I have graduated from "dude" and progressed to "bruh". I use it with female friends all the time. I am An Enlightened Woman.
We living in December 2019, meanwhile, you living in May 2020.
I think calling them sis would actually be next level... You know, not be ashamed of a female noun of camaraderie. Not think it's weird. That's why I make an effort to call people women instead of girls. And I say woman instead of, "you go girl." We don't really use boy when a man is grown up, so why should we use girl with women? Also we always say, "what's up man?" Why not, "what's up woman?" Let's make being female not weird.
Anyway I don't think many of us, when we first considered homosexuality, were content with just thinking: "how does that work, oh it can't." All of us found out details at some point or another. And if it's a thing, it must work.
I'm bloody sick of your females can't be with females logic Japan!
last edited at Dec 11, 2019 7:18PM