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joined Feb 3, 2023

the fact so many of you are excusing fucking incest is insane to me, like what?? the story would've been fine WITHOUT the incest, you can still have crazy x crazy if both were obsessive to each other why include incest

Homie really out here saying it would be FINE with the 14yo offering sexual favors, stalking and murder/suicide lmao please get off your high horse its supposed to be stupid

joined Feb 3, 2023

Simply amazing

joined Feb 3, 2023


joined Feb 3, 2023

I really want to know how Sakura died, its making me anxious ):

joined Feb 3, 2023

It's funny how the titles are less explicit each time:
Tonari Sex
Tonari flirt
Tonari kiss
Letter on will be tonari hand holding

Tonari getting a cat together (super serious)

joined Feb 3, 2023

"She has strong feelings for the girl because she didn't let her friend die in front of her"

Huuuh??? Even if Rose didn't have strong feelings for Benika, letting the friend die could also very much blow the strategy of her getting close to her target's daughter that they thought she had. Benika could then ask "why didn't you try to hold her?" and get mad, or she could be so sad she didn't want to date anymore or not date Rose. OR she could save the friend's life because police would obviously be called for a dead body and a hitman has many reasons to avoid cops OR simply because the situation would be super uncomfortable and troublesome and she doesn't want to deal with that.

Like, there are many other reasons why Rose would save the friend's life other than "oh she wants to shield her eyes so she has strong feelings." What a dumb dumb conclusion. Really half-assed.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Anyone know where I can read the webmanga? I'm super curious because ppl keep mentioning it here ;_;

joined Feb 3, 2023

I can't wait for this to become [Idiot couple]

joined Feb 3, 2023

It is kind of funny that they're trying to 4D chess this when the answer is right there.
"What could be the reason for her strange actions? All I know is the girlfriend is the key."
Yeah, maybe she's the key, or maybe she's the reason.

For real lol they're like "huumm why would she try to save her girlfriend's dad... truly a mistery!"

joined Feb 3, 2023

there's honestly nothing anyone can do for Colin at this point.

I mean, dad going to jail and therapy would for sure be helpful

joined Feb 3, 2023

I always wonder if this trope of "Lets kiss/bang once just so I can forget you!" has ever worked out for anyone outside of fiction lol

Laundry Cat discussion 30 May 19:40
joined Feb 3, 2023

Why is there a "Dogs" tag but not "Cats"? What is this discrimination!?

Jokes aside, all the cats and dogs were so cute I had trouble focusing on the story.

That is, of course, because lesbians and cats are always together. So its a given that when there are lesbians, there are cats. It would be redundant to have a cat tag. ;)

joined Feb 3, 2023

I trust the champions of tolerance in this site/thread are never upset when people out there, every day, say stuff like "Fucking hate gay in my games/anime/movies/school library" and just nod along, like "mm, yes, it's fair"

Fam really just said "Yeah you gay people are just like the homophobics!!!! " lmaoooo delusional

When you act and speak in exactly the same way, it is the conclusion people make, and have made many times already all around.

Act and speak in exactly the same way, damn. I must have missed all the times when gay guys walked in gangs to beat up straight dudes. Remember when LGBT parents sent their straight kids to conversion camps? Or remember when the LGBT community started to push bills to ban straight marriage? Or healthcare for straight ppl? Yeah we act and speak in exactly the same way!!! lmfao

Come on, if you're gonna comment in a lgbt-focused website, at least don't be an ignorant person parroting homophobe's talking points. LGBT people complaining about hetero relationships on stories that are LGBT-focused is a regular complaint, some os us are tired of having to watch hetero relationships be pushed as the norm and us be labeled deviant outcasts, the groomers, the mentally ill. Its an expected reaction and honestly nothing wrong with it, yeah it gets annoying seeing it on the comment sections all the time, but its not the same as homophobia and never will be lmao. You cannot be serious right now.

last edited at May 30, 2023 7:36PM

joined Feb 3, 2023

I trust the champions of tolerance in this site/thread are never upset when people out there, every day, say stuff like "Fucking hate gay in my games/anime/movies/school library" and just nod along, like "mm, yes, it's fair"

Fam really just said "Yeah you gay people are just like the homophobics!!!! " lmaoooo delusional

last edited at May 30, 2023 1:40PM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Why some of you here think Kyou is in love with Fuyuki? I know it would be the most drama inducing decision, but the guy has no reason to go confess to Eri if he wanted Fuyuki. His love isnt frowned upon, its a man and a woman, he can just go for it. I think he does like Eri.

Laundry Cat discussion 30 May 12:06
joined Feb 3, 2023

coin laundry cats came out what to do

joined Feb 3, 2023

Welp, another series axed. Fuck me.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Ah yes, the great definitional “cheating vs ntr” philosophical debate—makes the old “yuri vs shojou ai” maunderings sound like the Academy of Athens.

I mean... The difference is clear, cheating is cheating in general, netorare is a specific dynamic that doesn't even need to include cheating, it just has to have the loved person being "taken away" by someone else and focus on the suffering or humiliation.

Examples: A is dating B, B cheats on A with C and thats it (just regular cheating)

A is dating B, C steps in to seduce B, B falls in love with C, A finds out, A suffers (netorare)

A has a crush on B for a long time, C starts something with B, A finds out and is heartbroken (netorare but with no cheating)

last edited at May 19, 2023 5:27AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Just accept what was actually on the page.

Why is it backwards thinking if that guy didn't want to be obsessively pampered and left her? Not to mention she clearly did that to other people too, and they left as well.

I said exactly what was on the page tho. You're the one bringing up stuff that was never mentioned like saying she obsessively pampered the bf when all that was said was she did all the housework.
Boyfriend couldn't even be bothered to make sure he, a grown ass adult, paid his own bills. But somehow its her fault for paying his rent and cleaning lmao.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Ema blaming Ayame for the break up because she "did too much" was insane tho
And then Ayame agrees and goes "yeah blabla my ego"

What kind of backwards thinking is this, boyfriend was a pos that left all the housework on her shoulders(like many men do) and its somehow her fault it didn't work out??? What was the mangaka thinking with this bs

last edited at May 17, 2023 4:55AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Michiru from here on out:
"Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me
'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always"

Now this song is stuck in my head again...

joined Feb 3, 2023

Its Momono Moto so I'm ready to see some [Aaaangst], [Drama] or [Cheating] tags in the future.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Oh this wasn't a one-shot? Niiiice

joined Feb 3, 2023

A character that is so clueless about everything that they don't even know they can see ghosts. Simply amazing. No thoughts, head empty.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Boyfriend is a terrible person for saying the mom should dump her kids to be with him
Mom is even worse for agreeing.

Hope they both die.