Geez, gosh, I so adore this series. I'm so thankful to Aoikani (and knight heron!) for keeping at it for so long. There's soo much care and intentionality to so much of the storytelling, this is one of the very rare series I can read and almost instantly feel peace. I was super excited to see the "Special Thanks" page grow so much with Volume 6, too. Maybe it's wrong to think this way, but this series just doesn't seem like it'd work in a serialized format. I'm really happy kani can keep going, writing the story they want to at a healthy pace, while being compensated for it and releasing the whole thing for free, too! All of it just feels like a great, big special achievement.
That said, I wonder where Volume 7 is heading? There's no shortage of threads that have been left dangling, but Shou's "Please don't tell anyone" is a bit too serious to be left alone, I think? Volume 5 was Shou communicating her problems and discovering Umi would be there for her no matter. Volume 6 is Shou starting to confront those problems - or maybe lucking into having them confronted. Does that mean Volume 7 is about her having to manage competing social desires (Umi vs friends?), or is it that she's thinking of Umi, here? Maybe it's something else - like a more concrete reason for Zumiko's ever-watchful eye around her.
I do really appreciate that most heavy scenes are followed up with something nice - the returned confession, the tickling, or that peaceful moment after Shou's breakdown. Maybe the next heavy scene will let them finally live out some of those topless fantasies they've been having?
Hot_Soup43 posted:
Also I really enjoyed that post, it's how I feel with every update!