hell if it was that easy i woulda figured it out when i was like 6, cause i was WAY more into xena than i knew lol.
LOOOOL I had the same thing, only I was like 15 or 16. I didn't realize till much later just why I privately shipped Gabrielle and Xena so hard XD. (And that I totally had a crush on Gabrielle.)
because all that old timey sounding situations i grew up in? really wasn't that long ago, I'm only 33.
Yuuup. I'll be 41 in a couple months. Our generation is one awash in incredibly rapid massive social and technological change that no other generation has been privy to.
If I hadn't gone to college, I don't know when I would've realized.
For me it was starting to play World of Warcraft. I met people online who were LGTBQ and they helped me to admit to myself things I'd kept buried. So one could say that a Night Elf Death Knight came and kicked my ass outta that closet that I was in so deeply that I was almost in Narnia. (And literally became my name, too--for almost 10 years now, I no longer go by my legal first name, I go by Grey, which is a shortened form of my Wow avatar's name, "Greymoon". Also, see my forum name. ;) )
Just thought I'd share, lol. This is why I eat up these stories about adult yuri situations, because they are closer to me personally than the bulk of them that are about teens. And this story in particular hits me close to home because I too live alone, etc etc, hence my previous joking.
last edited at Jan 13, 2020 8:34PM