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joined Mar 28, 2015

Yeah, I relate a lot. Though yuri has often little to do with how real life goes, I know that much. You'd have to read honey honey or Lesbian Solo to get closer to reality.

But the feelings in yuri resonate deeply. The more I read yuri, the more my heart turns into a soft pink marshmallow... T_T

joined Mar 28, 2015

My take is, she disn't say the physical was not important or irrelevant. She did say that the mental aspect is more important in yuri than in other romances, because it's deemed "unnatural" by society. So, it's a quest to find someone like you, like finding a pin in a haystack

And "we are the same", is perfectly explained here I think. The things that makes them the same isn't only their body, it's everything : their love for each other, their desires, the fact that they are "out of mainstream" and their bodies of course. Both are looking for a soulmate, someone who will match with them, someone they can "fuse" with.

At least, I think it's like this in a lot of classical yuri. "We are the same" is a sentence Mari says when she makes love with Akko in Girl Friends. Because she was desperate to be accepted as she can not help to be, and finding her loved one being "the same" in body and desires, is a huge relief for her.

And I can't remember where else right now, but I'm sure I've read that sentence every so often in yuri stories.

And if you've watched Yuri Kuma Arashi, the ending illustrates exactly this. To be "the same" makes your love true.

last edited at Apr 24, 2015 5:59AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Also, this.

Even though Saori isn't into yuri at all (obviously, ne?), she says one of the best take on yuri I've read, in just a few sentences.

It's exactly what yuri is about.

Hence, the sentence often met in yuri : "we really are the same".

last edited at Apr 24, 2015 4:44AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Right, I finally understood where this is going.

Yurika never actually gets anything out of the "comfort" she provides to women, except food & money.

While she seems to enjoys the seduction process, she's never involved emotionally herself.

I have a hunch that the only one who can seduce Yurika and actually please her, is Saori. That's the power of the official girlfriend.

And damn, i'm jealous of Yurika's magical superpower. Make women fall instantly for you and repel men ? Fuck yeah!

last edited at Apr 24, 2015 1:47AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Lovely series. Every relationship is moving forward at its own pace and all characters are likable, even Tsundere Nagai.

Just Aoi needs to stop to be selfish and think only about herself.

Anime season 22 Apr 09:35
joined Mar 28, 2015

How is the subtext going in Kiniro S2 ?

Or even the yuri for that matter.

I didn't pick it up yet.

I have to say that in S1, I wanted some kind of realization from Youko that Ayaya is head-over-heels for her, because, man, is she dense...

joined Mar 28, 2015

Meh... the reversal was nicely done, but there's too much service. The point could have been driven home with half as much sex : there's as much enjoyment in pleasing your lover than in being pleased.. That's relationship 101.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Hime is a ditz, that much was stated.

I still think his best match is +18-san.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Hmmm... I understand there's only the YP version of FF on Dynasty now?

Where is the rest? I'm confused.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I think it's just a crude oneshot and it's useless to delve into it too deep. The point of the story, is that it can be okay to be dependent, stop to hate yourself, if the other one understands you ?

This isn't really yuri. If Sena had been a guy, the story would have been exactly the same, except we would have shouted "RAPE !" at the sex scene.

joined Mar 28, 2015

The anime is just... wow, exactly...

I can't quite put it into words.

Probably not to everyone's taste, and sometimes made on the cheap, but it's so powerful, it's out of this world. Ikuhara is really something.

The manga seems to take another path, but if Ikuhara is behind it, it's something to look forward to.

Gao gao !

Yuri, shounin!

last edited at Apr 22, 2015 4:42AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

My method is to read random things and when I see something I like, I read everything from the same author.

joined Mar 28, 2015

This kind of open ending is the worst

joined Mar 28, 2015

And now... science babies!

joined Mar 28, 2015

I skipped right to the end of GIFT and my, that was bad. Very bad.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Wow... Aoi's innocence is blinding. I almost pity Riri because she's going to have to work through her own feelings and getting Aoi to acknowledge and understand the whole concept of love.

I love how Morishima takes all the tropes of Yuri and makes them comedy fodder and character development fodder at the same time.

I hope the YP continues that one. It seems it's finished in Japan (1 Volume) ?

joined Mar 28, 2015

Re-read this and my, is it good.

Only gripe I have is Yae's design, who looks a bit too baby-ish, but other than that, the story and the characters are so warm and fluffy, I get all emotional and teary-eyed. Sex scenes are never forced and go well with the flow of the story, so I don't really mind them.

I like that between Yae and Chitose, the "roles" gets blurred as their relationship progress, Chitose showing more of her girly side and Yae more of her assertive side. They don't have to conform to the het standard roles, they love each other because they are both girls.

Every chapter 1st image, with the comment, is perfect, because it shows how the characters really are growing.

Both lesbian couples are completely different and interesting in their own right. Yae and Chitose take it in strides, whereas Ran and Mari are more chaotic and self-conscious, but their stories are told in a most skillful way.

I can't help but smile and wish to the character all the happiness in the world.

We need more of Morishima-sensei work in this world.

Prunus Girl discussion 20 Apr 13:33
joined Mar 28, 2015

Asami and Non-chan are the only ones without a partner at the end.

So let's say Asami switches sides and hooks up with Non-chan. That can be your headcanon.

Anyway, back to the story, Aikawa never ever actually act or look anything like a guy, but always like a cute girl. So I can see why this one isn't tagged Yaoi. That he's a guy is only a plot device to delay the unavoidable outcome.

last edited at Apr 20, 2015 5:16PM

Prunus Girl discussion 20 Apr 12:38
joined Mar 28, 2015

Well, the relationship between Hanazaka and Wakakusa is rock solid, because they are completely in love and completely trust each other. Wakakusa was never affraid Non-chan would take away Hanazaka from her.

But it doesn't mean it can't be an open relationship, as long as the third one doesn't hope to drive a wedge between the two. When Non-chan seems to "give up", she says as much. She can clearly see that there's no hope she can take Hanazaka for herself. But it's still pretty obvious that she's strongly attracted to both Wakakusa and Hanazaka and still hang out a lot with them.

So I think there's room for her in a 3P, as long as she loves both equally, because these two, even if they toy with her, wouldn't dare to hurt her.

last edited at Apr 20, 2015 12:39PM

Prunus Girl discussion 20 Apr 11:00
joined Mar 28, 2015

Pet is good too... :3

I mean the pair isn't evil. And Non-chan made it pretty obvious that she's actually very much turned on by both.

last edited at Apr 20, 2015 11:01AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

How two kuudere confess to each other. How nice.

Prunus Girl discussion 20 Apr 10:38
joined Mar 28, 2015

I'm not usually into BL, but this one is really funny. Though it was a little dragged on, because that they end up together, whether Aikawa is a girl or a boy is pretty obvious. The denial of Maki that he's Aikawa-sexual gets old after a while.

All in all, it's a good read because of the comedy. The lovestory in itself was very predictable.

I just hope for Non-chan that the lesbian pair doesn't mind a 3some.

Stretch discussion 20 Apr 06:03
joined Mar 28, 2015

Hmmm, no. I find Keiko awkward in that outfit.

She looks much better in a ladysuit.

Prism discussion 19 Apr 03:46
joined Mar 28, 2015

Don't think so either. Unless Shou does something stupid again, Stretch will go on. It's one of the best, if not the best, ranked comic on Big Comic Spirit's website.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I love the way he draws his "serious" characters. They are just so damn cute. I'm seriously in love with this Yuu character. She's adorable in every possible way.

Since this finished after 3 volumes, I hope the rest gets translated.

And while they are at it, I've seen that he's currently doing another series, Noroi no Aoi-chan , tagged as Yuri on mangaupdates.I hope some group picks it up if it's good.

Something like that :

last edited at Apr 18, 2015 5:23PM