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Lily Marble discussion 19 Jan 06:45
joined Jun 5, 2016

A big reason for that is her sick dad whom she visits at the hospital, and he asks her if she found the right man yet. He also says "I can't die until I see the face of my first grandchild?

Then the decision should be easy. Can't have babies with another woman, means he'll have to wait forever. It's an easy way to achieve immortality...

VAMPEERZ discussion 19 Jan 01:48
joined Jun 5, 2016

3) The end of the chapter suggests there are things going on we don't know about. Someone -- a vampire, one would guess -- hypnotized those two guys and made them carry Khara to Ichika's place. But it wasn't Aria, it wasn't Khara, it wasn't one of Aria's two cronies... then, who the hell did it? Did I miss something, or there's a mystery here?

I thought it was Khara, but I suppose that doesn't make a ton of sense. Hm.

I got the impression those two dudes were there to make a delivery, and saw her lying there when they were on their way out, so she did the googly eye thing at them and had them carry her inside.

1 x ½ discussion 18 Jan 20:12
joined Jun 5, 2016

Instead of checkign u guys could be having sex with ur moms

Why would I do that when I can do the sex to your mom instead, like I do every night?

VAMPEERZ discussion 18 Jan 18:20
joined Jun 5, 2016

Newest chapter: lulz, so much sparkle on that vampire I expected Ichika to turn into a melodramatic emo teen from Washington State to best compliment her...

last edited at Jan 19, 2020 1:57AM

Still Sick discussion 18 Jan 02:17
joined Jun 5, 2016

Guys, guys... that's pretty much what happens according to what I saw in the area for the next chapter, lol, relaaaaax...

joined Jun 5, 2016

What a fucking dream, having a beautiful woman decide to take care of me and fix up my life.

Ikr? I haven't had anyone cook for me in years, where is MY pushy lady??

joined Jun 5, 2016

I had a bowl cut until I was like 10, at which point it morphed into a horrible she-mullet till I was like 13, then I was bullied by my mother into a curly perm for a couple years till I finally got brave enough to deal with my own hair anxiety (we Aspies do tend to hate change and can be sensitive to body stuff too). So these credits that got everybody rolling so much was the nightmare of my first 15 years lol...

Her Tale of Shim Chong 17 Jan 17:13
joined Jun 5, 2016

Can you just spoil me the end, because when the translation was cut off they weren't in a good spot and well the start of the story kinda said Shim Chong sell herself to merchants who were looking for sacrifice.

It's a happy ending though it definitely takes a few turns to get there. :) The way it's written definitely makes the reader fear it will be a tragedy, but in the end they end up together, madame even ends up with her own facial scarring to kinda match Cheong, who has always had some scars, lol.

That scene at the festival where they finally kiss in the alley is probably one of my favorite yuri moments of all time, so I was wicked disgruntled when not soon after the scanlations had to stop.

Still Sick discussion 17 Jan 14:58
joined Jun 5, 2016

Ohhh, EFFFFFFFFFFFFF that incoming misunderstanding bullshit. I expected better of you, Still Sick.

This manga does a lot of "here's a yuri manga trope! Now behold as it is obliterated by adult communication!" so I wouldn't freak out just yet.

Yeah, I know that it probably will, I guess I'm just so sick of seeing the 'lol question your partner's attraction/dedication to you because of a man/omg lol our relationship is transient and not real because men exist" thing that I am disgruntled. lol

Her Tale of Shim Chong 17 Jan 14:50
joined Jun 5, 2016

Yes, it had already finished but had not been officially translated from Korean. Once it went to TappyToon they went after the fan scanlation groups and forced them to stop, when we were literally just a few chapters away from the story's end. That happened towards the end of March/start of April last year, so we've been waiting for nearly a year now for the official translations to catch up so we could finally see the conclusion. (Although I already know how it ends because I am impatient.)

Her Tale of Shim Chong 17 Jan 08:15
joined Jun 5, 2016

Mostly because it's not posted here since it's licensed by TappyToon, I guess.

But you're right, it's incredible and I'm only still SLIGHTLY buttmad that the scanlations were stopped literally like 5 chapters from completion just as the story was reaching its climax and I've had to wait like 9 months to finally see the conclusion....

joined Jun 5, 2016


Still Sick discussion 17 Jan 04:31
joined Jun 5, 2016

That's a big "ooof" to witness in the morning, your girlfriend getting out of another persons car. I think most people would have trouble thinking logically in same situation.

Not just anyone either, the one dude she had issues about, after she's been second guessing her relationship with Maekawa because of how she saw Maekawa behave with regard to relationships in the past. Which is kinda why I'm annoyed because this one had avoided most of the worst offender tropes but then this, lol.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Tho sadly my regular hairdresser was cute AF but 15 years too young for me AND straight

There are some informations I wonder how people obtained sometimes. I'll just be thinking you asked her "hey girl, you gay?" or something.
Well, that's the spirit.

I more or less said "I am horrible with knowing what to do with hair, so can I leave it to you? I do want a shorter cut but I don't want to look butch even though I am gay AF". After which over the course of several haircuts she would ask me how my dating life was going and talk about stuff with her husband. So... that's how. lol

Still Sick discussion 17 Jan 01:46
joined Jun 5, 2016

Ohhh, EFFFFFFFFFFFFF that incoming misunderstanding bullshit. I expected better of you, Still Sick.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Ha, relatable. /points to super short haircut

Tho sadly my regular hairdresser was cute AF but 15 years too young for me AND straight so phooey. XD

1 x ½ discussion 15 Jan 18:12
joined Jun 5, 2016

This chapter is cursed

The whole manga is cursed what are you talking about lol

joined Jun 5, 2016

Just noticed theres a typo in the chapter title on the site.

One Smal Step.

Just thought I should point that out.

Yup, should totally be Smol instead

1 x ½ discussion 13 Jan 23:39
joined Jun 5, 2016

Anyone else checking every hour to see if they've updated?

Haha, I feel you. :D

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ positive energy. ❤️


( ꈍᴗꈍ)


ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jun 5, 2016

So the thing about the way Subaru says her name is that, in the raws, when Subaru says "Uno-san", it's written in katakana rather than hiragana. I'm not the translator so I can't comment on the specifics of why - but I believe sometimes katakana is used for writing native Japanese words for emphasis, or to indicate a difference in tone, or an unfamiliarity with the language, etc.. In this case, we kind of interpreted it as her saying it in a "teasing" way, as she is generally pretty mischievous, and we decided that emphasizing it was the best way to convey that.

Regarding if she knew Uno-san was a girl - no idea. It's ambiguous in the native text, I believe.

You're not wrong about the use of katakana for that, among other things. :)

You ended up quoting my post before I saved some edits I made. Absolutely think she was being playful, just doesn't care that by happy circumstance she gets to meet the mystery Uno and she happens to be a lady. :)

last edited at Jan 13, 2020 10:20PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

I dunno if imouto knew for sure that Uno was female, because of the way she accented saying her name when she picked up her badge; that makes it seem like she's basking in an unexpected but pleasant discovery to me. But I also think she doesn't give a hoot either way and is just happy that nee-san is actually showing interest in someone rather than focusing everything on her job and caring for imouto.

You can tell big sis has basically isolated herself in her endeavor to take care of and raise her sister after their parents passed.

last edited at Jan 13, 2020 10:08PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Or maybe a driver crashed into a lightpost when a weird smol floppy panda with 3 legs flopped onto their windshield and stared them down with its cold dead eyes...?

1 x ½ discussion 13 Jan 20:52
joined Jun 5, 2016

Anyone else checking every hour to see if they've updated?

Haha, I feel you. :D

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ positive energy. ❤️


( ꈍᴗꈍ)


joined Jun 5, 2016

Hoooly shit. This is incredibly relatable. Even beyond the yuri, this is like, such an excellent representation of executive dysfunction and the difficulties of interacting with society while being neurodivergent (I literally don't give the slightest fuck whether any of you think they're neurodivergent at not, please don't start an argument, it's that it rings true to my experiences with that). This is really hitting me different, I quite love it so far.

You need to get out of my head. ~_^

joined Jun 5, 2016

hell if it was that easy i woulda figured it out when i was like 6, cause i was WAY more into xena than i knew lol.

LOOOOL I had the same thing, only I was like 15 or 16. I didn't realize till much later just why I privately shipped Gabrielle and Xena so hard XD. (And that I totally had a crush on Gabrielle.)

because all that old timey sounding situations i grew up in? really wasn't that long ago, I'm only 33.

Yuuup. I'll be 41 in a couple months. Our generation is one awash in incredibly rapid massive social and technological change that no other generation has been privy to.

If I hadn't gone to college, I don't know when I would've realized.

For me it was starting to play World of Warcraft. I met people online who were LGTBQ and they helped me to admit to myself things I'd kept buried. So one could say that a Night Elf Death Knight came and kicked my ass outta that closet that I was in so deeply that I was almost in Narnia. (And literally became my name, too--for almost 10 years now, I no longer go by my legal first name, I go by Grey, which is a shortened form of my Wow avatar's name, "Greymoon". Also, see my forum name. ;) )

Just thought I'd share, lol. This is why I eat up these stories about adult yuri situations, because they are closer to me personally than the bulk of them that are about teens. And this story in particular hits me close to home because I too live alone, etc etc, hence my previous joking.

last edited at Jan 13, 2020 8:34PM