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joined Feb 16, 2013

Yurihime try not to axe series that have themes of polyamory challenge (impossible)

Lol, this to me feels more of a "trainwreck averted" though.

And also hilarious that this is the story of an almost-trainwreck that ends by skipping over an actual successful romance.

joined Feb 16, 2013

Pretty much the same vibes as "And Thus I Was Picked Up By My Boss's Daughter".

joined Feb 16, 2013

browsing the f:yuri tag safely is something little me would have loved.

I remember trying to read some spicy Yuri only to find out every threesome with a guy is labeled as Yuri.

still is that way in some places.

This is why I quickly learned that the true yuri tag was f:females only.


Problem of labeling the whole work vs individual images. Have fun looking for the one yuri image in this very not-yuri comic.

joined Feb 16, 2013

Aya really did pull a "jokes on her I was just pretending" huh

joined Feb 16, 2013

Hopefully the misunderstanding clears up, I am not prepared for angst T_T
ty for the chapter <3

Considering the series, likely to be intentional.

joined Feb 16, 2013

I'm really hoping it stays as far away from actual romance and we get something like 2beya instead.

2beya=Futaribeya, which has romance in everything EXCEPT the main story?

joined Feb 16, 2013

This mom has no redeeming qualities and she's a terrible parent :/ Hope this ends well (preferably with her having a black eye, jfc)

I mean, I can’t say I disagree. To be fair, though, I probably would’ve reacted the same way she did to the phone call if someone were to start one like that. Especially in light of all the maddening phone scams that keep going around.

Plus She didn't say who she was at the start of the conversation.
I would had done the same tbh.

Yeah, this really seems like this should be a in-person discussion.

joined Feb 16, 2013

lol the waitress... "get married already"

Right. But for the wrong reasons.

joined Feb 16, 2013

Not a fan of Oni being translated as Ogre (personal pet peeve, lol), but otherwise this looks great!

Gotta say I'm with you there. Ogres and Oni are not the same thing. Let me put it this way: If I was reading a Western fantasy book written in English, with a Japanese setting, and it had Oni, they'd call them Oni. I know because I've read several such and that's what they do.
For that matter, I've read at least one manga that did have at least one ogre girl who was in fact a Western ogre (along with an elf girl, an orc girl, a werewolf girl etc) so when I saw "Ogre girl" I was glumly expecting an actual ogre girl.

Ogre is the closest Western mythological analogue, though, and while depictions of either aren't exactly what you'd call rigorously consistent they share a lot of traits and themes.

Another question entirely is why the term should be translated in the first place. Basically anyone who's had any meaningful amount of contact with Japanese popular culture knows what it means after all...

To add to that, the backstory here is based on Japanese mythology (Shuten-douji), its set in Japan, the character names are should've been fine keeping the Japanese term.

EDIT: Wait, that's the official translation, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

last edited at Nov 25, 2021 8:27PM

joined Feb 16, 2013

That's a Hachishaku-sama (lit. "Eight-foot-tall woman"), from the Japanese urban folklore.

last edited at Oct 11, 2021 2:26PM

joined Feb 16, 2013

Oh lord, I only just noticed the Pixiv tags on this

#呼びに来た先生ナイス - #Nice One, Teacher Who Came to Call Him
#ロッカー「何度でもどうぞ」- Locker: "You're welcome any time"
#D『ここから先はR指定だ』- D (as in Dante from the Devil May Cry series): "From the point onwards, it's R-rated"

Classic reader tag shenanigans.

last edited at Sep 13, 2021 3:24PM

joined Feb 16, 2013

Am I the only one who cringed at how "the bumping into someone I used to know in my past!" was? Also, did Yuina look a bit sad when she sent Wakana to catch up with Sara to anyone else?

That pretty much seemed like a setup, definitely not a coincidence- especially based on last chapter.

Also, just gonna have to wait for next chapter to see how honest Sara was being about having a boyfriend...

joined Feb 16, 2013

From checking on the's gonna end up a very stupid time loop, isn't it...

joined Feb 16, 2013

The senpai/kouhai manga posted on pixiv,


joined Feb 16, 2013

so since there is not yuri tag there's no yuri in this one right? still gonna read it any way, I have too much extra time right now

Raws are tagged Yuri, so there might still be something happening in the future. The stuff currently released is subtext at most though, even in Japanese

Source for the raws? On Pixiv comics, there's no Yuri tag for this one.

The senpai/kouhai manga posted on pixiv,

joined Feb 16, 2013

I seriously was not expecting muscles girl to be that wholesome but it’s a nice surprise. This chapter is cements Ren and Ginno as best pair.

Well, she needs the muscles to carry the rest of the team...

joined Feb 16, 2013

That "All Stars" group is definitely getting carried HARD.

joined Feb 16, 2013

Oneshot-that-should-be-a-series strikes again!

joined Feb 16, 2013

I know japs suck at writing endings, but isn't that final too abrupt? The backstory is nice and she was obviously gonna say love before waking up, but they need to say it to each other while awake.

That's a classic "series cancelled" ending.

joined Feb 16, 2013

Just a heads up that we're missing raws for chapter 15 (the now-defunct RAW ripper we used to have must've malfunctioned that week) so unless we get a hold of some vol 2 raws, we might end up skipping that one.

Wouldn't Kindle work?

joined Feb 16, 2013

that dude is a fcking idiot imagine not having a girl in your party

He does have a girl in his party, who he tried to curry favour for by dickishly kicking out the mc.

joined Feb 16, 2013

Never get tired of these two.

Aaaaaaaaaand now I wanna watch the anime again. Great

Too bad the anime/manga is the messy plot...

joined Feb 16, 2013

OMG YES this is it chief, after the train wreck that was "easy introduction to love triangles" finally a poly end that i can get behind

I don't think it was a trainwreck, but it was certainly tied up too quickly.

Basically a sign that it got canned.

joined Feb 16, 2013

This chapter

last edited at Feb 9, 2021 11:05AM