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joined Jul 26, 2016

No, that's a rant. It doesn't merely sound like one. :|

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 12:01PM

Chevaliere discussion 16 Jul 08:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

To be fair, "Japón" is a Spanish family name since Date Masamune send a bunch of people over and some of them didn't return after Christianity was outlawed in Japan / stayed as an embassy. Could be that some of them gave their kids Japanese names*, I don't know.

The references to Englishmen and "saving France" would seem to imply period something akin to the Hundred Years' War though (the realm scarcely needed saving after booting les Rosbifs off the continent in 1453 after all), at which point Europeans were barely starting to poke around the Far East and Japan was ways off from hermetically sealing itself...

And it's just a few hundreds years off from knights. Barely an inaccuracy in the grand scheme of things.

Knights (properly men at arms or gendarmes in French, "knight/chevalier" having long since become a honorary title by that time) remained militarily relevant well into the 1500s during which time the Japanese were famously busy beating each other up with gusto and the "long-nosed southern barbarians" were nosing around Asia in earnest, a handful taking up service with diverse daimyo, so there's that... FWIW Japanese merchants and mercenaries (not to mention pirates) were a common enough sight all over East Asia those days so it's not like there wasn't window for interaction.

last edited at Jul 16, 2018 9:44AM

Image Comments 15 Jul 11:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

When you think about it... they're both based on the corvid genus right? Hell raven and crow tengu.
Now that lot is one of the bird groups with about zero sexual dimorphism - you pretty much can't tell their sexes without cutting them open.
Inb4 turns out both are actually male and this is Yaoi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Who's the best girl and why is it Kinako? Orite, that what the Hell face is why.

...even if she's a scandalous deviant. >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kouhei seems like a Grade A good guy. Can cook too so can't fault Minami's taste in men.

Given how his ghost and Haruka essentially have coinciding interests all they really need to do now is work out a mutually agreeable scheme for taking turns, IYKWIM...

Earth Girls discussion 15 Jul 01:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

Waifu Wars: Dynasty-Scans Edition

joined Jul 26, 2016

You-chan, You Can (Not) Do It

Chevaliere discussion 14 Jul 20:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

Every now and then the Japanese obsession with school/academy settings starts getting tiresome. Particularly when shoehorned into contexts it has no business in.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yup, that kind of string instrument is found in different forms pretty much across the whole of Eurasia. The English Wiki pegs the oldest archeological find of the type to be from 5th century BC China; written references are centuries older.

Ayakashiko discussion 14 Jul 14:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

Fluffy tails were touched

joined Jul 26, 2016

We will also be throwing in some yuri kuma FOR SCIENCE!!!


joined Jul 26, 2016

This lil' vamp is maximum troll lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

-- and you guys even.

Yes because us the not even intended target audience saying anything about it on a forum nobody at YH even takes a look at obviously matters at all.
I mean technically we could be said to be engaging in a form of piracy here ferchrissakes.

Personally I found it fairly interesting even if fighting games aren't particularly my cup of tea (I like learning new stuff) but I can see how a lot of people would be turned off by the dense infodumps on, frankly, a quite technical and niche subject matter.

Earth Girls discussion 14 Jul 00:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

Wait what, the chief was actually pretty cool and acted like a leader for once instead of picking up jailbait and complaining about not being able to keep all waifus for herself? Is she feeling alright?

Even a broken clock is on time twice a day. :v

Earth Girls discussion 13 Jul 17:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

Embroidery, fringing, sewing on all kinds of pretty little stones etc... there's no shortage of low-tech ways to decorate clothing certainly. The base designs themselves tended to be rather simple though.

Yuru Yuri discussion 12 Jul 01:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

Akari pls D:

Adult Time discussion 10 Jul 09:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

"It is important to keep them properly lubricated" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

I just treat the two tags as interchangeable and call it a day.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I mean if you think about it Bitch-chanNanaki starting to coach Kurokawa on makeup and fashion and whatnot would be the perfect excuse for them to spend extensive time in very close physical proximity and start feeling strangely agitated by it at some point...

Earth Girls discussion 09 Jul 00:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

Nah, they weren't. Premodern cultures tended to avoid cutting textile like the plague whe making clothes for various technical reasons which is one reason variations of pretty simple tunics and wrap-around robes/coats/dresses were so universal. This lot would probably mostly be wearing leathers anyway...

Can see why Mira'd just ignore that detail and take a pile of artistic liberties already for the sake of visual interest.

Yuru Yuri discussion 08 Jul 18:45
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yes. They're equally useful for reducing fortifications and blasting troops.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey, they seem to get by. And near as we've been shown thus far the only thing keeping this bunch from supplementing their "veterans' pensions" with, y'know, proper jobs is them being chronically lazy...

joined Jul 26, 2016

That assumes the "working bees" layers of supernatural she deals with actually have the power and authority for that kind of thing, which seems like a bit of a stretch even under the rather thereabouts cosmology involved...

joined Jul 26, 2016

One of the (many) things I dig about Mezashi is the breadth and depth of expression they (she? idr) can convey despite the seemingly simple and cartoonish art style.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think it's a little odd that Samael, the angel of destruction, and Belphegor, one of the princes of hell, have been demoted to such petty roles. Asmodeus is the same rank as Belphegor, but the way they're presented here Asmodeus way outranks her.

Eh, this Hell seems to run like a version of the Chinese Celestial Bureaucracy anyway. "Broad strokes" all around and I daresay the author mainly picked the names by recognizability and "cool factor" - and Devil take the various demonological hierarchies occultists have worked out over the centuries.