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joined Aug 2, 2023

Is this Hatesex? No, seriously, is it? After my beloved White Forest flashback I'm not so sure on their relationship anymore.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Ah, I was already afraid this batch wouldn't get us any contorversy.
Personally, I don't see Sakuya as top, but am open to exploring that dynamic.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Those 9 chapters were over way too soon; finally somebody put the manic back in manic pixie dream girl. Also detailed TNs, I like that very much.

joined Aug 2, 2023

According to manga, just about half the Japanese lesbians have their sexual awakening with their private tutor (usually teaching piano).

Ah, so that's why lesbians usually have short finger nails. For playing piano!

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ 3/3 people would recommend a brainwashed three-way. Can't argue with that.

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ Being what it is, the first game allows you to bully the stereotypical nerd into coming to school with a gun in one ending
Though I haven't played the re-up yet.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I've seen that debate too many times and just wonder why people never figure that it might be up to personal preference? Like, ask hetero women what their prefered positions are, and you'll find great variance too. It depends on what the couple enjoys most, which is partly also dependent on anatomy.

joined Aug 2, 2023

First things first, Koreans refer to their own ethnicity as 한민족 (Hanminjog) where 족 simply means "clan", afaik. The full name of the Republic of Korea is 대한민국 (Daehanmingg); as that reddit post you linked mentioned, 대 simply means "great" (i.e. a 학생 is a student, a 대학생 is a university student, etc.) and 국 means ... probably not exactly "land" (as 약국 is a pharmacy where 약 is "medicine") but is a general term relating to territory with nuances that are probably untranslatable.

Now this send me down a rabbit hole on figuring out where that "han" came from. The english Wikipedia entry lacks citations about its etymology, so I went to the french one which offers a different explanation, arguing it might stem from the title "Khan" (as well as 하늘, "sky", which I kinda doubt). Accepting that I have to bite the sour apple I tried my luck with and found that they put the etymology either on "Khan" or on the meaning of "central" that 한 can have. They also note that 韓 has been used in both China and Korea in the name of various kingdoms.

Anyhow, I think it is pretty clear that Koreans refer to themselves as Han, but that mustn't mean they see themselves as chinese. Ethnic terms are always politically charged, and a shared etymology does not mean they identify as another. (Circling back to the Franks example, I myself am sandwiched between the Franks from France and the Franks from Bavaria in a near-rhine region that doesn't consider itself "frank", but rather swabian/alemannic.) "Dutch" and "Deutsch" share an etymology, yet are different (at least by self-perception). And don't get me started on America's indigenous people being "indians".

TL;DR: Koreans may or may not be Han, depending on what you mean with that term. Who would have thought that ethnicities could be such a touchy topic? Definitely looking forward to your boss' take on this.

PS: Handy map on avg. body height

last edited at Sep 6, 2024 9:02AM

joined Aug 2, 2023

I'm versed enough in memes to know that woman is probably a T-1000 they're hiding from.

joined Aug 2, 2023

The first character who comes to my mind as "unapologetic yuri protagonist" is Kanako Miyamae from Maria†Holic. Some people probably won't even consider that yuri, but c'mon, she is as unapologetic as it gets.

Next up would be Makihara Midori from Scape-God, and that was the moment I noticed I probably suck at this task.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Yes, Analogue Horror is a fad/aesthetic in horror media (closely related to the faux PS1 trend) which banks on "old" technology effects, i.e. VHS artifacts, grain, etc., partly to invoke nostalgia, partly because a setting where not everybody had an HD camera, flash light, comms device and encyclopedia at hand is more intriguing. It's basically like vapour wave: legit design choice, but frequently used by people who simply copy the trend without bothering if it's justified.

Being both into internet horror and yuri, I just had to parody it.

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ My bet is that the conversion to .webp didn't like spaces (%20) in the file name and noped out.

joined Aug 2, 2023

To chime in here, the Korean term for Korea, Hangug (한국), includes gug (국) meaning soup land (compare Migug, Chunggug, Taegug, etc.). Han explciitly refers to the Han people, at least as far as my research is concerned, yet not even Naver knows of it meaning "Kingdom". (I know we have koreans around here; I'd appreciate corrections and links to further my learning.)

Also, there is the phenomenon of island dwarfism in animals (think Ostrich vs Dodo), which we know affects primates. I wonder whether this also affected anatomically modern humans, and if it's rude to ask.

last edited at Sep 1, 2024 2:49PM

joined Aug 2, 2023

@Swag Wagon

[Tape 1 was found by investigators in the Residence of Saitou Yaeko, 7 days after her disappearance on April 25th, 1989. Transcript follows.]

Saitou: I think I meet the girl of my dreams today. I saw her in the train back home she had the same face ... just like in my recurring nightmares.

(heavy breathing)

Saitou: I ran all the way back from the station. She has always been a safe haven in my dreams, but looking at her I felt the fear creeping up on me. If she is real, does that mean ... the others also found me?

(an electric buzzing is heard in the background)

Saitou: I'm at home now. I closed all the blinds. I'm not going to leave the house until Sumi-chan comes by tomorrow. I (knocking interrupts her)

Unknown female: Yaeko~! Are you home?

joined Aug 2, 2023

I want to apologize for the things I wrote about Just Like This, Until The World Ends, because I didn't knew how bad it could have been instead.

The art is pretty. The words to go with it ... don't really go with it.

joined Aug 2, 2023

@KomradeBicycle I've had a misconception about Korean and Chinese body height as below average. I guess I saw how people in India, the southeast asia and Japan are smaller, connected the dots (literally, on a map) and decided the same applies to Korea too. Though being central european doesn't help with accurate assessment of body height either.

joined Aug 2, 2023

This is healing.

joined Aug 2, 2023

The ending is not just subjectively disagreeable, but objectively poorly executed. Like, imagine reading this without the context that it was released in Sayuri-hime: Two women meet, exchange platitudes, credits roll. ???

Sure, knowing this is """yuri""" I can work back from the ending (they had a fling in winter?) but functionally, this is the empty bench tagged #yuri, and that's not praise.

joined Aug 2, 2023

It struck me as odd that Korea's portrayed as the taller one, but turns out japanese women really are smaller on average.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Looks like there was some miscommunication about scissoring.

joined Aug 2, 2023

How dare the author insinuate anything of this gorgeous art and sublime character interactions isn't canon? Even if it isn't, it should!

joined Aug 2, 2023

A'ight, thanks both of you.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Ah yes, Moe Mom to Emo Mom to Moe Grandma.

@shadesan This is actually a an artifact of the micro-blogging platform processing the image incorrectly upon upload (mind you, it's a shambling zombie of a company by now, without anyone with actual expertise left). The problem also exists for others.

I believe GRS- also uploads directly to Reddit, so using that as source would help at least in her case.

joined Aug 2, 2023

So there's actually yuri in that LN? I think there was some gender-bending going on with the rest of the class, but it didn't captured my interest long enough to overcome my aversion to Isekai.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Guess I'll spend this weekend (re-)reading a bunch of Lily Club series, huh.