^ DISHONOR!!! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cat!!
Popuko, please get a hold on your girlfriend.
At last, the meme queens grace is with their presence!
Ooh, such a pretty dress!!
O shit hide your wives!
Welcome to the garden, dear sweet child. Would you care for a lily or two?
This is good for making me sleepy, but looking at it in the morning is probably counterproductive.
Can I be their pet kitty and just dive in the middle? :3
I had myself fooled into thinking this couldn’t get any cuter, somehow. Thank god I was wrong...
Tissues, anyone? It’ll help staunch the bleeding.
dies laughing
Nice bleach reference.
Star Light you need a better variable name than just “I.” Maybe use something like... “infinity” or something. Gotta make that code easy to read.
Is the Madoka you dropped this all-powerful goddess, or is it this cute human with all the redeeming qualities?
I fold.
Don’t hog all the girls, Alice! Save some waifus for us!
Another flower blooms in the goddess’s lily garden...
Oopsie. ;3
Abababababa! Hold it right there, young lady. You are not disturbing the sanctity of the nozoeli lily garden!
hides catnip
Damn shame she’s only got the one Kanan, but hey. ‘S good enough.
I have a friend that would’ve caught the damn thing bare-handed and chastised everyone for scaring it.
Anyone know a good dentist?
^ Thomas And The Lily Garden, maybe? Every good show needs a good name.
^ Is it they or she? I mean, I know Tanya was a dude in her previous life, but she’s a girl now. A mentally unstable girl, but a girl nonetheless.
last edited at Jan 7, 2018 9:43PM