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Love Letter discussion 07 Oct 00:00
joined Jun 6, 2013

Best freaking love live pairing ever!

joined Jun 6, 2013

Yeah this narrative is hard to understand. Is it just because I'm out of context?

Touma-kun discussion 01 Oct 17:39
joined Jun 6, 2013

"Just remember: don't fuck your students."

I'm sure Touma would say:
But they're so cute.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jun 6, 2013

Although maybe because Risako is in a bra, it suggests to me that she's about to have sex, not that she just got done having sex. So that's why I think Reiichi wasn't there with her. But do authors think about such a thing, or have movies just painted a false picture of real women?

joined Jun 6, 2013

Maybe I'm hecka sleep deprived, but didn't Kaoru think that Risako wasn't lying?

No. She was commenting on how great Risako was at lying, so great that she sounded 100% truthful, but Kaoru knows better from experience. First she had a momentary flashback to high school where Risako was lying to her about Reiichi not being her type (they dated in high school so clearly he was her type) to bolster the opinion that she was a professional level liar. Then of course she caught her in a lie about not seeing Reiichi since the wedding, though clearly Risako has no idea she was seen so didn't create a diversionary lie to explain herself.

And I will have to agree to disagree that Risako was over banging Reiichi or vice versa. She's not in a bra, and she doesn't have bed hair imo, she's just casual and chilled out. She's also not in Reiichi's apartment because the layout is different, and I don't think Reiichi would be stupid enough to go to his mistress on his day off when his wife could come home any minute without warning, especially when it is so much easier to skulk around with a vague "late at work" or "away from town for work" sort of excuse like we've seen him use...

Oh that's what it is. Thank you so much for explaining that to me.

Women relaxing in a bra is a myth. Bras suck, and most women take them off as soon as they get home. So technically her in a bra could be further evidence she's ready to sleep with someone, because bra and panty strip teases are the best let's be real.

It may not be Reiichi though. Mainly because helping people move does suck and it's exhausting. Plus he's still playing video games when she gets back. There's a good chance he got sucked into all day because that's how it goes with video games. Time flies.

Although I guess if he got a text for a booty call during gaming, he'd definitely put it down. Then he'd have to come back and play a video game to make it look like he's just been playing all day.

Dang. Lots of good discussion on what is going to happen, but I want to know by now.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Wow this was easily one of my favorites doujin, characters acting in character (maybe more yuri than usual) Kuroki being a dense baka, mom being mom .... Yuri killer's eyes were some of my favorite parts and Nemo speaking with her heart instead of her mind was the best.

Author even had a chance to bully Koko.... NICE!!! ah, but bullying is bad ok? but is Koko so ......NICE!!!

It was 99% perfect if not for that panel where Kuroki was literally a cyclops

I agree, I felt sucked in like the original manga. I could see this happening to some degree.

With chapter 165 though, I'm kinda starting to ship Yuri and Nemo XD.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Maybe I'm hecka sleep deprived, but didn't Kaoru think that Risako wasn't lying? That made me think of a scenario where Kaoru imagined Risako was with Reiichi, and that made her trip and fall. Sure imagined it cuz she wants out? Or where's too obsessive? Like the whole reason they're together, it sounds like Reiichi just got worn down by Kaoru's begging for him to love her. And I think if the person you love doesn't really love you, it can make you crazy and miserable because you don't trust them.

joined Jun 6, 2013

I think I'm falling for Izumi. Kinda hard to be on that boat right now. XD

How? I came here to scream this:


joined Jun 6, 2013

I'm having a hard time figuring out who is saying what in chapter 13. Some pages are pure bubbles. Can anyone screen shot it and mark bubbles 1 & 2, 1 being the movie geek, 2 delinquent?

Thanks for your hard work translators, typesetters, cleaners, editors, etc!

last edited at Oct 12, 2019 2:36AM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Probably something lost in translation on the QC side, but "As it is" (ari no mama de) is the Japanese version of Let It Go from Frozen.

Oh interesting. Thanks was wondering.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Dude that was awesome, also appreciate the realistic amounts of pubes where they poke out of panties.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Citrus ending was rushed? Damn.

joined Jun 6, 2013

This one shot is too short ;_;.

VAMPEERZ discussion 26 Aug 20:33
joined Jun 6, 2013

I'm confused by this page. When she says her thirst oozes and precious thing, my brain goes to sex? Does she mean heart? Life? I dunno if Aria is even actually interested in taking those things from Ichika. Pacing is odd.

Also I'm sad we caught up.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Personally hoping Yori falls in love with her band friend, making Kino regret waiting. Kino gave a good answer, though it's hard to give someone hope and a little cruel.

Not sure where this is going to go now

joined Jun 6, 2013

Ok. Izumi is officially a piece of shit.

I agree.

Yep. Nanaki is right, things are just freaking not fun and drama AF between them. Only one it's not complicated with is Kuro's otaku friend.

last edited at Aug 17, 2019 2:05AM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Wait WTF, how could feelings get resolved so fast?! I'm sad and disappointed. I dunno if the author can pull it off.

Still Sick discussion 15 Aug 05:26
joined Jun 6, 2013


I KNOW! fuckin'... me too! ;_; I'm just thinking like... I'm so lonely and sad, but I so relate to this manga, so as long as I have it, I'll be ok. But it's hard and I'm crying way too hard right now

joined Jun 6, 2013

Huh guess I'm trashy for liking it. Although end of chapter 1, I saw Touko and was like grrr go away, we don't need your plot device!

Oh Netsuzou Trap author...yep I'm not getting my hopes up -_- unfortunate cuz this person's art is awesome.

last edited at Aug 12, 2019 4:57AM

joined Jun 6, 2013

^ I really don't understand the animosity towards this manga

My animosity comes from one of the best Love Live doujin artists and story tellers is wasting their time on something not developed as well. But I guess if this is what they want to do, I'll keep reading.

So... Some actual good plot is coming up you say raw readers?

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 2:10AM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Holy crap this actually goes somewhere?! That's amazing! Now what?!

joined Jun 6, 2013

Is this development going to help this manga come to a conclusion I wonder? Blonde guy Kenji confesses to Mikage, and she finally admits to being lesbian? Though many have confessed before. Maybe he'll trigger something though with his boob obsessiveness?

I dunno, I am just eager for this to get somewhere. Hard to be patient. Though the slow development is nice and how real life can work.

I like how these two guys are kinda a reflection of Hinata and Mikage. Kenji is awkward and makes Kazuomi blanch, like how Mikage does with Hinata.

last edited at Aug 5, 2019 9:25AM

Sen to Man discussion 03 Aug 02:46
joined Jun 6, 2013

So is this worth reading?

joined Jun 6, 2013

Why is the title so generic though? Was the author out of ideas?

Still Sick discussion 31 Jul 06:02
joined Jun 6, 2013

9-second Closet scene response:

Question about last page of chapter 13:

Did she go to the office and say Shimizu-san outside the window? Or was she just saying it to herself in her house?

last edited at Jul 31, 2019 6:04AM