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joined Mar 18, 2023

yet i still wonder, what good is an empty apology?

OK, I guess I’ll bite:

What is “empty” about her apology?

What would constitute an apology that was not “empty”?

i wonder why it is, that you always seem to need a clarification on some of the most basic concepts?

anyway, an empty apology is a meaningless expression of regret for wrongdoing, and in regards to chapter 30, its displayed in how the author has minimized the ill will of the victim of the wrongdoing, to the extent that the apology given rings hallow, instead it ends up feeling like some kind of a bad joke.

Thanks, now I get it—the apology “feels” that way to you. Like everyone, you certainly are welcome to your personal “feelings.”

sigh.... first the stupid question, now the snarky attitude, huh? you never change, do you?

joined Mar 18, 2023

yet i still wonder, what good is an empty apology?

OK, I guess I’ll bite:

What is “empty” about her apology?

What would constitute an apology that was not “empty”?

i wonder why it is, that you always seem to need a clarification on some of the most basic concepts?

anyway, an empty apology is a meaningless expression of regret for wrongdoing, and in regards to chapter 30, its displayed in how the author has minimized the ill will of the victim of the wrongdoing, to the extent that the apology given rings hallow, instead it ends up feeling like some kind of a bad joke.

after all, the author set up this sham of a dramatic plot line by having a non-consensual kiss lead into surprise domestic violence, then payed said drama off by having the victim of domestic violence blackmail the victim of the non-consensual kiss into giving her a kiss on the cheek she slapped, in the name of calling things even.

and, i would love to say that this is the end since this is already bad enough, but for some reason the author is hell bent on making this manga the best comedy possible, as kurumi proceeds to once again steal a kiss from ruriko repeating the mistake that started the drama, and yet this time its seen as an acceptable act somehow?


What is “empty” about her apology?

her apology feels “empty” as a result of the author making light of her wrongdoing.

What would constitute an apology that was not “empty”?

serious reflection and genuine introspection.

joined Mar 18, 2023

"I'm afraid that if I ask for more from our relationship you'll end up unhappy or resentful of me."

"But I'm sure I can slap the shit out of you and that won't make you in the least unhappy or resentful of me."

As I already pointed out, they were both wrong in that situation, and they've both apologized for it.

yet i still wonder, what good is an empty apology?

joined Mar 18, 2023

"I love you but I hope you don't love me back... because it would mess up your HOBBIES!"


that be some wild logic there, dont it?

joined Mar 18, 2023

sigh.... this is such a good development, and yet the route to get there has managed to ruin it for me.

joined Mar 18, 2023

well.... that was certainly underwhelming....

joined Mar 18, 2023

well.... that was certainly a whole lot of nothing, what a way to waste all that built up tension from the last chapter.

joined Mar 18, 2023

having a bit of time to think about it, this is a debate between those who enjoy the story despite the negatives, and those who cant enjoy the story because of the negatives.

so, it goes without saying there will be no agreement, since those who like the story despite its negatives will focus on the positives and dismiss the negatives as no big deal.

while, those who cant enjoy the story because of its negatives will focus on the negative aspects, as its making most if not all of the positive aspects of the story rather pointless.

Citrus + discussion 22 Jul 21:34
joined Mar 18, 2023

mei is quite the character this chapter, aint she?

she starts off by calling yuzu her fiance and questioning her lack of faith within her, as if she hadnt done everything in her power to be most undeserving of it?

then, when yuzu opens up to her by attempting to explain her insecurity, she not only fails to comfort her so called fiance, she chooses to coldly inform her that arata the source of her insecurity being involved in her plans is unchangeable, and on top of that asserts that she is being a nuisance who is going to cause her trouble if she keeps this up.

and finally, she asks for advice from a friend which was actually just her telling said friend what happened, to then double down on her convictions implying that the insecurities of her fiancee are worth less than the academies future, and she wont stop at any cost for currently unexplained reasons at the moment.

this chapter is hands down some of the most contrived forced drama ive seen in quite a while, which is a fun little way of saying a couple of minutes ago, since most stories are pulling this sort of shit these days.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Check out Chapter 17. She gave up after Himari reciprocated Yori's feelings.

i just gave it a reread, and from what is shown that isnt her giving up on yori, as much as its her doing the best she can to act as a good friend in the moment, considering that the next time we see her in chapter 20 she is swooning over yori again, which i would say indicates that she is trying to give up but cant due to lingering affection.

joined Mar 18, 2023

no pantsu, good laifu?

joined Mar 18, 2023

Also, someone said the author made Aki "commit character assassination" because she "magically" isn't in love with Yori anymore, and I also disagree with that. I don't think this was very sudden, although it may seem like that to people. I think Aki let go of her romantic feelings for Yori when she accepted Hima and Yori were together and in love with each other, she just didn't know it at the time. I also think there's an argument that Aki never really had true romantic feelings for Yori, and they were more akin to a fan infatuation with a celebrity, but I digress.

It just always amazes me how unsympathetic and/or empathetic people can be.

nice fanfic and all, but where in the story is the evidence that support these claims, cause from where i stand this seems a lot like the head cannon from an overtly sympathetic super fan, dont ya think?

like, why would a romance story have one of its major supporting characters, whose most memorable trait is that she is also in love with the main heroine, just.... suddenly fall out of love?

and to make matters worse, there was little to no build up to this revelation, to the degree that the handshake chapter itself had so many people confused, and then this chapter rolls up and aki is out here liberated from a one sided love she held for so long, how is this not pulling a houdini?

just in case some misunderstand my stance, its not like i want aki to still be in love with yori, its just that this was a long held trait of her character, yet its resolved in such a convenient way to make her single for shiho, which i find to be subpar as far as writing goes.


last edited at Jul 21, 2023 11:24PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

its awesome how this explored so much in very little time, yet still felt so vibrant and natural whilst doing so, what great storytelling.

joined Mar 18, 2023

this author just straight up committed character assassination on aki, she really went from being the girl who has an undying one sided crush on yori, to somehow magically having gotten over her in the blink of the eye without much show for it, thats not how that should go, right?

as for shiho, she legitimately got away with everything she did, heck she even gets rewarded for it, this story line was hands down handled the worst so far.

also, its weird to me that somehow, the character(shiho) who needed development didnt receive it, and the character(aki) who didnt was forced to receive it instead?

i dont get how this can even be considered good writing?

joined Mar 18, 2023

You're boring me and you don't argue in good faith, so no.

well.... i cant say i didnt expect this stale outcome, since this is usual conclusion one manages to reach, as a result of asking for any proof or requesting further clarity in a discussion.

very well, lets end this here, okay?

so i heard this guy got an month suspension? god that last sentence is ***** infuriating,no wander you got suspended, what END HERE? you did nothing but wall of text of fake outrage and then end up in the most ugly conversation from some one like you

whoa.... anger management. much needed. pls gt elp, ocay.

Says the person who was having fake arguements about lolis.

Just be like the rest or us and enjoy the wee lasses whose small asses are light enough for us to hurl at our enemies as deadly face huggers so we can follow up with the good ol' one two to the ribs.

Hell,you can even equip them to extend your vertical attack range.

Lolis are the true meta.

well, this was spoken like a true lolicon, i can respect that, no deflection just acceptance.

hm.... just one question though, explain to me how i could have a fake argument? that makes no sense to me, or is this some lame attempt at a joke? cause if so, i aint exactly laughing here.

now that i think about it, its kinda crazy how often buzzwords seem to keep coming from the comments of my opposition, first it was a claim of bad faith arguments from @Purple Library Guy, then it was fake outrage from @XadarxBlack, and now its become fake arguments from you @NARESH4444, all these accusations go on existing without a shred of evidence too, spooky stuff aint it?

joined Mar 18, 2023

You're boring me and you don't argue in good faith, so no.

well.... i cant say i didnt expect this stale outcome, since this is usual conclusion one manages to reach, as a result of asking for any proof or requesting further clarity in a discussion.

very well, lets end this here, okay?

so i heard this guy got an month suspension? god that last sentence is ***** infuriating,no wander you got suspended, what END HERE? you did nothing but wall of text of fake outrage and then end up in the most ugly conversation from some one like you

whoa.... anger management. much needed. pls gt elp, ocay.

joined Mar 18, 2023

You're boring me and you don't argue in good faith, so no.

well.... i cant say i didnt expect this stale outcome, since this is usual conclusion one manages to reach, as a result of asking for any proof or requesting further clarity in a discussion.

very well, lets end this here, okay?

last edited at Jul 15, 2023 8:17AM

joined Mar 18, 2023

end note. a loli is a young girl, and a middle school female is of course a young girl, and the fact that the story highlights her youth makes it obvious who the story is targeting, why pretend otherwise? unless.... oh, okay, i see..... more deflection.

Don't be silly. There have been masses of arguments about just what a "loli" is among people who pay no attention whatsoever to issues of morality and so have no need for deflection. The subject is complicated by the fact that many characters generally described as "loli" are adults, or even hundreds of years old--having the body type associated with "loli" is clearly sufficient for the designation even in the absence of actual youth.

a loli isnt something so abstract though, it simply means a young girl, that can be in appearance,in attitude, in age,etc... this isnt rocket science or anything, its a very straightforward fetish that many like to participate.

and, people having arguments about a simple topic with an obvious answer doesnt make the answer abstract, it instead attempts to complicate the topic and deflect away from the admittance of the plain truth.

If arguments over what a "loli" is happened in order to deflect away from moral issues surrounding it, then such arguments would only happen in the context of people pointing out the immorality of sexualizing lolis. But they happen in completely different contexts where nobody involved cares about that or is remotely defensive about it; I have seen such discussions several times. Devotees of anime culture thrive on that kind of argument. So you're simply wrong: Deflection is not the source of disagreements about the concept or complexity surrounding it.

Certainly, when people do denounce the immorality of manga, anime and whatnot involving lolis, people do try to deflect (or they just say "I don't give a shit"). But even in the absence of that, you're just wrong about the nature of the concept itself; it is not that simple, and it does not only take on complexity in the presence of critics. No doubt you wouldn't know because when you are involved in such conversations, such a critic is by definition present, i.e. you. But it is the case that when people like you are not around, "loli" is still not treated as a concept as straightforward or simple as you imagine.

Don't get me wrong--I think you would probably have the same criticisms on the subject if you knew what the fuck you were talking about. The added complexity is not such as to usually have an impact on your position. But that doesn't mean you know what the fuck you're talking about--you don't. And why would you? Why would you find out about the nuances of something you really want to cease existing? But if it was me, I wouldn't pretend I knew what I was talking about on subjects I make a point of not knowing about. So like, if you don't know what a loli is, maybe you should just stick to complaining about fiction that involves underage girls and leave terms you don't understand out of it.

sigh..... so if i got this correct, you believe that since some people online debate the definition of loli, that must mean its a complex topic that is too complicated to have a simple answer?

also, if possible, i would like for you to give me a brief summary of this so called nuance, ive only ever seen deflections like @erana has just presented, having ignored the "treated like a child" part of the story.

joined Mar 18, 2023

my friends, hate is a healthy emotion, dont stop its path and hold it in, let it flow as it should, cherish your negativity.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Do you argue just as strongly against other fictional representations of morally reprehensible acts?

yes, i always argue strongly against bullshit reasoning and cowardly excuses people use to shield fictional stories from criticism, is that not obvious?

joined Mar 18, 2023

end note. a loli is a young girl, and a middle school female is of course a young girl, and the fact that the story highlights her youth makes it obvious who the story is targeting, why pretend otherwise? unless.... oh, okay, i see..... more deflection.

Don't be silly. There have been masses of arguments about just what a "loli" is among people who pay no attention whatsoever to issues of morality and so have no need for deflection. The subject is complicated by the fact that many characters generally described as "loli" are adults, or even hundreds of years old--having the body type associated with "loli" is clearly sufficient for the designation even in the absence of actual youth.

a loli isnt something so abstract though, it simply means a young girl, that can be in appearance,in attitude, in age,etc... this isnt rocket science or anything, its a very straightforward fetish that many like to participate.

and, people having arguments about a simple topic with an obvious answer doesnt make the answer abstract, it instead attempts to complicate the topic and deflect away from the admittance of the plain truth.

last edited at Jul 12, 2023 8:21PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

the deflections always makes me laugh, how can you be a manga reader, and somehow not want to admit to the dubious nature of these stories, thats beyond absurd to the point of being embarrassing.

though id say, the worst part of it all has to be those saying that the valid concerns of others, should not be voiced in favour of only fostering positive discussions about the unethical situations in the manga.

its high time people understand that liking manga comes with a history of negative implications, and that criticism and complaints of its media and its consumers come with the territory due to that history, any person deflecting from that expecting a safe space to enjoy their guilty pleasure are delusional and should reconsider consuming this media.

end note. a loli is a young girl, and a middle school female is of course a young girl, and the fact that the story highlights her youth makes it obvious who the story is targeting, why pretend otherwise? unless.... oh, okay, i see..... more deflection.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Yeah... Watching an adult exploit the labor of a homeless child she also views sexually is pretty messed up.

Like... That girl wasn't just crying because she made a mess. She's crying cuz she has nowhere to go, and is afraid of being tossed on the street. But she's a child so she doesn't understand you can't brag about being able to do things you have no idea how to do.

Children should be taken care of. Not exploited for their labor.

well..... this is a manga, so..... yeah, dont expect anything close to resembling morals to appear, as the good ol nihon spirit is all about the exploitation of minors.

joined Mar 18, 2023

yay! kiamei!

joined Mar 18, 2023

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!.... sigh.... aight, imma head out now, this manga has become way too absurd for me.