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joined Jan 27, 2019

I keep wanting to make an Idolmaster Cinderella Girls version of the blackboard from the start of the Touhou doujin Komainu Set ( — maybe
* Mushrooms
* Shiki's shady new perfume
* Yuuko is fooling around again
— and I think it has to be Miku saying, "Templates like that are forbidden, nya."

joined Jan 27, 2019

So, the two got together because they're horny and lonely.

You forgot "drunk".

But they stayed together because they found things in each other that they needed, and were able to be honest about that. I find the whole thing rather touching.

Image Comments 10 Feb 02:32
joined Jan 27, 2019

There is a Touhou doujin that I can't immediately locate, that sort of spoke to this, and which I've always found both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Remilia (a vampire, sometimes portrayed as in love with her human maid) says, "Humans are beautiful. They can spend their whole lives with you."

joined Jan 27, 2019

I've always loved this book. Exploring Alice's relationship to Makai is something I always enjoy in fanworks, so the focus on Shinki is a delight. The relationship between Alice and Marisa is complicated — and made more complicated still by the current situation — but you can definitely tell how they do care for each other — and you can almost taste how much Marisa misses her own mother (and possibly her mother-figure, Mima) when asking about Alice's.

A while back, ZUN made a comment about his ultimate vision for the Touhou Project, and Gensokyo, in a publishing sense, is to be something like the Cthulhu Mythos. Given the way that the intense and prolific flowering of fanworks has generated a space where we're mostly fine with knowing that each author's Gensokyo may only match another's version in the broadest possible strokes, I think he's pretty much there.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I appreciate the use of "stan" here because "am an obsessive, all-consuming fan of" wouldn't fit in the bubbles. (I thought the meaning was pretty clear from context, though I also had to be reminded of the song.)

It can be jarring if only because the general run of internet translation tends more towards the slavishly literal, though thankfully the days of "Just according to keikaku" are mostly behind us.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Heh, the first time I saw a nurikabe girl was back in the mid-2000s high school youkai romance Petopeto-san, which also had the titular "sticky" youkai, an akaname, and some kappa — as well as, on the male side, an undead samurai and a shapeshifter who normally had no face so wore a lucha mask. (Not a particularly recommended series, even aside from all the het, though the characters were cute.).

joined Jan 27, 2019

Et in Akihabara Ego.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Wow, that Pink Lady reference. Nico knows her history.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I have trouble coming up with a fatal-if-not-done surgery that would a) result in memory loss but b) not have at least part of Nico's little head shaved. Presumably some kind of benign brain tumor — non-cancerous, so she wouldn't be all chemo'd up, but still large and pressing enough to demand action, and some kind of robot/laparoscopic procedure so she kept most of her hair?

Anyway, very cute story. It's all plot device disease, so I shouldn't overthink it.

Image Comments 05 Feb 16:08
joined Jan 27, 2019

If you are two normal-sized people and not anime schoolgirls, just get two of the same kind of rectangular sleeping bags; they're designed such that you can zip them together into a double-sized bag. Spares you the embarrassment of buying and packing a dedicated fuck bag.

Image Comments 05 Feb 16:02
joined Jan 27, 2019

Ah, memories... If you have the sort of sleeping bags that are shaped like rectangles (instead of the more wintery mummy bags), and two of the same bag (brand and model), you can unzip each one flat and then zip them both together to make one double-sized sleeping bag. Gives you plausible deniability for packing.

(I think I actually learned this tidbit as part of wilderness first aid training — snuggling is the proper emergency treatment for hypothermia, after all — but the implications were there.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

A great story, both in the overall sweep of it and in the moments — I'm particularly fond of the bit where Kuroko re-ties Yuri's hair, because she needs that bit of grounding.

I keep reading these doujinshi (and enjoying them) and thinking I should read more than the scattered chapters of the manga that I've seen, but my tolerance for cringe is really pretty damn low — I can barely watch old episodes of The Office without injuring my neck in all the cringing. Ah, well.

joined Jan 27, 2019

It's very cute, but wouldn't the obvious conclusion to leap to at seeing a child that a) looks just like Fate and b) who calls herself "Fate" be "Ohmigod, you found one of your mother's old labs and there was another clone of Alicia," not "You had a secret lovechild at the age of 11 and named her after yourself"? Chalk it up to the weird prevalence of that trope, I guess...

joined Jan 27, 2019

What's the opposite of "Be careful what you wish for?"

"[D]on't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted."

"What happened?"

"He lived happily ever after."

— Willy Wonka and Charlie Bucket, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Though you also may be thinking the opposite in terms of "Be careful what wishes you undertake to grant", the proverb of which would be either "Don't bite off more than you can chew," or "Do not call up that which you can not put down."

last edited at Feb 4, 2020 3:56AM

joined Jan 27, 2019

It was definitely a joke. As someone pointed out early in the thread, lampshading. We know Onee-san is a creepy pedo but in-universe she's the main character, not a villain... She would never do anything to hurt the Otone... But she's a sick pedo full of creepy desires, which we can see from outside of the universe.

Probably one of the most central tropes of loli stuff is that the lolis are always enthusiastic. I think there was even a study on rape in hentai manga that came up with it being rarest in a few magazines (one being 0%, an editorial decision I applaud) and number 2 or 3 was Comic Lo, which you can guess from the title is a loli manga. The suspension of disbelief is that this is all a-ok and the way that disbelief is suspended is by the trope of willing, enthusiastic lolis.

This should be made part of obligatory reading for anyone that harps about the lolicon/shotacon genre as being inherently immoral.

Welllll... I don't think that's quite the slam-dunk you think it is. The argument that the "inherently immoral" crowd makes (besides "eww") is generally one about normalization — that consistently portraying something to be true has the effect, in the public consciousness, of shifting attitudes towards accepting that it's true. It's an argument I find hard to fully refute — it's part of why stereotypes and misogynistic and biased tropes can be harmful. Portraying children as not needing to be raped for adults to have sex with them is, on this view, just a leeetle sketchy.

That said, I think the harm-by-normalization argument depends on the portrayal really being mainstream or large-scale mass media. The mere fact of being published or being available on the internet doesn't rise to that level, and we're all well aware, going in, that these are fantasies without much reference to real life.

(The only other thing I worry a little about in this sort of thing is that the "comedic onee-loli" thing kind of perpetuates some misogyny; we are supposed to think that having the quasi-predatory older character being a woman is "safer", because women can't really sexually assault people. It's like jokes about female teachers who abuse boy students. Flipping the gender would make us far more uncomfortable.)

Anyway, I really do like this series, and indeed a lot of stuff that's considered sketchy, and in no way do I want to stop anybody from enjoying any fiction. But I find it useful to maintain an awareness of what is actually being said, and a sense of ambivalence about how "harmless" anything is.

Image Comments 03 Feb 04:26
joined Jan 27, 2019

"Hrnnnngh" isn't specifically yuri-induced, but yes. The term comes out of the "Katawa Shoujo" project yea these many years ago.

Image Comments 03 Feb 04:21
joined Jan 27, 2019

The trouble with the pun is that it depends on being

1) written
2) in romaji
3) in a very literal (waapuro-roumaji) transliteration.

It's very common among Western anime fans to still prefer the style of romanization that would let you represent each kana in the pronunciation of a Japanese word with a direct set of ASCII characters. In Japan itself, this style is "waapuro-roumaji", where "waapuro" is short for "word processor". My understanding is that any of the recognized official romanization systems wouldn't preserve the う in おう as a distinct 'u'. Even the old Nihon-shiki scheme, which otherwise preserves a non-phonetic direct kana-to-latin-letter(s) transcription, uses 'ô' for a long 'o' sound.

My personal theory is that back in the day, this let certain fans lord it over other fans on USENET, which could only use ASCII. "No, his name is Soun Tendou! Get it right!"

joined Jan 27, 2019

They keep talking about "guilty" because their subunit's name is "Guilty Kiss". It's really that simple.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Chika has the best assortment of random sealife plushies.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Yeah, the whole feel of... tentativeness, I guess, about the sex was really quite sweet. It does a good job at combining the first-time emotions of raw desire (must touch all the things! Lick until my tongue bleeds!) and fear (am I doing this wrong? Am I hurting her? Will she hate me if I'm not good enough?).

joined Jan 27, 2019

I'm pretty sure the charm (and the countercharm) is original to CLANNAD; even there, "getting locked in the PE equipment shed with someone" was a super-specific and bizzare thing for a charm to be doing.

For those who've not seen/played CLANNAD, the countercharm there required Tomoya to be naked from the waist up; presumably the artist (or Nozomi) changed that here for better titillation factor without having to go R-18 for nipples.

Ruby Red discussion 02 Feb 05:04
joined Jan 27, 2019

That ending is a fallen angel, falling hard. She's covering embarrassment and the degree to which she is smitten with anger — "How dare she confess to me and then friend-zone me! How dare she be so cute at me! (How dare she not want to fit into the 'little demon' framework I've constructed to keep people carefully close but at a distance!)"

Image Comments 02 Feb 04:04
joined Jan 27, 2019

she looks like an Onee-sama in Marimite then she started to speak and it's all joke..

That just means she could be Rosa Gigantea.

joined Jan 27, 2019

It's darkly amusing that in this story with so much tragedy, there's some throwaway bonus tragedy in the first chapter. That guy in the first chapter who is asked about his younger sister? That's (almost certainly) meant to be Tiida Lanster, Teana's older brother, who has been KIA by the time StrikerS starts.

As for Fate being overworked (or overworking herself), it not much of a stretch; it was stated that Nanoha's injuries put her into quite the tailspin, and that she failed the mentioned Enforcer's exam twice over. Given the high-profile nature of Nanoha's case, and what we see from procedures in StrikerS and Vivid, it looks like the Bureau drastically overhauled their policies towards training, even if they obviously didn't decide to stop using what were effectively child soldiers.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Gotta love a romantic invocation of Icarus.