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Image Comments 24 Sep 21:53
joined Apr 30, 2020

Of course Elira has a monocle; she only has one eye after all.

I wish we could get some Finana yuri.

Image Comments 24 Sep 21:50
joined Apr 30, 2020

Lol Kanon. So cute tho.

Arknights! 24 Sep 07:57
joined Apr 30, 2020

I decided to go Top + DPS to lower pool a little and maybe luck out and roll Schwarz. Which I did... so I'm really happy with that x3

Congrats! Ceylon can be with her kitty!

The hardest part is protecting the damn civilians.

I'm hoping they don't bring back this gimmick. Not necessarily a fan of it either but it forces certain op placement to protect them which at that point just feels like another way of implementing a form of tile ban.

Chapter 9 spoilers: It might seem like we might get to fight Talulah again. RIP my hope of her being playable soon. Still hoping tho. But if she does play a big role in the Victoria arc, she might either die there or become the new Queen. Either one might just make her not playable. Also wow timeskips. Gotta justify all the events somehow I guess. Also new kitty boss is cute. Hoping she doesn't go the FrostNova route.

Also want to share this. Not fanart but I thought it was adorable.

Big update next week. No event announcement yet but unlimited support refresh finally coming to global!

joined Apr 30, 2020

"It's not like I wanted to cheer for you, B-B-Baka!"

joined Apr 30, 2020

Oh I forgot about this thread. Should have posted about the NijiEN Meltdown where brains melted and the Finana roasting Rosemi Quiz stream earlier.

Anyway, today is Mito's birthday which means more crazy shit.

Also tonight is a Hololive and NIjisanji UNO collab.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Cosplaying as your crush's husbando to get her attention is a big brain move.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Falling in love and finding out she's into incest with her own sister... that's one way to fall in love

joined Apr 30, 2020

After not being able to make a move on senpai in the previous chapter, future MC is ready to make up for it and it seems senpai is willing to take it. And lol just some casual molestation on the train.

That said, I can see past MC putting some moves sharing the same room with senpai.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Oh, the manga was apparently straight up inspired by Sukoya, makes sense that all the girls have a bit of her or what she likes.

Wow. I am even more thankful to be living in a world with Crossick.

joined Apr 30, 2020

I like their dynamic. It's cute.

Image Comments 21 Sep 04:52
joined Apr 30, 2020

^You're thinking of Saki and Arisa. Saki's flashback episode really made me ship her with Tohru. Tho, I've been a Kyo x Tohru shipper for two decades now.

Image Comments 21 Sep 04:48
joined Apr 30, 2020

^^ Didn't NanoFate get one too?

joined Apr 30, 2020

I support our MC's energy

Yuri harem LETS GO

Image Comments 20 Sep 21:47
joined Apr 30, 2020

Well this is a first.

Image Comments 20 Sep 21:32
joined Apr 30, 2020

Nice to have pillows in the bath

Image Comments 20 Sep 20:54
joined Apr 30, 2020

Ei awakens to a new fetish

Image Comments 20 Sep 20:53
joined Apr 30, 2020

Kanata looks so comfy.

Image Comments 20 Sep 20:40
joined Apr 30, 2020

MC powers grant Yuu the strength to lift her waifu.

Image Comments 20 Sep 20:27
joined Apr 30, 2020

Yuri gives the power to breathe underwater.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Uh okay, still a minor. So wait, what was all that about how she wouldn't date a minor and they'd wait?

I'm confused lmao

What is there to be confused? She says to wait saying she does not want to do smt against a law by having sex with a minor and also she is extremely shy even if she usually doesn't show it. So she is hiding behind being "a good adult" to hide that

My thing is like, in chapter one, she goes "I asked her out, and she said no, not until I'm an adult... Now, a year later, we're finally dating!"

And then last chapter it's all "No, we can't fuck, I won't touch a minor"

Did they just get tired of waiting? Or am I misremembering something?

I think it's the line between "just dating" and "actual fucking". The latter of which she's not yet convinced to do.

joined Apr 30, 2020

That was some hentai dialogue during the love-making scene.

^Mind break truly is peak romance

joined Apr 30, 2020

Part of me hopes the old senpai will come back around and get jealous of Hinamori's more matured personality being centered around the new senpai. fight

If this was a more drama-heavy series, I'd expect that to happen just for the drama.

joined Apr 30, 2020

The joy of having lesbian gf to comfort and praise you

joined Apr 30, 2020

random posted:

Whether she looks like it or not mai is 10 so yes tae is a lolicon. If she doesn't admit it she's in the closet so this comment is hella justified js.

You really don't understand what a "lolicon" is do you.

Hint: it's specifically not someone attracted to what look like adults.

It's a waste of time to explain at this point, say she looks like a grandma with white hair and a wheelchair, if she says she's ten, then you're a lolicon for falling for her before knowing that... shame on you.

WAT ???

Image Comments 18 Sep 02:49
joined Apr 30, 2020

I'd like to think it's because Reisen + Youmu = Reimu. XD