite you instead.)

They don't come across as themselves particularly feeling a need for any specific labels or definitions, though. "Natural state of affairs" kind of deal.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I am getting tired of the 4 girls being so mean to Torako. Mostly because every single interaction they've had with her has shown her to be a nice girl that is prone to destructive accidents. They should at least have an idea how strong and not to be messed with she is by now.

You mean 3, Bullet basically stays out of it and tends to lowkey try and play peacemaker nowadays...

Also the three others are all dumb as posts and have that whole stubborn #thuglyfe grudge-bearing and saving face thing going so.

joined Jul 26, 2016 this the point where we learn Granite was originally trained as a Muscle Wizard and only went fire mage later cuz high-functioning raging pyromaniac?

Or maybe she will but she revives as an undead like that skeleton soldier from the demon king palace. And they'll pull some bullshit as to why her body doesn't turn into a skeleton and her memories intact

Liches are badass, yo.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chio is such magnificent human trash

joined Jul 26, 2016

This girl is such a public menace seriously

joined Jul 26, 2016

The police are curious about the same...

On another note, "-- so I'll just draw ["Sisters Yuri"] in any weird kind of direction I want."
Can't really argue with that, the evidence is gloriousoverwhelming. :|

joined Jul 26, 2016

Actually, this makes me wonder, is shaving all that off healthy?

Not seeing how removing some dead keratin strands from your skin would be a health issue. This being the groin area you don't even get the side order of added vulnerability to cold weather and sunburn that comes with shaving your head...
ʅ (ツ) ʃ
Random observations: the Asagi Ryuu disclaimer is in full effect because who's going to translate and redraw all those redundant wet noises, seriously, and the author still tends to randomly derp out drawing legs. I've an idle theory they start with the upper body and halfway through find they ran out of frame space to fit in the lower limbs in proper proportions...

Yuru Yuri discussion 01 Apr 08:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

The Linear A is strong in this chapter. (lmao Akari's rocket nozzle buns tho, cannot unsee)

joined Jul 26, 2016


Slow Start discussion 31 Mar 10:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

Kids, this is what happens when you don't use CHA as dump stat.

joined Jul 26, 2016

[jiiiiiii intensifies]

joined Jul 26, 2016

From whiny dork to ~MAXIMUM☆SPARKLE~ in two seconds flat. Pretty cool, Makina.