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joined Jul 26, 2016

Promising, but i wonder about their age difference the mc looks like a kid. I'm not into loli shit but it has a great art so i will let it slide.

Two years, give or take, since Kagami and Ooba are third-years and Indou is a freshly enrolling first-year. That kind of growth difference is plenty plausible at that age, nevermind now that the implication seems to be that the MC grew up quite poor - bad nutrition doesn't exactly hasten someone's physical developement. (Case in point, it wasn't unheard-of for poorer young men to only start undergoing puberty during their national service in still-impoverished postwar Finland - for the first time in their lives they were getting enough to eat in the military.)

But dang, the ponytail girl judges someone by their looks.

This is alt-history Twenties or so, still a grossly classist time worldwide so if anything she's just displaying standard period social prejudices. And Kagami seems to be a stickler for military "spit and polish" so it's no wonder she frowns on Indou's initial street-beggar habitus. Note that she has no objections whatsoever to her entering the academy, merely wondering how she's going to pass the physical and basically wishing her good luck.
No doubt they get all kinds there, and modern militaries rather like to imagine themselves as giving even the most initially unpromising human material a chance to "be all that they can be".

@ Blastaar: FWIW going by the civilian fashions this seems to be the equivalent of the Taisho period rather than Showa. Not sure of the specific chronology of the insane militarism from the Kwantung Army infecting the home isles but as I understand for the most part things were still pretty civilized back then.

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 11:27AM

Image Comments 23 Jul 01:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ I don't think the timeline computes... unless ofc Dia's a time traveler or precognitive.
Who knew?! :o

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey, beats starving to death on some godforsaken Pacific atoll.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like Hishikawa's and Shinsuke's pervert friendship, it's great

That's one part of the family whose acceptance she won't have to worry about, that's for sure...
May we take a moment to appreciate how merrily Brosuke is trying to get his neesan hitched with another girl? o3ob

joined Jul 26, 2016

The inherent function of sexual attraction is reproduction of the proverbial "selfish genes" as it were, and by extension the species. Since attraction to the same sex isn't the most conductive thing for reproductive success it is, alongside the lack of desire to have offspring at all, effectively a "glitch" and an inherently rather self-limiting one.
Which is why, looking at assorted surveys listed on teh Wiki, homosexuals make up something like under 10% of the population.

Necessary reminder that it's not a "stupid ass idea" but the norm already out of brute biological calculus.

Now, whether an author handles the matter well is another question entirely...

last edited at Jul 22, 2018 11:25PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I love this setting. But that period in history...

I hope that this can stay lighthearted throughout. I would hate to be reminded of the real life history of that time period in such a manga.

Well this does seem to be set before the IJ military went completely fucking nuts. Not to mention, y'know, alt-history and all.

joined Jul 26, 2016

To be fair the pedophiles with functioning urge control and moral compass aren't exactly the problem, and more to the point tend not turn up in the crime news, so the conflation is fairly understandable given Joe Average's famed tendency to not do the research. Doubly so for colloquial language.

joined Jul 26, 2016

-- the stupid ass idea that girls are just inherently attracted to men.

That's... something of an integral and necessary part of sexual reproduction actually...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey, they seem to get by. And near as we've been shown thus far the only thing keeping this bunch from supplementing their "veterans' pensions" with, y'know, proper jobs is them being chronically lazy...

Magical Girls are child soldiers, if you think about it.

Only if they actually work as part of some kind of organisation, if you now want to quibble over definitions. Not really seeing how that relates though?

Citrus discussion 22 Jul 21:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

That's a lot of arbitrary asspulls for one post. : |

Image Comments 22 Jul 13:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

Asuka and Homura have at least one in-universe shipper if memory serves...

Image Comments 21 Jul 13:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

IIRC it's explicit in the setting that animals that turn into Friends become cute girls irrespective of their original biological sex. These two certainly display "alpha-male" competitive behavioral patterns characteristic of the males of their species...

The actual gaffe is that lion manes are dark. :P

last edited at Jul 21, 2018 1:07PM

Image Comments 21 Jul 12:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

Mind, in some regional subspecies the males are also maneless (or have such short and sparse manes as makes no real difference) - typically areas of heavy bush where getting tangled up is a real problem. And IIRC the transient male bachelor prides are pretty heavy on Yaoi...

Image Comments 21 Jul 11:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

A rather apt description indeed. Channeling every "heroic banchou" tope in the book (and then some) probably has something to do with it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

That last panel sounds like a classic pick up line ROTFL

I laughed so much at that one. It might even be suggestive of paying her to go to a hotel or something. How can teacher-san be so bad at this?

Probably because she can barely hold her gayness.

Regressing to a blushing teenager around Oono probably isn't helping...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'll be damned if whatever-her-name-was doesn't at least have a hunch...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Spidey no D:

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kayo x New Girl is my new ship tbh.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Welcome to the kitchen.

Chevaliere discussion 21 Jul 01:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

you can have girls academy for knights and having all the girls in armor only or military uniform or something else.

Only nobody wore armour all the time because it was bloody heavy, hot and uncomfortable (also noisy) and military uniforms as we understand them didn't become a thing until the 1600s (originally mostly to deter friendly fire and desertion) so, yeah.

Anyways, Cerisier is the only major offender in this regard. The others' outfits could actually make some claims to being "inspired by" (very) broadly period-appropriate clothing, miniskirts aside. (But then again...)

last edited at Jul 21, 2018 1:43AM

Citrus discussion 20 Jul 14:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

I giggled more at "paternal unit" than I probably should have.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I would have called her 'IDW DA NYAAAAAN~~!!'

Guessing Madoka doesn't play shitty mobages. =3=

Chevaliere discussion 20 Jul 10:21
joined Jul 26, 2016

On the flipside the arms and armour are drawn remarkably accurately. Always nice to see an author who at least bothered to google some references instead of recycling Zelda/Dragon Quest visuals...

joined Jul 26, 2016

So you literally made an acc to post condescending bullshit and posture arrogantly then try to play the victim card, gotcha.

joined Jul 26, 2016

That multiple people have failed to actually read the goddamn title nevermind now the tags adds no weight whatsoever to your argument, as that's still 100% PEBKAC.

Laziness and/or stupidity do not become any lesser sins for the number of people committing them.