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joined Mar 23, 2013

I'm writing this as the Habs are now going to play in a 2nd period of overtime vs The Tampa Lightning in match 1.

Favourite sport, favourite team and players. Let's talk about the physical stuff!

joined Mar 23, 2013

Well, I can kind of identify, since I'm in Ottawa and the Sens, who shouldn't have been even in the playoffs, managed to get to game 6 against the Habs and mostly lost because of a mis-call on the ref's part. Nail-biter series are fun.

Fast whistle also happened in this match against the habs in the first period. The karmatic irony was not lost on me even as a habs fan.

But more low scoring overtime games are bad for my heart.
This reminds me, a sports thread could be cool too.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I should have taken that as a possibility, sorry for being uncharitable. In any case, the story itself (and lots more happening every day at the hands of people whose self-worth seems tied up in how much they can hurt more fragile people) is pretty awful in its own right, certainly enough to justify some "ugh' reaction.

It's fine, like I said only one cue. I would of jumped on me had I not know myself. Normally I double and triple check my posts and spot those. But it was the 3rd period of Habs vs. Lightning and shit was going down. It's now overtime, heart rate through the roof again!

joined Mar 23, 2013

Sheltered, prude and likes reading.
You remind me of this girl who started making book reviews on youtube, like single digits views on her videos and all. She was sheltered as hell, /lit/ ( 4chan literature forum ) found her and began the classic harassment and laughing at her. She then made a Tumblr post on how she was being violated and felt unsafe. Fast forward a little bit and she deleted her yt account. A pure soul was descecrated forever. Wasn't tough enough for the internet lol.

But if I made you laugh it's all good!

Wow, that story was the opposite of making me laugh at least. What a fucking tragedy, someone trying to enjoy themselves basically being set upon by a random mob of shit-throwing monkeys, that's awful. Adding the lol on the end is kind of disgusting, like celebrating the destruction of innocence. It's really gross.

My bad that "lol" at the end isn't really a laugh. Actually it is, I have this tendency both IRL and online to laugh at bad things as a defense mechanism. I once laughed when someone said his brother had died X yeas ago. It's really me unable to think of anything appropriate and trying to ease myself in an awkward situation. It comes out wrong often just like my example.

I apologize if I look like I think of this as a nice thing. I understand why you're upset, when I read it back I see that my paragraph was neutral and descriptive ( like most of my posts ) and the "lol" at the end was the only thing that could considered a cue as to my thoughts on it.

In no way do I think it was funny, in fact quite the contrary.

last edited at May 1, 2015 9:48PM

joined Mar 23, 2013

Rofl! Typical American prude syndrome in full action right there. I mostly read Epic and Dark fantasy. Former for politics and the multitude of ethics that can spawn from that. Latter because, loldecapitation and nekkid. No really, I wish I was kidding. In truth I'm half kidding =P.

LOL. Y'all think Americans are prudes?? I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally one, but most other normal Americans I know are sleeping with every Tom, Jane, what have you . But I've got nothing against decapitation, as long as it's in the books and not by Isis. >-> I love a good murder mystery after all (tho, I'm about 99% sure that you didn't mean it like that).

I meant that Dark Fantasy appeals to my most base of insticts, violence and sex. Slight bonus for what we call "the trainwreck".

But the U.S is prude, for the biggest porn consumer sure is prude when it comes to media and everyday life in general. Probably all that judeo christian value of sin, lust and shame.

Lol @ train, I don't think your issue is really with hugs and all. I think that's just a symptom of you being absolutely useless when it comes to outside things. I'm sure there's a more scientific way to put it but, I'm not well versed in such things.

Absolutely useless

Hah, but in could also mean I'm horribly sheltered. Or both and everything.

Sheltered. Useless at Outside Things. Prude

lol but in all seriousness, that seriously made me lol so kudos to you. ;) But maybe? idk. It'd be nice to have a legit reason for doing inexplicably stupid things. Or not doing them as they were.

Sheltered, prude and likes reading.
You remind me of this girl who started making book reviews on youtube, like single digits views on her videos and all. She was sheltered as hell, /lit/ ( 4chan literature forum ) found her and began the classic harassment and laughing at her. She then made a Tumblr post on how she was being violated and felt unsafe. Fast forward a little bit and she deleted her yt account. A pure soul was descecrated forever. Wasn't tough enough for the internet lol.

But if I made you laugh it's all good!

joined Mar 23, 2013

I had some girls I was really close to and way touchy feely with without any romantic feelings for most of them, at least so it's not limited to only girls, I guess.

You little devil!

joined Mar 23, 2013

Haha, you think too much about it. In France we mostly do equally the double cheek thing (at least around paris, I know in other part of the country some people do more than 2) and handshake. If it was a thing in your country you would be used to it and people who don't like it can always limit themself to the handshake, it not rude or anything.
I don't actually know if there is a way to go, it's an habit and you can see it coming, you can just follow what the other person is doing. Thinking about it, I usually go right cheek-left cheek.

Amusing fact, I just searched on google and it says French people start right and in quebec they start Left.

Left it is.

joined Mar 23, 2013

PC master race.

Though I will get a PS4 when Battlefront and NS4 are out. I also feel obliged to buy Killzone, even if I don't play shooters in general anymore.

But BF3 is going to suck.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Exactly the same actually!! The 2-3 books definitely depends on length and how much time I had that day (which in high school was a lot). I basically averaged between half a min to a min/page, so something like Harry Potter the Half Blood Prince (600 pg) would take 7 hrs. Most books I read were never that long though, (like you said, 300-ish pages!), and god I can't read non-fiction. If I'm reading (non-fiction) for school, my speed slows to like 5-10 min per page Lolol.

Non fiction can be awesome, it's just like fiction. Pick the authors and time period you enjoy. Or people you like when it comes to biography.

I remember I read one in middle school and was so traumatized that I pretended I lost it. I walked past that book in the lost/found bins every school day for half a year haha.

Rofl! Typical American prude syndrome in full action right there. I mostly read Epic and Dark fantasy. Former for politics and the multitude of ethics that can spawn from that. Latter because, loldecapitation and nekkid. No really, I wish I was kidding. In truth I'm half kidding =P.

Wow, is this three cheek kiss thing a thing? I'd never heard of it before these conversations. Double cheek, sure. I feel like if that was a thing here, I would die. Mostly for the previously stated reasons, but also because I would forget which way to go (is there even a way to go? Or does someone just take one direction and the other person just follows.). It took me almost an entire year to figure out & remember which way the subway trains go (to be fair, you'd think there would be an arrow point in the direction from arriving->departing). I can't tell you how many trains I've missed -___________-

It's real, I'm from Québec ( that's a province in Canada for you geographically challenged folks ) and family gathering is all about the cheeks. Although it's only a double not a triple.

Lol @ train, I don't think your issue is really with hugs and all. I think that's just a symptom of you being absolutely useless when it comes to outside things. I'm sure there's a more scientific way to put it but, I'm not well versed in such things.

Ahhh but it's refreshing don't you think! They say things, but there's no filter and there's no intentional malice, so it's hard to take it badly. Even when they take other things, the lack of the complicated ulterior motives makes it much more understandable. Adults, and even older kids...the reasons they do things are usually pretty complicated and it's a tad wearisome. :C

Actually some think children are pure evil exactly because they aren't socially conditioned. They sin without knowing of sin and that's spooky!

last edited at Apr 30, 2015 1:24PM

Anime season 30 Apr 12:08
joined Mar 23, 2013

a harem anime with yaoi end might be good.

A harem is a harem.

Anime season 30 Apr 10:55
joined Mar 23, 2013

Sooo... I was like, Grisaia no Rakuen looks really nice, right? Was about to add it to my Plan To Watch buuut... harem. Is there any chance of it not being a complete disappointment?

Well, as far as harems can be disappointing, there being no expectations and all.

Edit: In episode 10, Amane [red haired girl] got kissed by Yuuji [harem guy] and asked him again to be her boyfriend. Yuuji accepted her feelings, but couldn't be her boyfriend even if he accepted her as his girlfriend. Yuuji loves Amane.
Well, nevermind.

Grisaia is edgy grim dark: the school comedy VN.

joined Mar 23, 2013

But in all seriousness, I've always been fond of (really young) kids. They have that naivety, innocence and straightforward thinking that make "adult" problems seem irrelevant or ridiculously easy lol. Now when they get to 9+...then it's questionable and dependent on the kid (for me lol...some of them are just mean yo).

Young kids 4-6 can also be mean. Because they're starting to be independent but don't really care much for others. For example at this age if two kids are playing and one wants the toy the other is playing with then he'll steal it, sometime from the hand of the other kid. He/she might even throw a punch or two. Then when you come in they don't seem to have a shred of remorse or understanding, they just wanted the toy. he/she would even be angry you're not siding with them.

Young kids are us if we did not have social conventions and laws. Very selfish and short sighted. Of course the age group you mention do "bad" things knowing it's wrong.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Phantom pain will be the last to have "A Hideo Kojima game". I feel... weird.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I didn't mean that it really justify any action, I was talking about how there's always someone to use that as excuse for horrible acts, normally in conflicts or wars.

Oh right, sorry for the essay then. Yeah, it can be hugely misused. I personally accept an action done if it was with the greater good in mind, even if the end did not result so, because I believe something done intending for good can not be wrong. However the excuse of the greater good used ignoring any actual thought to the greater good is hugely annoying.

And I wasn't saying you thought that it justified any action, rather that you thought the greater good was only an excuse, and not an actual rationalisation.

I believe that certain actions are necessary for the greater good, but they always use that as excuse to do horrible acts to get the desired results faster, not because they're thinking about the greater good, like using atomic bomb on japan, they could use any excuse they want, but they just wanted to win WWII.

But it was for the greater good, the greater good of saving american lives. Need I remind youthat the U S of A is a nation blessed by god, this is why their lives are so precious.

last edited at Apr 28, 2015 6:36PM

joined Mar 23, 2013

I personally accept an action done if it was with the greater good in mind, even if the end did not result so, because I believe something done intending for good can not be wrong.

That's... An interesting stance.

joined Mar 23, 2013

No need to headcanon this, all you have to do is enjoy the suffering of others.

joined Mar 23, 2013

So fucking stupid.

I've missed your rants!

joined Mar 23, 2013

Not questioning that I don't know, but how it seems so many other people do.

But that sounds like an accusation. Pondering that so many do? Hmm...

It's not. It would be logical that most people who know of Maruta would know by reading his work. And since he's a H-artist, H sites is where someone would be more likely to stumble upon his work.

The other way would be like another poster said through forums, mostly 4chan.

last edited at Apr 28, 2015 12:23PM

joined Mar 23, 2013

Am I the only one who had never heard of the author prior to reading this? It seems like everyone knows who they are excepting for me.

If you don't read H-mangas you would not know this mangaka. It's really simple like that.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Well I just finished watching the QA and it was pretty much in line with my complaints.

Targeting system and camera just had to be changed, this was like 90% of the difficulty of the demo.

I'm not too concerned about the AI because it's usually the last thing they perfect, but yeah your allies were bad.

I'm surprised Japan can handle below 30 constant drops of FPS. But then again optimization and computer gaming isn't big over there so they have lower standards in that are.

The animations felt slow and clunky, and no cancel attack in any way just made the combat boring. You can't do real combat and try to do "realistic" because it just won't feel fun to play.

Minimap and shit, lol they knew that was another must have feature.

The dodge thing is great news, having non MP dodge will definately make the combat less monotone.

Lol at "this is a game where you hide behind rock". Yeah I hope they look into MP cost and regen because having to stop playing each 20 seconds ain't cool.

Japan saying the game is hard pretty much reconfirm the fact they can't play action games for the most part

Stamina... Ye, you ran for so little and most importantly you barely moves faster. Open world must have many "fast-travels" options or else a lot of back and forth is going to kill the pace.

Warping outside combat being buggy shows us yet again JP devs have no idea how to open world game.

Cancel attack pls yes.

Finally, lol @ Europe, too sexy.

Overall a lot of my combat complaints are being adressed and I'm hyped that a demo patch is in the works. I really want to see an updated combat before the live release so I know the dev team isn't full of retards.

joined Mar 23, 2013

One hour and half of FFXV feedbacks, quite interesting... What the hell Japan are you that bad at games?

I'm going to be watching this, proabably chunks at a time and will give my impression on the response.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I wonder if there's going to be an extra or two in the tank release.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Still!! When it comes to more of the physical stuff, history has been a little bit cool for me! It's always been the book stuff that I've been biased against, but that might have been (like you said) because of a combo of boring teaches and bad books.

Bad teacher probably, it also depends on the time period. My favourite semester in history was totally on the Romans. They knew how to have fun in so many ways.

Oh dude, if he confronts No-rae about it he'll probably be like, "Hey li'l sis, I support you." And then No-rae will try to explain that Seol-a is straight and he'll be like, "You must be joking. She is like super gay for you."

I can also see the cute innocent nephew saying some comment that is going to cause some embarassment from our ladies. Clueless kids are best comedy.

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 12:29PM

joined Mar 23, 2013

I have the feeling that her brother will understand very fast what she meant with the whole path discussion.