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joined Oct 24, 2023
  1. I don't think she does. I think the reason we are not hearing her internal thoughts is that she doesn't have much internal dialogue because of her trauma. That's also why I think she is not manipulative, she acts more instinctively, and she is getting hurt easily because she doesn't understand her own insecurities. I don't think she is a control freak as well. You can be afraid of losing control while still not being manipulative or a control freak. So far, nothing have shown that she have bad motive, that she is manipulative or anything. Koto is reactive, she doesn't plan anything, nor she is thinking too much. She just reacts to thing happening to her, she is passive.

Glad to know you have put so much credit on her while I'm on the total opposite.
It makes discussion more interesting now.
I do believe she's not as oblivious as her looks like.
In fact, the page 14 & 15 of chapter 8 makes me more convinced that Koto really knows how Erika feels.
And about being a control freak or not, you can see my opinions from my previous post.

  1. Why would she let her go? She needs to resolve her trauma, not let her go. I don't think it would be for Aya's own good. I'm not saying the relationship will works out, but Aya being dumped right now would be devastating to her. Their relationship is not healthy because of Koto's trauma, but she is still providing for her, and they are definitively trying to make it work, even if they are awkward.

It just a hypothetical question.
If Aya can make a living in the future and find herself not like Koto anymore. Do you think Koto would let her go?
(I don't know why your answer 2 continues to show number 1 after l checked and edited several times. Please don't mind)

last edited at Mar 12, 2024 10:05PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I'm mostly talking about the use of evidence. So far we have been shown almost nothing of Koto's interior present-day thoughts, in contrast to both Aya and Erika, where we're given substantial sequences of what they're thinking and feeling about the overall situation. (The extensive thoughts that appear as captions rather than in thought balloons are especially important for understanding those characters and their current state of mind and motivations. But we get very little of that from Koto's POV.)

Sure, there may be some potentially problematic issues for the future that we can infer from Koto's speech and actions--her inability to move on from initially losing Aya, her neediness in the present, etc. But the argument was that Koto is a "yandere manipulator" (or trickster) who has now suddenly changed from when Aya first returned, and I simply don't see any evidence for that.

Well, l think l already gave some "evidence". Looks like l have to explain further so you could understand why l see her this way.

Chapter 3 :
She choosed to stay at hometown while continually refused to see Aya. That's really weird enough to lead me to think if she's waiting something to happen.
She even took some days off from college for this. In chapter 5, her friends asked her whether her business at home be settled.

Chapter 4 :
While Koto can just bring her home without saying those horrible words. Likes she's saying goodbye and breaking up with a kid who literally has no one left except her and Erika. If I was in Aya's situation, I would fucking panic and cry on the spot.
It turns out that was just an act to make Aya confess to her.
How can't that not be manipulative?
Even before holding her hands, Koto felt the need to say "you were so keen on ignoring my first confession".
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU is my first thought. After reading chapter 8.5, things get more clear. Koto just also wanted to get some revenge for Aya refusing to respond her first confession SEVEN YEARS AGO.

Chapter 7 :
You can't buy a smart phone for a teenager just for her to find a part-time job and then tell her to quit after she really found one. It shows you actually don't want her to work but for some reasons you still acted like you support her decision.
So if Koto does persuade Aya to resign the next chapter, like "you don't have to force yourself to work" etc.
My assumption would be proved.

joined Oct 24, 2023

Do you think Koto wouldn't "suggest" Aya to quit the job?

I don't know what Koto would or wouldn't do about that--I'm not a mind-reader or a fortune teller.

It's not like I hate your opinions just because you disagreed with me.
The next chapter might reveal this. Whether my assumption is right or wrong, we'll see.

joined Oct 24, 2023

Except Aya now has a part-time job.

That just proves things are not going well as
Koto's plan.

This whole post seems to be a lot of (at best) weakly justified inferences about Koto’s motivations.

Right, you just choose to forget she fucking pull a long face after Aya got a job interview invited by Kumagaya in chapter 7.
Do you think Koto wouldn't "suggest" Aya to quit the job?

last edited at Mar 12, 2024 11:12AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I don't feel like are reading the same manga...

I'm glad we can have some serious discussions of this.

I think Koto just had a strong PTSD because of Aya's disappearance and has difficulties whenever she cannot control the situation.

Agreed. That's why she gives me the impression that she would do whatever it takes to control it.

Yet, she has never hinder Aya in any way. She lodge her, pay for her expenses and don't ask much in return. She does have issues to be addressed for sure, and she does have a problem expressing herself. I bet that she was so closed off for many years, that even Aya's reappearance was not enough to trigger her coming out of her shell. And it's totally logic in a way. Aya disappeared magically, why wouldn't she disappeared again the same way?

Maby saying her manipulator is too harsh.
Koto just like using some trick to got what her wants.
I hope it wouldn't be rude if l ask you this two question :
1.Do you think Koto know how Erika feels about her?
2.Would Koto let Aya go for her own good?

Same goes for Erika. Her internal dialogue is quite harsh, but regardless of what she is thinking, her actions speaks for herself and she is giving good advice and helping Aya. I do think when cares about her, but she is conflicted about the fact that Koto can't let her go. Her jealousy is probably triggering those bad though, but in all honesty, she is being a good friends and is doing more good than what her internal dialogue is suggesting.

I don't ever consider Erika is a bad person, not even once. If anything, she is the one who has the kindest spirit out of the three. She sincerely sees Aya as a friend. So that's the main reason why she also tortured by her "selfish" thought imo.

I'm not saying those characters are perfects, far from that. But I feel like the story is more about Erika and Koto resolving their personal issues, rather than it is about Aya finding her way. She is honestly doing fine and is the more adult of the three...

Tbh I wouldn't be interested at the beginning if those characters are perfect…

joined Oct 24, 2023

Tbh Koto looks like a totally different person to me in this goddamn chapter.
l mean, Koto has been manipulating Aya since the day she came back.
( chapter 3:refused to see her but also didn't go back to college because she knew Aya would contact her eventually.
chapter 4:......damn this woman.
chapter 7:bought her a smartphone and let her find a part-time job as her wish. Knowing there's no possibility she would get hired. By doing this, Aya will acknowledge she can't live without her now.)

What makes her suddenly change her mind to be this kind and thoughtful girlfriend?
Because the talk she had with Erika?
l can't help but feel a bit forced in her character.

However, maybe Koto knows Aya well enough that there's no other way to erase Aya's fear except being honest.
That shows her character not really change. Koto still the yandere manipulator I think she is.

And for poor Erika, to think she doesn't even have one date of her goddamn pathetic life just to wait Koto to move on. She really needs to learn how to let go of the person who obviously can't reciprocate her feelings.
After all, that's no guarantee Koto would choose her even if she breaks up with Aya at the end of the road.
What if she falls in love with someone else instead?What are you going to do then?
Just wait them to break up again? Oh, Koto got married. That's ok. There's possibility they would divorce, right……
When's it gonna end?( not like l care though, Erika can die for her if she wants lol )

To me, that's nothing wrong for not choosing the person you don't like in romantic way, no matter how amazing they actually are.
Like I wouldn't want Erika even if Aya doesn't exist.

last edited at Mar 12, 2024 1:51AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I think there's a misunderstanding here. This manga isn't going to go into any real questioning about sex or not.

I think it is just a hypothetical question to show how hypocritical they truly are. They absolutely can side with Erika and hope one day the two would break up so Erika can have her chance. BUT THEY DON'T JUST ADMIT IT.

Instead, they pretend to care Aya's situation all of a sudden while this chapter is mainly talking about Erika and her hopeless love.

It already vaguely alluded to it and it was just to show how immature Aya still is compared to Koto, because this isn't something she thinks about, while Koto can have that kind of thought. And that's where it'll stop.

I'm not sure about that. Koto does seem like that kind of people who would force herself on Aya if she dare to leave or break up with her.

I'll bet this manga will never go into the hard question of sex, because it's NOT what it's about. It's about a triangle, how to break it and how the characters will handle it. Also, supernatural.

The author actually never drew kiss scene before this subject. It's too early to make that conclusion imo.

last edited at Feb 15, 2024 4:20AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

For chapter 8.5:
It has been clear now Koto's motive to treat Aya that (fucking horrible) way in chapter 4 was because she also wanted to get some revenge.

She just can't let go of the fact Aya didn't respond to her first confession SEVEN YEARS AGO (Damn this woman. You get stabbed by your supposed best friend in the middle of the road, to think she willing to risk long-time friendship regardless how you feel, then you have to say yes to the girl you don't like in romantic way immediately or you would be cursed???)

I sincerely hope Aya would run away from that woman since she must OWE her a lot for all spirited away thing.

joined Oct 24, 2023

What are you talking about? Of there is another choice. She can finish her education. They live in Japan not some civil war torn country.
Yeah, let the 14 year old make some adult friends, great idea.

Like l said.
They don't really give a fuck about Aya's interest.
All their focus is on when Aya is going to fuck off so Erika can finally have her chance with Koto.

It's useless to argue with them.

joined Oct 24, 2023

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

Does Aya really want to be treated as an adult? (She called kumagaya お姉さん in chapter 7 )
Why is Aya so eager to find a part-time job?
They just don't fucking care.

That's why I really hate some people who side with Erika.
All they care is when the two are going to break up so Erika can finally be with Koto. Ignoring the fact that Koto might not choose Erika even if Aya doesn't exist at this manga from the start.

Only see Aya as an OBSTACLE infuriated me so much that I can't help but start to dislike Erika though is not her fault at all.

last edited at Feb 14, 2024 6:34AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

Tbh, l don't know if l should support Aya x Koto pairing now.
Adult Koto never really did anything good for Aya since the poor girl came back, not even a minute. All she fucking cares is whether Aya is gonna leave or not.

I know she has the "trauma" but that shouldn't be the excuse for not helping Aya to overcome the situation the poor kid faces now.

Maybe Koto also has a hidden agenda. The more Aya can't blend into the society, the more she won't leave her. The more Aya can't live without her, the more she won't break up with her.
If my guess is true, then Koto truly doesn't deserve Aya at all.

last edited at Feb 12, 2024 10:24PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I think it's pretty obvious Koto had assumed Aya was dead. Aya was missing for X years when being a 14 yo girl. You would be fooling yourself to believe she's still alive.
Actually, Erika (in this chapter) and the
president from the drama club also believed Aya already dead.
That's why Koto was so devastated back then.
"That tomorrow with Aya-chan never came" Koto knew there's no way Aya would come back, so she just did what she thought needed to be done → buried old memories and tried to move on.
I can't really blame her for trying to fill the void (except that shitty move towards her best friend, ofc).

joined Oct 24, 2023

Meaning, Erika has now an unfair advantage (the age gap) which shouldn't exist. Without this, she would have zero chance, since Aya and Koto are/were in a requited love.

I think this is the main reason author gave Erika seven years alone with Koto. Just to make her chance with Koto not being zero. I wouldn't be surprised if Koto end up choosing Erika over Aya because of this. Despite Erika's love being ridiculous to me, she might be a good match for Koto.
And for my beloved Aya, she would have her own happiness with or without Koto.

So, it's a bit hypocritical to say that she wants a level field and compete with Aya fairly, when Aya got a magical seven-year handicap strapped on her out of the blue.

It's unfair and Erika acknowledged that completely.
She even tried to convince herself this is a fair game in chapter 4 since she did help the two to get back together.
However, it really doesn't work well deep down in her heart. That's why she feels hatred towards herself whenever she hopes their relationship wouldn't work.

last edited at Feb 28, 2024 11:35PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I can't really blame on Koto for what she did because she's just doing her best to move on. (except that shitty move towards Erika, ofc)

Koto was totally a mess after Aya disappeared. To think you finally managed to date the girl of your dream, then the girl fucking dead out of nowhere. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?
Not to mention her so called best friend also ran away from her just to get some relax (damn you Erika, Aya would never do things like that. That's exactly why Aya beats you every single way in my mind). What can you expect her to do? She must find a way to release the pain or she would commit suicide eventually.

And Erika was clever enough not to accept Koto's offer. It would be the fucking hell getting reminded your girlfriend actually loves someone else that's not you every waking moment. You can't even get pissed since you are the one who agreed to be such a doormat. Then you would be dumped anyway as soon as she finds out she still can't stop missing Aya (what a fucking surprise).

But that doesn't change Erika is the most pathetic person in this manga so far. Because…WHY YOU STILL LIKE KOTO after that shitty move she took???
She clearly didn't give a fuck about what you think and obviously wouldn't hesitate to break your heart as long as she can get over her long-dead girlfriend.
Please have some dignity, don't act like this person who doesn't even care one bit of you is the love of your life. Koto is the problematic one here, yes.
Consider she definitely knows how you feel while saying "why not try going out with me" "I'm lucky to have you as my best friend" etc.
However, you are the one who let her WALK All OVER you!!!

I am starting to think what makes Erika loves Koto oh so much. Just can't image what kind of love can last that long when there's no any feedback.
(Koto's love is making more sense to me because Aya did love her back seven years ago)
It's really creepy tbh.

last edited at Feb 10, 2024 8:37PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

Aya is obviously only attracted to adult Koto's appearance, which really makes me feel some bad things would happen ahead.
Remember what she thought in chapter 6?
There're two red flag involved:
①Aya loves present Koto
②Koto would still love Aya in the future

It would be really ironic if Aya one day find out she actually loves Koto from the past. You can't call them the same person since Koto has changed that much in seven years. Aya just hasn't acknowledged that. But one day she will.

My personal theory is that the current Aya is a product of Koto's obsession.

It doesn't explain everything, but "Aya" only reappeared when Koto came back to visit Urihata's school, "Aya" doesn't remember what happened on Tanabata day because Koto's memories of her only go up to the previous day. "Aya" is very in love with Koto, which may be wish fulfilling on Koto's part. There's that scene also where Koto thinks about a play and says that Aya said exactly what she expected. Koto looked unstable mentally after Aya's disappearance.

For all we know, the actual Aya got "abducted" by her mother on Tanabata day and was not especially in love with Koto. There was no time travel at all and an "Aya" popped up because of Koto's obsession when she came back to Urihata.

I could be wrong though, because there's not enough hints yet and "Aya" seems to be her own person rather than a play character.

My personal theory is Aya would time travel back to her own time eventually.
That explains why she didn't have memory on Tanabata day.
For why she disappeared back then.
She decided to stay at the future because she had fallen in love with present Koto and can't give up the connection already built with other people.

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 10:35PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I want Aya to fall in love with Kumagaya-san and stop bothering Koto. Please please Kami-sama grant my wish.

Yes, like Aya can just fall in love with anybody that bumped into her.
And I am 100% damn sure Koto would lock her up before anything can even happen.

The world sees Aya as an adult. A very childlike 21-year-old adult who is hopelessly incompetent, yes, sure; but still an adult. Somebody like Kumagaya, who doesn't know about any time-travel shit and will treat her like an adorably naive and innocent adult woman, is perfect for her.

And in that way Erika and Koto can finally be together yes yes yes. :D :D :D

The truth is, Koto might not choose Erika even if Aya doesn't exist from the start. That's how the world works.

last edited at Jan 26, 2024 3:55AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I get the logic here, but Aya is 15 (or whatever age she was when she was spirited away I cant recall)

Aya is 14.

she hasn't aged and she hasn't grown, so physically and mentally she is 15. I think it would also be unfair for her to be presented as a 21 year old who looks young, so she then has that expectation to act like a 21 year old. Aya so far is the only one who is pushing herself to be older than she is

It's not about her mental or physical age which they just can't do anything to change. It's about Koto's attitude. She clearly couldn't bear any potential risk of criticism (even there's no fear of BEING ARRESTED since Aya is 21 in law). How can Aya expect her to persist in this age-gap relationship?
To think Aya's mother must have some good reasons to dump her own daughter. From Aya's point of view, Koto one day would do the same thing also for some reasonable excuses. And we all know it would because Koto is just a fucking coward from the start.

For that reason I get why Koto hesitated, because she is dating Aya as 15 year old Aya and not 21 year old Aya. Im not surprised she lied.

Guess what, I am not surprised at all too.

last edited at Jan 25, 2024 3:26AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

Koto clearly didn't think of the consequences of dating a kid until now. Aya is 21 in law now, yes. But you still have to suffer criticism from the people who don't know the whole story (not like they would believe it even if you confessed). The best way to say is my girlfriend just look fucking young. They would accept it. However, Koto doesn't even seem to have that kind of courage. Just went straight to "she is my relative's kid" route.
If Aya wants to break up with her for that, l would totally understand.

joined Oct 24, 2023

That one wasn't that difficult.

何かにつけ is when someone does something all the time, more often than they (or others) would like to. It has a negative connotation, like, it would be better if they didn't do it. The てしまう form implies it's something done involuntarily, by accident.

Hence, my translation, "More often than not, I find myself suddenly envisioning it..." which, I think, carries the nuances.


joined Oct 24, 2023

It's fine. After thinking it over, you're probably right. At least, it makes more sense in context. Tbh, when I had translated it the first time, I recall having struggled with how to interpret it and went with the "first person in a week" because of the 人.

Goes to show I still have much leeway to improve.

We just can't learn to be enough when Japanese is not our first language. Actually, there are a lot of sentences I can't really comprehend in this manga.
Like chapter 1:

Thanks for your kind and detailed explanation.

last edited at Jan 6, 2024 11:54AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

Edit:Japan have a song called 三年ぶりの人だから by 原田悠里さん.
I would be curious how would you translate the name of a song.

It's not the same thing, because of the lack of particle.

So, it can be interpreted in various ways. "It's been 3 years since I was around", "it's been 3 years since I saw him/her", "It's been 3 years since I've heard of him/her," "It's the first time in three years I've seen...", "Because he hasn't been here in three years..."

Without context, there's no much that can be done. That's why AI will never be able to translate accurately.

Have you found out all of the interpretation you gave ultimately is "The person I haven't met in there years".
You also can see the content of the song.
And you can absolutely have your own perspective. It's ok.
But from my perspective, I read that sentence in my way. Aya felt weird because she just met the President a few days ago to get this kind of passionate hug imo.

joined Oct 24, 2023

I'm not offended. I'm just wondering what makes you think this interpretation is correct.

The important bit here is the particle に

週間ぶりの人に = for the first time in a week BY someone.

There's no "meet" or "see" in that sentence, even implied.

It's been a week since Aya came back and the President is the first one to hug her in that time. I just can't fathom why you'd interpret that sentence any other way.

I have edited my reply.

joined Oct 24, 2023

chapter 3:
→To think we just met not that long ago. It feels weird.


1週間ぶり => for the first time in a week
の人に => by someone
こんなに => like this
される => to be done to someone

Or "It's the first time in a week someone has done this to me", or "You're the first one to do this to me in a week".

I don't know where you get that translation, but I stand by mine.

That's how I read it. Not translation I got form the internet.
1週間ぶりの人→ for the first time you see a person after a week.

That's ok. If it let you feel offended, I would delet it. I am sorry if I let you feel uncomfortable.

Edit:Japan have a song called 三年ぶりの人だから by 原田悠里さん.
I would be curious how would you translate the name of a song.

Edit2:I am really grateful for your translation. As you can tell, English is not my first language. It's happy to see so many people discuss my favorite yuri manga in english. To me, that's the one of the best way to learn a language. And all of this have to thank you.

last edited at Jan 6, 2024 10:51AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

chapter 3:
→To think we just met not that long ago. It feels weird.

last edited at Jan 6, 2024 8:09AM

joined Oct 24, 2023

Way do i have a feeling Aya will willingly breakup with Koto so she can be with Erika?(making the title of the manga becoming true)

That's definitely not going to happen imo. Aya was dumped by her mother. People like her can only fall in love with someone who already loves her.
That's why Aya obviously didn't have feelings for Koto at first, but "somehow" attracted to her after Koto's first confession. Just no way Aya would like Erika.

but that makes no sense, in 7 years are you telling me Koto never though of Erika in an romantic sense? so what makes Erika so sure that after Aya comes back Koto can some how get over her and be with Erika?….unless Koto already has feelings for Erika but can’t be with her becaue of Aya gone missing, so now she can be with her after getting some closure?

Because…Aya is still a child? Maybe Erika believes Koto can get over her after realizing the difficulty of actually being with a child.

Another thing is the dumb Erika thinking she can be with Koto after she breaks up with Aya, like I said, unless Koto has some feelings with Erika what makes her so god damn sure Koto will chose her? and not start falling in love with some one else!

This is exactly what I think!!! Even Koto breaks up with Aya, still no proofs she would like Erika.

there is something more going on between Erika and Koto but the Erika bitch only cares about getting in between Koto legs LOOL so she ain’t telling Aya anything! like that comment about Koto changing and going in the right direction? clearly the outcome Erika wishes which is way she pushed Koto to talk with Aya in the first chapters, in hopes of Koto starting to move on faster from Aya…..the more i think about it the more i think Aya will end up brokenhearted T^T

You probably misunderstand her.
The only reason Erika didn't tell Aya was because she thought it's Koto's business. Koto is the one who has the right to decide.

last edited at Dec 25, 2023 4:52AM