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DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

yeah, he's gonna cheat on her

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

cool, I'm liking this so far

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Really hope this relationship doesn't get resolved with baby daddy leaving Midori for Doumyou. Mostly because Doumyou seems nice enough and baby daddy doesn't deserve to end up with anyone.

I was thinking that's how the story would develop also

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm honestly kinda relieved it didn't have time to go into the 'tomboy is just a facade' place.

Ikr, whenever stories go that way it makes me feel just a little bit disgusted because I feel like it's just discrediting the real tomboys out there, who really don't like wearing skirts or dresses (like me), but that's just how I feel so whatever

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Liberty discussion 10 Feb 16:13
joined Jul 20, 2016

so the first nsfw chapter is her cheating on Maki, that's great

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

The fact that the senpai only shows up in a picture and a flashback gives me the heebie jeebies.
Imaginary friend?

now you're making me second guess how good the ending was

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Chiaki always finds a way to kill the mood

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

eh, I've seen way worse on this site

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Yuru Oyako discussion 29 Jan 20:24
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm sorry but I can't and don't wanna imagine myself with my mom shivers

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Friends discussion 27 Jan 22:39
joined Jul 20, 2016

manipulation at its finest

joined Jul 20, 2016

Damn where do I apply for a beautiful rich woman to swing into my life, help me and support me and love me, send me on vacations, and just make everything perfect. I promise I wouldn't take them for granted as much as she does,,, please,,,

Ikr, I get so wishful everytime I read this

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Does the main character live her life just over reacting to things? That's really annoying. Story is meh and characters are flat.

I've never really been let down by an idol, heck I've never even had any, but if I had one and looked up to them (like the way Ito looked up to Sumika, which was a lot) for being known as a popular, sweet, caring person, and it turns out they were even the slightest bit the opposite, I'm sure I'd be upset.

Also, we get a one-panel sized flashback, if I'm going to make assumptions here, it seems like Ito looked up to that girl in the panel but she probably turned out to be a rotten person, possibly even worse than Sumika, which maybe caused Ito's sensitivity to fake personalities.

If I had to choose a real life example (even though I know this won't be of the same degree as this story, since this is a far-far worse situation) but let's look at Michael Jackson. He was accused of molestation and people today are still arguing over this, over a decade after his death. I know my parents still have doubts about believing the allegations because he was such a big pop star, who touched many people's ears and hearts.

If she's already experienced being let down by the reality of a person she put on a pedestal that makes her less sympathetic because she's still putting people on pedestals and has apparently learned jack shit from that experience. The only sympathetic excuse for this behaviour is naivete otherwise it's just entitlement.

I guess she's just the gullible type then

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Image Comments 22 Jan 20:01
joined Jul 20, 2016

I was shipping them so hard while I was watching the movie

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

ok why does Kawai Rou's work never get completed

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm not into threesomes in general but I definitely do not want a threesome for this specific manga

Plus, Omichi's kinda like that guy that's cockblocking the yuri, but instead she's a girl, being used to add comedy, and cockblocks the romance

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Does the main character live her life just over reacting to things? That's really annoying. Story is meh and characters are flat.

I've never really been let down by an idol, heck I've never even had any, but if I had one and looked up to them (like the way Ito looked up to Sumika, which was a lot) for being known as a popular, sweet, caring person, and it turns out they were even the slightest bit the opposite, I'm sure I'd be upset.

Also, we get a one-panel sized flashback, if I'm going to make assumptions here, it seems like Ito looked up to that girl in the panel but she probably turned out to be a rotten person, possibly even worse than Sumika, which maybe caused Ito's sensitivity to fake personalities.

If I had to choose a real life example (even though I know this won't be of the same degree as this story, since this is a far-far worse situation) but let's look at Michael Jackson. He was accused of molestation and people today are still arguing over this, over a decade after his death. I know my parents still have doubts about believing the allegations because he was such a big pop star, who touched many people's ears and hearts.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I can't for the life of me find it. I'm certain it must be under bisexual or college, but it's not there.

Perhaps it was pulled; is there a list of removed works somewhere?

Ok, found it. Desire parade by Chisako. Found it on amino of all places. The translation is by 0mniessence.

Wow thank you so much, must've been hell looking for it

joined Jul 20, 2016

To me, It feels like she feel in love with her friend and slept with her, during high school, and that friend regretted. Probably told landlady she was grossed out by it. And also probably spread the rumors about landlady like girls.

I love how you people can come up with entire backstories out of thin air (I'm not criticizing, it's really fun).

I mean if you pay attention and pick up the hints to what's going like the date scene you sort of wonder why landlady acts like that. She just sat there while her high school classmate just outed her to an unknown guy and MC. Saying things like the whole class knew and thought MC was "one of them" too and never leaving that subject nor answer landlady's question. And then right after they kissed, landlady ask MC if she felt grossed out. So that questioned me on why would she said that? Did someone said that to her before? Does she feel disgusted for doing something she knows MC isnt comfortable to do? Landlady is only 19, so it hasnt been that long since she graduated high school. Or Maybe I'm reading into it a bit too much. But like you said it's fun. Makes me wanna reread everything just find something subtlety new. Like the only time landlady shows emotion or vulnerability is when MC isnt looking or paying attention.

hmmm... I thought it was pretty obvious the narrative was going in this direction since you could tell how uncomfortable Hara was when she saw that old classmate of hers. You could even kind of argue that she was accused of raping her friend too by the way she defended herself when Kozuka seemed like she was leaning towards accusing Hara to raping her. But, that's just a made-up backstory of mine using imagery and diction. Come to think of it, our English classes teaches us to do that (that damned plant in Raisin in the Sun), so I don't know, it's just kind of hard wired into us.

Also about the consent thing, I don't think we'll ever get definite closure on how exactly it went down, but in the first chapter Hara said she gave her consent. I don't think it makes sense logically to enter someone's home and start drinking if they didn't say "I'll let you do me", unless Hara let them drink on purpose before she asked for consent (but that would make her a secret villain and judging from how she acts so far, that doesn't seem to be the case). Adding onto the possibility of Kozuka giving consent before drinking is she could've said she wanted to drink before the deed, since she's "straight". Although this could very likely be the case, it still does mean that GendoIkari's statement about it being extortion is true, whether or not Hara got consent while Kozuka was sober or drunk.

I'm sure the author didn't think about it this deeply though, so it's all in vain.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

man that was melancholic

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

It does exist on this site. I can clearly remember it. And I also remember it is not tagged "gay for pay"

I'm in the process of looking for it right now, wish me luck.

I remember it was a really cute story so I'm determined to find it

DR2 Hajime Hinata
VAMPEERZ discussion 19 Jan 02:31
joined Jul 20, 2016

3) The end of the chapter suggests there are things going on we don't know about. Someone -- a vampire, one would guess -- hypnotized those two guys and made them carry Khara to Ichika's place. But it wasn't Aria, it wasn't Khara, it wasn't one of Aria's two cronies... then, who the hell did it? Did I miss something, or there's a mystery here?

I thought it was Khara, but I suppose that doesn't make a ton of sense. Hm.

I got the impression those two dudes were there to make a delivery, and saw her lying there when they were on their way out, so she did the googly eye thing at them and had them carry her inside.

I was thinking that too

joined Jul 20, 2016

I love how a lot of mangadex readers completely hate this manga since it started off creepy and rapey while dynasty scans readers will eat everything as long as it's GAY.
I'm with all of my fellow dynasty readers on this one.

I don't understand where they're getting "rapey" from, in the first few chapters Hara clearly had problems with being accused of taking advantage Koduka. The reason was also disclosed in 5.1 (even though you could easily guess why she was bothered by it). So it was basically the opposite of rapey. Also, Hara never took advantage of Koduka, and was even satisfied with the simplest things, basically it's pretty innocent yuri, except for the first chapter and those close sex scenes.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
VAMPEERZ discussion 18 Jan 23:41
joined Jul 20, 2016

I ship Ichika and Khara for the fireworks in that relationship though threesome would be fine than just love triangle.
Was a little concern with those adults picking up Khara...guess I read too many manga, rape and sexual abuse felt more common in manga.
Could it be growing more awareness among Japanese youths?

Judging from that flashback Khara should be a few hundred years old, so I guess she's legal

Also, this manga is focused more the comedy aspect, rather than the realistic aspect... Emergence is more for that shivers

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

There was this manga, I think it came out recently, not too sure, but it was between this delivery girl and another girl. The delivery girl delivers her stuff, and a guy tells her to deliver flowers to the other girl and she gets sad, thinking they're gonna start dating. I think they end up living together at the end.