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joined Jul 26, 2016

And if it's a joke it's already worn threadbare. : |

joined Jul 26, 2016

Probably got cold feet before giving it to Nanoha and later ate it home in tears?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Bad End:
"Kanna's dead!"
Demons: "Yeeees!"
God: "She lived such a pure life, she'll go to Heaven, where she'll live in purity and innocence, frolicking above the quiet meadows of paradise ..."
Demons: "Noooooo!"

Kanna: "Wait, wait, wait! What about the hot demon sex that I was promised in my afterlife? Hey?! Listen! Nooo...."

Alarmingly plausible. Just to be safe she should start committing acts of blackest villainy.

last edited at Jul 6, 2018 5:22PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

... I can't help but shake my head when I see people (including fictional characters) using "pedophile" as if it's a synonym for "child sexual abuser" when it's most certainly not. Pedophilia is simply having a sexual attraction to prepubescents; nothing more, nothing less. You can live your entire life as a pedophile without ever committing child sexual abuse.

While this is technically correct it's a blunt fact that "pedophile" is vastly less cumbersome for colloquial use than "child sexual abuser" or somesuch. Plus practically speaking the ones who don't act on it aren't a particular problem in the first place so I think you can see where the conflation in casual usage comes from...

And as you say real people are wont to use the terms interchangeably whether they know better or not. Why would fictional characters not do the same, especially when we have no indication of them being aware of the distinction in-universe?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Noah.exe has encountered an error...

Teppu discussion 04 Jul 20:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

Pacing was bonkers though... Just like...Moby Dick!

To be fair to Melville he was getting paid by the word count, as was common practice at the time. Cue every author who could get away with it (Dumas is a notable example) padding their shit six ways to Sunday with filler...

Not that modern authors ever did that, nosirree.

joined Jul 26, 2016

She's in charge of tsukkomi. A thankless, stressful but necessary job.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well soldiers had stopped wearing gauntlets by 1700 so yeah. And AFAIK thumping the other guy with your shield or weapon (whence "to pummel") or even kicking was the more popular option even before that...

lmao these senpais though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Agreed that while the story and character themselves are cute you're pretty much obliged to actively tune out the background worldbuilding which is made of Unfortunate Implications, painfully obvious potential for rampant abuse and ò_Ô

joined Jul 26, 2016

How is nobody talking about their INDIRECT KISS?

Overshadowed by too much crazy awesome going on between Chio and the overzealous cop.

joined Jul 26, 2016

IDK, Yukimori visibly mellows out over time. It seems to me a major story theme how both her and Miyajima gradually overcome their past baggage and come out of the bitter, cynical shells into which they've retreated to lick their respective emotional wounds.

Come think of it something similar (albeit far darker) was a central underlying thread in KnJ too, seems to be a theme Watashiya is fond of.

joined Jul 26, 2016

At times this mango gets 2deep4me. ' -')

joined Jul 26, 2016

But tags are not changed, especially the het.

Well there's always the Miyajima-Koma angle. (Would ship, those two have a good chemistry going.) But there rather seems to be a need for a few more...

On a somewhat related note gotta hand it to Maki - he friendzones Sarina in style.

Murasaki discussion 01 Jul 20:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

Whoa, this is going down all kinds of rabbit holes right from the start. Looks like it's gonna be some trip.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So Chio can create a sort of bizarre Twilight Zone (and earn herself a new Sitcom Arch Nemesis) more or less just by existing. That's some new levels of letting your gaming intrude on your real life...

joined Jul 26, 2016

A kaiju happened.

joined Jul 26, 2016

10/10 cool big sis

joined Jul 26, 2016

I died several times over to these internal monologues. And then Wakamatsu was a zombie.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not like Kiana needed any seducing. More like Mei needs to fight off that horny brat with a sharp stick.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Wait, Miya is in college?! I thought she was in high school. :O

That was established literally in the first sentence of the manga... ' -')

joined Jul 26, 2016

Any halfway decent bookstore? That's where I got my copy anyway. Might be in libraries too.

Image Comments 22 Jun 02:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

You wanted a little devil, Yohane - now deal with it. :P

^^ Probably safe to assume a lot of people here find such geeky concerns highly relatable... :v

Image Comments 22 Jun 02:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Truly, powerful black magic is afoot here.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I have a sneaking suspicion that's the joke.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Meta as fuck