When did they start dating? I swear I´ve missed something XD
Well, it's hard to exactly pinpoint when. I doubt it's even possible to find a certain point. To me, it was more of a gradual transition or something, blurring the line between "friendship" and "dating", and in more ways than one. Like, take, for example, how Sakurako attempted to define their relationship here:
They definitely haven't been dating from the first moment, yet they definitely are now.
Are their kisses deleted scenes?
Dafuq r u talkin bout? Do I literally need to browse through the manga again, this time searching for kissing scenes?
Also, returning to the first sentence of your comment:
Weren't all those extremely lewd and unprotected hand holding scenes I found in my re-read not convincing enough?
last edited at Apr 8, 2019 5:04PM