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joined Oct 22, 2018

During the long wait, why don't you check out this YagaKimi video?
Same creator who made that other brilliant MMV. This time the anime is interwoven. I am simply speechless at all the colored panels and the brilliant editing.

Thank you, @BugDevil.
No matter how close or far into the future my death is, I want this video you linked to to be the last video I watch before I die.
If for no other reason, then just so I could die happily.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Would've proffered something like AnoKiss, A Room for Two or Girl Friends. But, eh, Fragtime was decent enough, so, eh, sure.

Image Comments 14 Apr 04:58
joined Oct 22, 2018

^^ The thing I said "QUOI?" to was the fact that this image and that science-babies image are from the same artist... But after having made that comment, I did take a closer look at this one, so I could see the resemblance...

joined Oct 22, 2018

Me: sees this hasn't gotten to the no.1 spot on the "most popular of last week" section of the main page
Me: I don't think the system works

It had the first place NTR-d by Kodama Naoko. Makes sense. ~nods~


Image Comments 13 Apr 15:45
joined Oct 22, 2018

^ LMAO! Thanks for reminding me of that one!

Fragtime discussion 13 Apr 15:40
joined Oct 22, 2018

I wonder if this means that one day we might be able to see Octave be made into an anime series
Now that would be truly amazing

Ah, I see you're a man of culture, as well.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Me: sees this hasn't gotten to the no.1 spot on the "most popular of last week" section of the main page
Me: I don't think the system works

joined Oct 22, 2018

anime nerd

I believe the word you're looking for is "otaku".

joined Oct 22, 2018

I don't know what thing I can barely wait more: the new chapter being released on the 27th this month; or the school excursion my school's having this September.

last edited at Apr 12, 2019 5:45PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ It on itself isn't, that is true. But, it's the joke comments we make that seemed so meme-y to me that calling it a meme is safe. Y'know, comments like " Hand holding is so lewd." or "WTF? Pixelize those hands!" and so on...

last edited at Apr 12, 2019 6:43AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

There are some useless lesbians out there.
Heaven knows there are some useless lesbians out there.
But Sakurako ain't one of them.

Oh yes, she's far too energetic, diligent and task oriented for that. She's probably already read and memorized every how-to manual on the subject.

Well, there may already have been hints for that. Remember that extra chapter that focused on Koruri and Moka? When Sakurako saw them holding hands with interlocking fingers, she congratulated them, I presume because this holding hands with interlocking fingers thing showed her that Koruri and Moka started dating. This started turning gears inside my head: Did Sakurako start reading yuri manga? If yes, did she even catch on the hand holding meme we have going on here, on Dynasty Reader?

last edited at Apr 11, 2019 3:43AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

For some reason I can help but think Sakurako would be nothing but completely useless for some actual sexy time...

I'm not sure if I got your meaning right.
You trying to say that, in a session of KasuSaku sex, Sakurako would be useless at pleasing Kasumi??

There are some useless lesbians out there.
Heaven knows there are some useless lesbians out there.
But Sakurako ain't one of them.

Kasumi, while I don't think she's a useless lesbian, is much, much closer to being one than Sakurako is.

Image Comments 10 Apr 15:22
joined Oct 22, 2018

^^ QUOI?

Image Comments 10 Apr 03:36
joined Oct 22, 2018

It started cute, and eventually got a bit hot, but then I saw Vivio, and it became hilarious all of a sudden.
laughs while saying the following: Vivio, please get out of there!

joined Oct 22, 2018


Please translate, because I want to know whether my reaction was similar to yours.

"I See What You Did There"

In that case, the reaction was EXACTLY the same.

joined Oct 22, 2018


Please translate, because I want to know whether my reaction was similar to yours.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I fucking called it guys, and it ACTUALLY turned out to be true! I predicted it would take 24h for this chapter to get to the "most popular of the last week" section of the main page, and, lo and behold, IT'S THERE!

joined Oct 22, 2018

Kodama Naoko... long sigh... She's one of the more controversial mangaka, IMO. I have very mixed opinions on her and her works... This one, I must confess, felt surprisingly cute.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Married, dating, a couple, call it whatever the fuck you want—my position is that these two have been together ever since this moment in Chapter 1:

This thing that @Blaastar posted is one of the reasons why I said "not from the first moment" rather than "not from the first chapter", because I knew there were indications throughout the first chapter, too.

joined Oct 22, 2018

When did they start dating? I swear I´ve missed something XD

Well, it's hard to exactly pinpoint when. I doubt it's even possible to find a certain point. To me, it was more of a gradual transition or something, blurring the line between "friendship" and "dating", and in more ways than one. Like, take, for example, how Sakurako attempted to define their relationship here:

They definitely haven't been dating from the first moment, yet they definitely are now.

Are their kisses deleted scenes?

Dafuq r u talkin bout? Do I literally need to browse through the manga again, this time searching for kissing scenes?

Also, returning to the first sentence of your comment:
Weren't all those extremely lewd and unprotected hand holding scenes I found in my re-read not convincing enough?

last edited at Apr 8, 2019 5:04PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Every few days, we get two-three chapters of this and I'm on cloud nine.

Then I remember that after ch.56 the manna from heaven will run out and I'm like

Not quite as dramatic, but I'm in the same boat.

joined Oct 22, 2018

personally, someone who ships real people comes across as creepy to me. Just my personal take. It's like one of us 3D people start shipping other 3D people.

Well, shit... I knew I wasn't completely sane, but I didn't know I was creepy... For some context on why I'm saying this: I'm shipping two of my female classmates, SL and JV.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Oh, great! I just checked the main page. New reading material, boys and girls!

joined Oct 22, 2018


I'm sorry, but I just can't stop laughing at the image you used to show your reaction.

joined Oct 22, 2018

At least in the most recent chapter we saw a side of Maki that's different. He actually showed some regret towards being aroace, where before he seemd 100% contend. If he wasn't such a minor character I am sure Nakatani would probably explore it some more.

To use a slightly altered version of a Bill Wurtz meme:
You can make a spin-off out of this.

Let's not go crazy here. This is the the exact order of relevance of necessary spin-offs here:
1. Midori x Manaka spin-off
2. Sayaka spin-off
3. Riko x Miyako spin-off
4. Cooking spin-off "Rei's cheesecake patisserie"
5. Doujima romcom (with Doujima constantly failing to get a GF and crying to Maki about it)
6. Maki spin-off

This list is not debatable.

Meh... I think it is debatable. I'd put it in this order:
1. Sayaka spin-off
2. Riko x Miyako spin-off
3. Maki spin-off
4. Midori x Manaka spin-off
5. Doujima romcom (with Doujima constantly failing to get a GF and crying to Maki about it)
6. Cooking spin-off "Rei's cheesecake patisserie"
But, hey, YMMV