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joined Jun 6, 2013

Horray for White Garden! Scanlators are Gods among women and men.

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Jan 04:44
joined Jun 6, 2013

So...Khara is female than? Was kinda hard to tell.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Even if it was just once, I regret not waiting until this story is finished to read it!!! UWAAAAAGH!

1 x ½ discussion 22 Jan 20:34
joined Jun 6, 2013

Scanlators truly do the Lord's work. Thanks for your hard work guys and gals!

PafuPafu discussion 18 Dec 07:59
joined Jun 6, 2013


joined Jun 6, 2013

Where TF is part 2?!

1 x ½ discussion 18 Dec 06:21
joined Jun 6, 2013

This girl is my half.
(genetically and romantically)

The title too, I think, is self-explanatory. We have 1 (a whole, the mother) x 1/2 (half of that whole, the daughter). This story can literally be titled Mother x Daughter.

Never thought about it like that but wow, you're right.

btw my current leading theory on why Akira (and Ayako to some extent) seem to have some guilty secret about Atsushi's death

I was skeptical at first but rereading some chapters tend to abound in your sense.Here and here seem to imply that Akira may have something to do with her brother death, at least to some extent and Ayako know about it.

I put over the theory Asuka wasn't Atsushi's daughter because Ayako said she look like her father so it's kinda a given he is really her father. But the next page put me in doubt, what does Ayako mean with her sentence ?

Something certainly happened which Ayako and Akira are both aware of and feel guilty for, though they may not have been directly responsible. Its also clear that Akira has a thing for Ayako as well so maybe that plays into it? I'd really hate it however if it turned out Asuka wasn't Ayako's daughter somehow, but that seems unlikely.

Also, I was always a bit confused as to why Ayako kissed Asuka here in chapter8 but I suppose thinking about it again, she was probably reminded of his death and her lose of a person she felt something towards, given the crying. Therefore not wanting to lose anyone else she cared about she kissed Asuka to appease Asuka's desires so she wouldn't leave or become distanced. I'd be glad to hear others opinions on this though.

I don't get why we are discussing this. I'm pretty sure they show a flashback and say outright that the mom, dad and atsushi died in a car wreck, and Akira was driving. I also don't get why we are now discussing the title when it is made apparent in the first chapter.

I'm surprised we're not discussing the scary implications of learning Ayako's past in chapter 15. Looks like she's had sexual abuse, and maybe she has some twisted idea around it as a result, like maybe the position of being older means...hmm. Well actually I don't know much about sexual abuse psychology, but I know as kids when you see a bully and the power they have over you as a victim, you start to think that's the only way to have power and feel good about yourself, so you tend to adopt bullying others as well. Like aren't the parents of bullies also bullies technically? So... I dunno.

Damn though like... What's Ayako thinking?

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 6:22AM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Hahahahah! Gross tax. Think this is the first time I ever read of a Yuri that deals with rap.

There actually was a Yuri manga that got one chapter translated because to translate more, you would have to pay the scanlator. I just tried to find it but I can't-- it was really good though.

Keep up the popular doujins thumbs up

joined Jun 6, 2013

The author of this manga has a thing for ears...

joined Jun 6, 2013

I have graduated from "dude" and progressed to "bruh". I use it with female friends all the time. I am An Enlightened Woman.

We living in December 2019, meanwhile, you living in May 2020.

I think calling them sis would actually be next level... You know, not be ashamed of a female noun of camaraderie. Not think it's weird. That's why I make an effort to call people women instead of girls. And I say woman instead of, "you go girl." We don't really use boy when a man is grown up, so why should we use girl with women? Also we always say, "what's up man?" Why not, "what's up woman?" Let's make being female not weird.

Anyway I don't think many of us, when we first considered homosexuality, were content with just thinking: "how does that work, oh it can't." All of us found out details at some point or another. And if it's a thing, it must work.

I'm bloody sick of your females can't be with females logic Japan!

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 7:18PM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Aki to Himari: shit or get off the pot, kid

And I thought those r/rareinsults videos I watched during lunch would be the most hilarious thing I've seen today. Your post just threw them all out the window! ...Prague-style!

Meme references? I'm a 30-y-o Boomer dang it.

Haven't Akki and Yori known each other forever? Why is it only now that Akki wants to make a move?

joined Jun 6, 2013

This build up is fucking KILLING ME GOD! I'm hoping this is a story about falling in love with a hetero and how hard that is rather than them getting together. But I don't want that as well.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Dude last bit after she killed Shouko was lame. Disappointed... Was kind of hoping this messed up love and kidnapping would end in a less noble way. I dunno what my expectations were exactly, but they weren't met.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Chapter 8 has been released two days ago.

Shiro Yuri Fairy is sho kyute when she goes all deredere!

Thanks I was wondering about this series and if fan translation was taking a while. Good to know artist was probably on break.

1 x ½ discussion 16 Nov 18:55
joined Jun 6, 2013

*well actually I've read the first few chapters as they were coming out, but it made me too uncomfortable so I haven't touched it since.

What made you change your mind about reading it again? I'm genuinely curious.

I also got uncomfortable few chapters in, but peeked back in when I saw the tag masturbation. Then that woman that wanted to mess with the mom by kissing her daughter in front of her was super interesting, cool philosophical discussions about life. I'm confused on some details though, so I probably should read the beginning at some point.

Ah yes the self-loathing and emptiness of unrequited love. I know it well... It can be torturous, though doesn't have to be.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Pinky right now

Dude what's that from? Amazing.

Also this is weird and cute. I like it. Not sure how long it'll play out though.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Yeah someone on FB post was like, "cancel the manga the perfect ending has been achieved," or something like that.

Only thing I didn't get was she hasn't talked to kuroki before when she has?

joined Jun 6, 2013

I don't get it. Says this series is complete, but chapter 2 came out few days ago?

joined Jun 6, 2013

I'm glad that they only denied being in a formal relationship, because they aren't yet. I was going to be upset if they denied being lesbian though.

joined Jun 6, 2013


Why is this labeled Yuri if it's subtext in the end?

last edited at Oct 12, 2019 2:35AM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Many people seem to consider hugging and cuddling to be just foreplay for having sex and might even eschew it completely, but hugging and cuddling are usually way better for building intimacy, so I’m really happy to see some super intimate hugging and cuddling featured so strongly. :D

Agreed. Also I'm having a hell of a time remembering how they met and even what the story was about lol. Good thing there's a manga release version if a group is still translating it.

joined Jun 6, 2013

It's been 3000 years...

It is quite funny how Romance Girls File, despite acting as somewhat of a sequel for Office Romance: Women's Division, finished being translated several years ago whilst the translations for the parent story are still in flux haha


joined Jun 6, 2013

furiously tries to tap right to keep reading

This is so good, please continue to make it good author-san!

Holy hella awkward Batman. Jeez...

last edited at Oct 9, 2019 4:38AM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Give us more instead of smut studio trigger. Rawr.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Wait so if chapter 10 is the end... Why is this manga still marked as ongoing?