Forum › Posts by Lizbo

joined Nov 21, 2020

I'm confused... Does Mirei know that Kyouko likes her?

Yes. I think. But she wanted to stay as just friends... until Kyouko sprung that kicked puppy expression on her.

I'm confused as to why Kyouko's making that kind of face in the first place; she certainly wasn't doing it three chapters ago...

joined Nov 21, 2020

I wonder if there's an agency somewhere that specifically deploys guys to hit on girls who seem to have romantic subtext. The dudes get their jaws broken, the relationship progresses thanks to the intensity of the situation, and the agency presumably compensates the victims based on the damage incurred and the degree of progress they brought about.

The twist: They were actually hired by Gyaru-chan.

joined Nov 21, 2020

Noooooooooooooooooooooo. They forgot to say normal this chapterrrrrr!

Didn't say it last time, either. How incomprehensibly bizarre.

joined Nov 21, 2020

Cute kouhai's date plans are going to be totally scuppered, aren't they?

joined Nov 21, 2020

I'm sorry..."Squidward - ON"???

Looks like photoshop to me but could be a mod.

I suspect the latter. Looks more like the Martian Manhunter to me...

Oh, and it turns out the beer wasn't Japanese after all. They just happened to be selling it there.

Forum Rules 17 Dec 19:30
joined Nov 21, 2020

...That wasn't quite what I meant.

Anyway, it's back again, once more peddling its service to fictional characters.

joined Nov 21, 2020

^The characters just weren't being honest with the author. It happens.

joined Nov 21, 2020

Is the Cafe licensed? If so, here's something for the drinks menu:

joined Nov 21, 2020

I'm finding it hard telling some characters apart, but other than that, this is pretty entertaining.

joined Nov 21, 2020

Credits page? Ah, that explains why it was in this thread. I never read those...

You really should go back through each credits page since Chads no Teikoku took over, and the Chads' Special Chapter. They're pure gold.

I think I may actually have read some of those, but it's just... That parody cover image. It's hilarious, and really well done... but at the same time, utterly terrifying.

joined Nov 21, 2020

I feel like I'm in a time loop.

I feel like we just escaped from it, what with the webcomic version being rougher from chapter 66 onward. It's nice to see the properly finished artwork, though at the same time, I miss the colours...

joined Nov 21, 2020

^What Kirin said, basically. My complaint wasn't about this (or any) story blending comedy with drama, but that it's forced into the straitjacket of a format that was originally developed purely to tell jokes. If you prefer a purely literary metaphor: it's like rendering Beowulf in the form of limericks.

joined Nov 21, 2020

If you're fed up with the Antichrist stuff, skip this post. I just want clarify some things that were already posted.

Lizbo posted:

On a slight tangent, if anyone wants to read an interesting article, give this a read.

I read as far as the point where he misquoted Revelation 13:1 before giving up:

And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills

The bit about the hills isn't in my Bible. Anyway, political leaders have been identified as the Antichrist ever since the time of Nero. What are the chances they got it right this time?

It doesn't appear to be from an "official" translation so it may be from a direct translation of the Hebrew texts, especially since a quick search for the exact phrase used on the website does give results where others are shown using the same quote. Mine (which was my grandfather's and looks to be the King James version) also doesn't use that exact wording. After a bit of searching I found this page which has this bit of text:

Having seven heads - So also the dragon is represented in Revelation 12:3. See the notes on that passage. The representation there is of Satan, as the source of all the power lodged in the two beasts that John subsequently saw. In Revelation 17:9, referring substantially to the same vision, it is said that “the seven heads are seven mountains”; and there can be no difficulty, therefore, in referring this to the seven hills on which the city of Rome was built (compare the notes on Revelation 12:3), and consequently this must be regarded as designed, in some way, to be a representation of Rome.

This suggests it is a matter of translation from the original text. And after a little more searching around, it seems like it could be a matter of another passage further on, Revelations 17:9 that they then backported to 13:1. So it doesn't appear to be so much misquoting as it is a matter of a theologist being more intimately familiar with the entire text than a normal person would.

So, when I said the bit about the hills wasn't in my Bible, I was wrong (but also right). Corey actually takes two separate verses, runs them together, and puts them in his own words. That's a big no-no if you're quoting an original text, even if they are (as here) actually talking about the same thing. And he misses off the verse number from the 17:9 reference (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a typo), which is why I couldn't find it.

Anyway, if anyone here takes this stuff seriously, I'd urge you to go through his argument with the relevant bits of Daniel, Revelation and so on to hand, and make sure he isn't trying to pull any other fast ones. Also, cross out every verse he quotes, and see what's left over at the end, just to make sure he isn't cherry-picking only those parts that (he can make to appear to) support his argument.

By the way, I don't take this stuff seriously. That Bible shares a shelf with such other miscellaneous reference works as an Italian-English dictionary, a first-aid manual and a guide to house plants. Could use a good dusting, now that I look at it...

This is all kinda superfluous to the point I was making anyways though. My point wasn't that Trump is the Antichrist. My point was that he ticks off a lot of the boxes the Bible uses to describe the Antichrist and yet tons of American Christians still support him despite him being so blatantly the antithesis of what a Christian is supposed to be.

Well, it's only Corey's opinion that he ticks those boxes; he doesn't prove that the fundamentalists share his interpretation. But that's also superfluous, since obviously Fartpants ought to be anathema to anyone with any moral standards whatsoever, regardless of their beliefs.

We now return you to our regular programming.

joined Nov 21, 2020

Real Question (Not because I don't have "experience"):
Can you really feel a woman's heartbeats through her boing boings?

Feeling the pulse at the wrist is much easier, and far lewder.

Forum Rules 16 Dec 11:26
joined Nov 21, 2020

Another spam bot. Seriously, you're wasting your time here. The characters in these stories may be in high school, but I guarantee you none of them are ever going to require the use of your assignment-writing service.

joined Nov 21, 2020

I love how the time change is shown by lengthening the girls' hair. Murasakino is so god damn good.

This doesn't actually happen, though...

joined Nov 21, 2020

Page 14 is at the start....

It is the start... of the REAL story.

So, "master and servant" is a theme now. I wonder if we have Zanka to thank for this?

joined Nov 21, 2020

Waiitttt is Teiji not going to be translated anymore not that it got licensed?

I think some people are getting a bit confused here, due to this being posted in the wrong thread.

If one only follows the releases and doesn't read the discussions or browse the site, they may have first heard about it through that credits page, so...but your larger point remains. I don't think there's any reason to believe that Virgins' Empire is getting licensed as of now.

Credits page? Ah, that explains why it was in this thread. I never read those...

Yuri discussion 14 Dec 18:38
joined Nov 21, 2020

Don't let anyone, not even spellcheck, tell you that pituitous is not a word. Now why, exactly, we're talking about allergies and their associated bodily fluids to describe the average shipping art, well, I'll never know (and I'm happier for it).

I checked Wiktionary, but all it says is:

Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.

Perhaps one of these "more recent senses" is applicable here? Though having said that, they've got ship, and I bet that meaning wasn't in the 1913 Webster's.

joined Nov 21, 2020

Waiitttt is Teiji not going to be translated anymore not that it got licensed?

I think some people are getting a bit confused here, due to this being posted in the wrong thread.

joined Nov 21, 2020

So if Blue is earning M Points, is Red earning S Points?

joined Nov 21, 2020

What anthology is this from?

AFAIK vol 3 of Les Fuuzoku Anthology
aka Les Fuuzoku Anthology Premium

It's quite a contrast to the Homura Subaru chapter, isn't it? Though both are beautifully executed in their own way.

joined Nov 21, 2020

So, I went and re-read the original version. I'd completely forgotten how lewd it was in comparison. I wonder how far we can expect this one to go...

joined Nov 21, 2020

On a slight tangent, if anyone wants to read an interesting article, give this a read.

I read as far as the point where he misquoted Revelation 13:1 before giving up:

And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills

The bit about the hills isn't in my Bible. Anyway, political leaders have been identified as the Antichrist ever since the time of Nero. What are the chances they got it right this time?

joined Nov 21, 2020

For anyone (like me) who was confused by the second panel here, "wrap it in an oblate" is a figure of speech roughly equivalent to "sugar-coat it".