Holy shit that moment again XD i freaking loved that scene!!!
No no srsly, crying, im crying, i love this so much, aghhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnn TT///0///TT
Im gonna cry...who is responsible for this, who every uploaded this, i love you! .cries dies from otp overloud
Ahh, i love it, thank you very much >\^\< XDDDD
Damnn...im going through all these NSFW art like...*nosebleeds*
Christ, i never knew how hot this picture is, wut is wrong with my eyes, this is just...hhhhnnnnnnnnnngggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >///0///<
Oh and thses two are back as well! I like nya! >w< though this is pretty hot even for me >\~\<
R.I.P.........*neko chan died from over excitement and blood loss*
No literally, crying, speechless, i need more right now the nosebleed is out of control
Ho...ly.....shit, are you for real??!!!! My otp is on dy!!!!?????? Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg cries and dies of happiness
Wellp, thus began another shipping, though i have never seen such a fenonom before, but i like...nya :3
Nyyawwwww =3=
Agh...so...em...where do i sign up for the maki harem?
Wha, maki harem,...yeeeyy!! I want dat too nyaw! 808 >w<
^ go to your room and carry on loving love live! :3
Jeezs i love this cute vibe this artist gives of XD
Ok if i didnt know the story...their story i would think this was a guy and a girl...O3O
It is REALLY hot
Wait omg, this looks like the artist who did rooftop"!!!!
Omg thats so cute >o< @///////@
Looooool XD lovin jt, laaardd chirst
Omg this art blows my mind, its so....Magical
Oi oi madoka, calm down with the hand there!
SOME ONE KILL ME AND THEN DO SOMTHING I CANT EVEN! I LOVE all the shippings, img omg omgo omgokmgmgggggg!!! I will also be smiling like an idiot for like...a couple of days XD ^
Looool fourway XD lovin these suggestions ^