But hell, I don't know about you guyz but after a long day of work I shed my vestments and cast them aside. (I keep my underwear on of course)
I thought everyone did that
On a kind of off topic note, I blocked a couple of users in MD over this chapter, their overreaction was awful, like they really really hated this... they complained the whole arc and complained even more now that it's over -.- ) but they'll be back next time anyway so I had to take measures.
Mangadex's comments are packed full of total idiots so I wouldn't really put any stock in what most of them say. There's one user who goes around looking for any manga with a light-haired character just so they can complain about them; there's also some really annoying people who will go read series that are about as far away from porn as you can get and then drop really blatant sexual comments whenever a girl appears. It's why I don't bother reading comments over there most of the time.
Look, the only dex comments you ever need to read are my own