Right, the looser cultural zeitgeist of the 20’s was a far cry from the later period. But, although I’m not deeply read in the area, my understanding of Japanese military protocols of the entire modern era is that while in theory it was benignly paternalistic (everyone in the military hierarchy standing in kind of familial relationship) in practice it would be quite dictatorial, with corporal punishment (including group punishments when one member messed up) and casual physical abuse even of junior officers being fairly common.
Tbf most military "service cultures" of the era were more or less hair-raisingly abusive and tyrannical by modern (Western) norms, and the Japanese had consciously modeled theirs after the Prussian system which was notoriously draconian even by period standards; apparently Germans in the Légion Étrangère found that unit's famously tough discipline actually pretty mild and tolerable by comparison...
And women in the military would have been pretty much unthinkable.
Well, yeah, that was universal. Even the social-revolutionary Soviets only let them in due to the extreme circumstances they faced in WW2, and originally only as paramedics and the like in the ground forces - not that the commanders complained when they instead grabbed guns and started killing Fascist invaders ofc, motivated fighters are always welcome when times are tough. That's far and away the single biggest alt-history bit here one simply must handwave.
I’m just pointing out some context because I’m a little concerned that when officers start barking orders at the hamster and she gets scolded for screwing something up, readers around here are going to interpret it as a hellish ordeal rather than the hearts-and-flowers reimagining of a pretty harsh reality that this story seems likely to be.
I mean let's be honest - what are the odds most of the audience here has any idea of what actual military life and discipline is like, nevermind now back in less enlightened times a century back? I should probably go bookmark YT clips of suitable Full Metal Jacket scenes to toss at the bleeding hearts when the time comes, as it night certainly will...
Granted that's about rank-and-file boot camp rather than officer-candidate military school but same principles apply.
last edited at Jul 23, 2018 12:29PM