Forum › Posts by mvl89

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 22:46
joined Jan 13, 2016

Haha you are an interesting person. Most people want to straighten their teeth.

I have no complain for ppl who straightened their teeth.. I agree with aesthetic treatment..
but not for cute crooked teeth... It a fat NO..

Lol. If your cute person has them are you gonna have that person smile all the time for you to look at them? Hahaha. Most of the time you won't ever get to see them.

wowoowww.... why not? I'll find my way to make the smile and see the smile...

Cool good luck. Haha.


Hey Rainy you totally are avoiding telling some hot love stories from your youth. Maybe i should ask your mother about them.

She knows nothing :D

Haha. You are a very secretive person that is why i am determined to find out about them. If your mother doesn't know then i'll ask your friends. Haha. I'm sure they know.

Omgee scawy... does smule connected to my fb?

Not that i know of. I didn't try to dig for your facebook page.

It's fine.. XD

Share it when you want to. My facebook is just me haha. I created three accouts but deleted the other two. Now i have no connections with anyone. So none of my family knows what i'm up to haha. It's kinda nice that nobody knows what you are up to.

Btw, i m not sure i m gonna be around tonight..
A closer relative passed away... I dont know the funeral date yet, as i havent talked about it with my cousin..
I ll have to go to funeral home again for several nights..

Sorry about your loss.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 22:41
joined Jan 13, 2016

Im not going to bother reading the last two pages lool.
Almost off workk ahh Azai I need some coffee too !

Hey Newp. Are you at work?

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 22:27
joined Jan 13, 2016

Haha you are an interesting person. Most people want to straighten their teeth.

I have no complain for ppl who straightened their teeth.. I agree with aesthetic treatment..
but not for cute crooked teeth... It a fat NO..

Lol. If your cute person has them are you gonna have that person smile all the time for you to look at them? Hahaha. Most of the time you won't ever get to see them.

wowoowww.... why not? I'll find my way to make the smile and see the smile...

Cool good luck. Haha.

Hey Rainy you totally are avoiding telling some hot love stories from your youth. Maybe i should ask your mother about them.

She knows nothing :D

Haha. You are a very secretive person that is why i am determined to find out about them. If your mother doesn't know then i'll ask your friends. Haha. I'm sure they know.

Omgee scawy... does smule connected to my fb?

Not that i know of. I didn't try to dig for your facebook page.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 22:20
joined Jan 13, 2016

Haha you are an interesting person. Most people want to straighten their teeth.

I have no complain for ppl who straightened their teeth.. I agree with aesthetic treatment..
but not for cute crooked teeth... It a fat NO..

Lol. If your cute person has them are you gonna have that person smile all the time for you to look at them? Hahaha. Most of the time you won't ever get to see them.

Hey Rainy you totally are avoiding telling some hot love stories from your youth. Maybe i should ask your mother about them.

She knows nothing :D

Haha. You are a very secretive person that is why i am determined to find out about them. If your mother doesn't know then i'll ask your friends. Haha. I'm sure they know.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 10:20PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 22:03
joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey Rainy you totally are avoiding telling some hot love stories from your youth. Maybe i should ask your mother about them.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 22:00
joined Jan 13, 2016

Hahaha you and your many fetishes. Actually i got them from my parents. Pretty much almost everyone in my family got them. I refuse to fix anything on my body that i was born with.

A fix for cute crooked teeth? wha?
The one with that idea must be crazy... smh... unless the crooked teeth bring trouble to health, its best to let it be..
it makes the smile cuter... :D

Most of my siblings and cousins have fixed theirs except me and my one brother. My mom insisted i straighten them but i told her that those came from family DNA so i won't fix them.

Noooo.... XO its a waste...
good decision... dont fix it...
Too bad I dont have that DNA...

Haha you are an interesting person. Most people want to straighten their teeth.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 21:57
joined Jan 13, 2016

mvl89 and Rainy, glad to see you take over the thread again xD

I neeeed coffee DX

Somebody gotta keep this thread active. Since i have shrunk this thread a couple of times already i guess it's also my responsibility to make sure it's not dead.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 21:53
joined Jan 13, 2016

Hahaha you and your many fetishes. Actually i got them from my parents. Pretty much almost everyone in my family got them. I refuse to fix anything on my body that i was born with.

A fix for cute crooked teeth? wha?
The one with that idea must be crazy... smh... unless the crooked teeth bring trouble to health, its best to let it be..
it makes the smile cuter... :D

Most of my siblings and cousins have fixed theirs except me and my one brother. My mom insisted i straighten them but i told her that those came from family DNA so i won't fix them.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 21:43
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

Omgee... i just saw other records.. hahaha... i messed up...

Hahaha you just saw your other records?

I just found out how keep a record yesterday..
I must randomly pressed sth back then... gonna listen to it once i reached office...

Hahaha... you commented on it? So sweet.. ;*
But, Its not even my voice in "Lucky"... I didnt sing it.. lolz.. Damn... her voice is sexy.. XD

I commented on the one you sing with the guy, the newest record. Oh. I did listen to Lucky too but didn't comment on it. I also have become one of your followers so from now on you are expected to do more lol.

You look different from the pic you gave last time.. Its cuter :D

It's newer than the other one i took at some beach in thailand in the hot summer. I got quite a tan while vacationing there. This one i took a few months ago at my house.

Its cuuuuttteeerr...
Always love crooked teeth..

Hahaha you and your many fetishes. Actually i got them from my parents. Pretty much almost everyone in my family got them. I refuse to fix anything on my body that i was born with.

Hey Rainy
playing the age guessing game;
ok so its 26?XD

wrong... ;D

She is 28.3333 years old.

wrong.. xD

You are 30 then.

Nope.. xD you find it interesting to make a guess?

Sure it's fun guessing your age. It's fun bullying you. It's fun making you cry. It's fun making you laugh. It's fun making you angry on and on... hahahaha

Well, you are forever 15. Are you sure you want to be 15? You know if you're 15, you cannot do many things. Your parents might not even allow you to date.

I dont remember i need my parents permission at that time...
I did everything in secret :D hahahaha

Hahaha. By now you must already dated at least a 1000 people without anyone knowing. Come on share one story of your date.

1000? me? defeating Tofu and Lin? smh...
Maybe you have to cut the first number there... :D

Hahaha. Didn't you say you never asked your parents to date at that age? Come one share one interesting story of your youth.

psssttttt.... stop digging on it... XO lmao...

The more you resist the more i really want to find out. Hahaha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 21:29
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

Omgee... i just saw other records.. hahaha... i messed up...

Hahaha you just saw your other records?

I just found out how keep a record yesterday..
I must randomly pressed sth back then... gonna listen to it once i reached office...

Hahaha... you commented on it? So sweet.. ;*
But, Its not even my voice in "Lucky"... I didnt sing it.. lolz.. Damn... her voice is sexy.. XD

I commented on the one you sing with the guy, the newest record. Oh. I did listen to Lucky too but didn't comment on it. I also have become one of your followers so from now on you are expected to do more lol.

You look different from the pic you gave last time.. Its cuter :D

It's newer than the other one i took at some beach in thailand in the hot summer. I got quite a tan while vacationing there. This one i took a few months ago at my house.

Hey Rainy
playing the age guessing game;
ok so its 26?XD

wrong... ;D

She is 28.3333 years old.

wrong.. xD

You are 30 then.

Nope.. xD you find it interesting to make a guess?

Sure it's fun guessing your age. It's fun bullying you. It's fun making you cry. It's fun making you laugh. It's fun making you angry on and on... hahahaha

Well, you are forever 15. Are you sure you want to be 15? You know if you're 15, you cannot do many things. Your parents might not even allow you to date.

I dont remember i need my parents permission at that time...
I did everything in secret :D hahahaha

Hahaha. By now you must already dated at least a 1000 people without anyone knowing. Come on share one story of your date.

1000? me? defeating Tofu and Lin? smh...
Maybe you have to cut the first number there... :D

Hahaha. Didn't you say you never asked your parents to date at that age? Come one share one interesting story of your youth.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 21:19
joined Jan 13, 2016

Yooo. Caught some sort of cold that has me on my ass now :( Hate getting sick when I'm traveling, but I'm convinced that's when it happens to me the most. How is everyone? Did we figure out Rainy's age yet? Also how old is elthundercat?

Hello Dofu. No one has figured her age yet but she is over 25.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 21:14
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

Omgee... i just saw other records.. hahaha... i messed up...

Hahaha you just saw your other records?

I just found out how keep a record yesterday..
I must randomly pressed sth back then... gonna listen to it once i reached office...

Hahaha... you commented on it? So sweet.. ;*
But, Its not even my voice in "Lucky"... I didnt sing it.. lolz.. Damn... her voice is sexy.. XD

I commented on the one you sing with the guy, the newest record. Oh. I did listen to Lucky too but didn't comment on it. I also have become one of your followers so from now on you are expected to do more lol.

Hey Rainy
playing the age guessing game;
ok so its 26?XD

wrong... ;D

She is 28.3333 years old.

wrong.. xD

You are 30 then.

Nope.. xD you find it interesting to make a guess?

Sure it's fun guessing your age. It's fun bullying you. It's fun making you cry. It's fun making you laugh. It's fun making you angry on and on... hahahaha

Well, you are forever 15. Are you sure you want to be 15? You know if you're 15, you cannot do many things. Your parents might not even allow you to date.

I dont remember i need my parents permission at that time...
I did everything in secret :D hahahaha

Hahaha. By now you must already dated at least a 1000 people without anyone knowing. Come on share one story of your date.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 20:44
joined Jan 13, 2016

Faylicia so i contined watching the video. I was able to see the background more clearer. The beginning was kinda dark to see anything.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 20:35
joined Jan 13, 2016

Just saw two cute rabbits playing lovey dovey outside my backyard.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 20:28
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

we've always known you were Rainy's fan XD you didn't have to clarify it ahahah

Uh ummm that is not true. If you sing i will become your #1 fan too.

|>.> umm... ... you're making me wanna try it >.<
just kidding~~
why don't you try this instead?

Is that you playing a scary game? I couldn't see anything. First of all it didn't scare me. Well not yet since i have not finished watching. I am planning to finish it of course.

I loved playing those mystery hidden objects games. The first time i played one i actually had a nightmare lol. When i went to sleep after the game i could still hear those scary sounds from the game. It scared the heck of me that night. Hahaha.

Yes, it's a horror game. It doesn't have a lot of scary moments I mostly just do dumb things when there are so it's not really scary XD
What do you mean you couldn't see anything? xD

I could hear your voice. Maybe able to see a little background of the game. Mostly just like watching you talk in a dark room.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 8:36PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 20:27
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

Omgee... i just saw other records.. hahaha... i messed up...

Hahaha you just saw your other records?

I just found out how keep a record yesterday..
I must randomly pressed sth back then... gonna listen to it once i reached office...

Hey Rainy
playing the age guessing game;
ok so its 26?XD

wrong... ;D

She is 28.3333 years old.

wrong.. xD

You are 30 then.

Nope.. xD you find it interesting to make a guess?

Sure it's fun guessing your age. It's fun bullying you. It's fun making you cry. It's fun making you laugh. It's fun making you angry on and on... hahahaha

Well, you are forever 15. Are you sure you want to be 15? You know if you're 15, you cannot do many things. Your parents might not even allow you to date.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 20:14
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

we've always known you were Rainy's fan XD you didn't have to clarify it ahahah

Uh ummm that is not true. If you sing i will become your #1 fan too.

|>.> umm... ... you're making me wanna try it >.<
just kidding~~
why don't you try this instead?

Is that you playing a scary game? I couldn't see anything. First of all it didn't scare me. Well not yet since i have not finished watching. I am planning to finish it of course.

I loved playing those mystery hidden objects games. The first time i played one i actually had a nightmare lol. When i went to sleep after the game i could still hear those scary sounds from the game. It scared the heck of me that night. Hahaha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 20:05
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

Omgee... i just saw other records.. hahaha... i messed up...

Hahaha you just saw your other records?

Hey Rainy
playing the age guessing game;
ok so its 26?XD

wrong... ;D

She is 28.3333 years old.

wrong.. xD

You are 30 then.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 20:02
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

we've always known you were Rainy's fan XD you didn't have to clarify it ahahah

Uh ummm that is not true. If you sing i will become your #1 fan too.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 19:51
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

Thank you...
A fan will listen to my song thousands times xD

I have listened to all three. I listened more to the one i commented on. Will continue to listen until i reach 1000 times ok?

Hey Rainy
playing the age guessing game;
ok so its 26?XD

wrong... ;D

She is 28.3333 years old.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 7:52PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 19:31
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i became your #1 fan. I even was the first to give you a comment.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 7:32PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 12:36
joined Jan 13, 2016

Okay.. gotta sleep now...

mvl, kittokatto...
Find the link.. and let me know how old i sound like... sound like you're still 5 years old? Hehehe ok just kidding. You sound like you're in your early 20s. You got a very sexy voice. What happened to that person that said she couldn't sing?

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 12:26
joined Jan 13, 2016

Did I miss a link or something to Rainy's voice ?? Hahahaha

You are in the same situation as me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 12:22
joined Jan 13, 2016

All i'm saying is that i'm the kind if person that put the laws above love and everything else. It's illegal for an adult to flirt with a kid. Even if i love that person dearly i still will choose and follow the law. Blah blah blah...

Okay.. so u are free to flirt me... xD

I am flirting with you everyday already hahaha to the point that Faylicia can't understand any of it.

Good for you. Do you have a secret recipe to stay young forever.

Hahahha... i m so pathetic..
i have nothing.. sniffle..

You are just cool and sexy. No need to cry.

I cherish u mvl... how old is my voice?

Oh so sweet of you. I cherish you too. Let's flirt some more to make Faylicia even more confused of what we're up to hahaha.

I still don't have a clue what you guys are talking about voices. How do i hear yours?

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 12:15
joined Jan 13, 2016

All i'm saying is that i'm the kind if person that put the laws above love and everything else. It's illegal for an adult to flirt with a kid. Even if i love that person dearly i still will choose and follow the law. Blah blah blah...

Okay.. so u are free to flirt me... xD

I am flirting with you everyday already hahaha to the point that Faylicia can't understand any of it.

Good for you. Do you have a secret recipe to stay young forever.

Hahahha... i m so pathetic..
i have nothing.. sniffle..

You are just cool and sexy. No need to cry.