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joined Nov 3, 2018

Oh thx for the heads up Bean hadn't noticed, I'm not usually one for promotional mini stories since they're removed from the main story and you know most of the time just pointless but I'll take any AdaShima material lol.

In this case I feel like it could've just been slotted in one of the novels as another chapter set in the future since there already was one.

joined Nov 3, 2018

why is everyone talking about other series in "adachi to shimamura"?lol

Not much to talk about in regards to Adachi and Shimamura right now. Oh, unless you go check sneikkimies' github, you might find a little treat that hasn't yet been uploaded here.

joined Nov 3, 2018

@Kahirama: Yeah, don't worry, that is pretty much how everyone feels about Hibike.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I would really appreciate any kind of recommendation of novel/manga/yuri/VN (really whatever) which is similar to AdaShima

There's a VN called SeaBed which is also all about the introspective exploration of the relationship between two girls and their psyche, complete with the POV switching between chapters. Though while you could describe Adashima as fluffy and lighthearted, this one is way heavier and sad. I still really recommend it as its own thing as long as you can deal with lots of reading and slow build-ups, which I guess are also much like Adashima.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Don't worry, I wasn't going to ask anything more, I already know the gist of it nor does it matter to me if it's actually yuri or not as long as it's a good story. You know, like Nettaigyo which I've been hooked to from the start.

joined Nov 3, 2018

^Anime in just over a week so a lot more people will get to know of it, myself included. On that note, are the novels translated?

joined Nov 3, 2018

^^ Not just for the anime, she generally meant that rather than writing something with the aim of making it popular, she wrote exactly what she wanted regardless of some people's expectations. I guess this might include explicit romance.

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 5:18AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

Even though nothing unusual is happening and they're simply preparing for another culture festival, it really feels like everyone has grown and it's happened very organically throughout the series, how bittersweet but nice. Konatsu's dissatisfaction over how she wishes she'd spent more time and talked more with Koyuki and the final volume preview make me think that her "one more step" will be becoming her frog and going to Tokyo with her (whether immediately or, more likely, a year later after graduating herself) so that their lost time can be made up by always being together from then on.

"What should I call that person?"
Your girlshipfriend, duh.

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 4:56AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

and that this apparently didnt come out the way she intended it to..

Didn't she state the opposite on twitter?

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 4:36AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

Hachimitsu Scans are real darlings, not only do they translate really fast, they went out of their way to do the volume extras due to the extra pages.

Image Comments 25 Dec 19:33
joined Nov 3, 2018

Nice one, merry Christmas!

joined Nov 3, 2018

I was hoping it would get to 10, but if the author sees no reason to drag it out, then I'll trust her on it. Let's see how it ends.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Aki = N0tail
Shiho = Fly

Looking forward to the handshake.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I feel like there's an extremely simple solution to this which is to employ the artist for the current manga adaptation, but maybe there were some complications for this volume.

Image Comments 15 Dec 18:17
joined Nov 3, 2018

@Serenata: they may have saved on it entirely and just had Sobble fill the tub.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I'll take them over him worrying about dying prematurely like in the previous volume.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I figure this volume was a little rushed to coincide with the release of the anime, it's also the shortest in general. Though nothing much could've happened between Adachi and her mom anyway since we already knew from the flashforward chapter that they still aren't on good terms.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Time to wait a year for more I guess. Thanks sneikkimies, you're the real MVP.

joined Nov 3, 2018

That makes sense, I just wanted to see that kiss after all the teasing. Oh well, I guess I can just look up any other shinoasa art, lol.

And hey, you said you wanted to do some DMF doujin in the comments of the RL one last month and you already did, thanks a lot!

joined Nov 3, 2018

The rest of Prizmmy and Puretty couldn't wait a couple more minutes after five hours had already passed, could they?

last edited at Dec 6, 2020 8:03AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

You'd better go all out with the cackling since it's the last time you'll be able to do it for who knows how long.

joined Nov 3, 2018

To be fair, it must've been hard to focus on proofreading over all the warm fuzzies.

joined Nov 3, 2018

She did mention her "parents" when thinking back to how awkward things with them already were when she was little, so it seems they must have divorced not too many years before the present.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Hino's and Nagafuji's chapters were pretty nice, kinda weird they still needed to be fleshed out this late in the series, but better late than never. The story of Hino's family puts her behavior into perspective though I feel a little sad for the maid, it's as if she sees Hino and Nagafuji's potential future as them living out the happiness she couldn't have. I hope the author doesn't leave things between them ambiguous just because they're not the main characters and that we get a few more chapters with them coming to terms with what they want from each other before the end of the series. I'm sure even Nagafuji can figure it out despite how she is.

The Christmas chapter was wonderful. From Adachi making some progress and not just being a complete mess, to Shimamura confronting her personality against her feelings and wish to overcome her apathy for Adachi's sake, to Shimamura's mom trying to perform a Christmas miracle between the Adachis. I just hope it doesn't backfire because it easily could.

joined Nov 3, 2018
