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joined Jan 11, 2022

Well, I'm about to come in hot with a shameless self-plug, but for those interested in following the translation of the web novel, I'm currently trying to pump some chapters out on:

I'm also (very) slowly catching up on ShuuKura (another yuri web novel that a few people have mentioned here already) as well.

Do note that both of those series are currently also being translated by someone else, and they are way, way ahead of me. But they likely use MTL translations with some edits here and there just to get chapters out faster (please note that as a result, a lot of nuance gets missed and some parts can be incorrect as well). The website they host those chapters on also has a paid "coin" system to read the most recent chapters as soon as they come out as well.

I won't name-drop their group here (primarily because I am against their "coin" system), but you can find them by visiting the NovelUpdates page for this series here:

I 100% understand and respect those who want to read ahead. I am very far behind, so I think it's super reasonable (and it's exactly what I would do as a reader, lol). The MTL is still readable! At the end of the day, the only thing I wish for is for more people to get into this series, as well as ShuuKura (which will probably see an increase in readership very soon).

I appreciate the heads up! You've just earned yourself an avid reader!

joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks for the update!

joined Jan 11, 2022

Remind me of Arioto

Beat me to it!

Thanks for the scanlation! Anyone know if the LN has been translated / where to find it?

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks so much for scanlating this series and bringing it to us!

Getting some strong "Even though we're adults" vibes from this, which I am ALL for!

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 6:18AM

joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks a lot for your hard work Rehashed/Thousand Lillies!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

I am surprised at how many people hate Erika. I know her actions are wrong, but the way she handles the situations is very interesting to me. And like some said. She is a well layered character with gray morality.

Which actions are wrong, even? She's done all the right things, AFAICT. It's just that she also has selfish thoughts. Which I can't blame her for.

This. Erika is in a really complicated situation, morally and emotionally, but so far, she has aced it. She may have an expectation of Koto and Aya breaking up, but at no point has she done anything to accelerate that. Instead, she is playing the long game, like she has for the past 7 years. At first, she waited for Koto to get over Aya on her own, but when that proved impossible for her, she wished for Aya to come back, so she and Koto could break up explicitly, and thus give Koto the closure she needs in order to start a healthy new relationship.

To Erika, it is obvious that the breakup is inevitable, so she does not have to do anything to bring that about and is instead laying down the groundwork to catch Koto when she just as inevitably spirals afterwards. It's not the fairy tale romance some readers are accustomed to, but it is the best that Erika can do as Koto and Aya's friend in this situation, and that makes her actions very much right, as far as I am concerned.

Agreed, I think Erika has done pretty much everything correctly. Maybe further chapters will make me eat my own words but so far she's been doing good.

As always thank you to the scanlation team for their hard work!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

I love this series so much, thanks for the upload and scanlation!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks for the upload!

I get when people say they're desensitized to really awful stuff, I wish I wasn't but I am.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Interesting to see the two different translations of this series, thanks for sharing!

joined Jan 11, 2022

Love that afterword.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks so much for the regular updates Gouma-Den!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Great chapter! Thanks for the upload!

joined Jan 11, 2022

Interesting timing for me, I basically just finished Naoko Kodama's body of work that's been translated into English, barring the one shots. I was happy with most of what, even if the EYES of the two main characters are drawn exactly the same, so you know which woman will be the "morally dubious" one. Just something I picked up on.. Anyway thanks for the translation and I'm looking forward to more!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

There are many things in your comment to address.

  1. Mental health may not help that much in itself. It is the hope that it helps, that helps.

  2. Every system is underfunded and overwhelmed. Let's take that as the baseline.

  3. Or, if everything is underfunded and overwhelmed, we can argue that nothing is underfunded and overwhelmed. There must be some other issue at play here.

  4. In our vast interconnected society, we are dealing with hundreds of people a day who we do not know, do not care about and will never see again. It seems that in this type of society, preserving life needs a legal process - and killing people needs a legal process too. It's all very bizarre and interesting to me.

  5. Of course, legal systems are a means of control so that the net harms inflicted upon us by other humans' self-interest can seem more predictable to us.

  6. Self-interest seems less culpable if you don't know the people you're hurting. Experiments show that our social circle is roughly capped to 150 people. Beyond that, we cannot care.

  7. So why would it be a slippery slope, if the world was dark in the first place?

Ok so I think for the sake of ease I'll attempt to respond to each point unless they can be roughly covered by the same answer.

  • 1 To be clear I am talking about strictly mental health based assisted suicide, I feel like it shouldn't need to be said that a person who is terminally ill and in agony can't choose to die with some dignity.

  • 2/3 We don't really disagree here, I pointed out that regrettably we do live in a world where 99% of people are not getting quality mental health care.

  • 4/5 No disagreement.

  • 6 I kind of think you're indirectly supporting my point about bean counters. They don't care about individuals, this is policy and economics. The hotbed of this debate is Canada and the average Canadian costs their government quite a lot of money, assisted suicide is a financial positive for officials who manage the governments money on a provincial and federal level.

  • 7 Things can always get darker, sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I understand that mental health, even of very high quality cannot "cure" most mental disorders. I was very lucky in that my first experience with treating my mental health was with an older lady who was vastly overqualified for the job she had, I'm from the USA so I was getting "free" mental healthcare (Read: overburdened and underpaid). I was diagnosed over a 2 year period with a panic disorder and clinical depression. The reason I am saying this is because since that person quit and I was transferred to someone "new" it cast into stark relief the different quality of mental health care you can and can't get. I started out suicidal when I went to that therapist, not going to tell my life story but I know that the quality care I was lucky enough to receive probably saved my life.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

That said, there are attempts in some countries to make euthanasia legal for severe depression. Note here that the emphasis is on legal - firstly making sure it's not on the spur of the moment - but the conclusion (which some may find callous) is that it really doesn't matter if one person decides to end their life, so long as the process is controlled and we have the documentation that it's not the medical system's fault. It's all about legal responsibility. Maybe a bit of humanity thrown in the mix too, but 'humanity' is a loaded and ill-defined term.

I think the real problem comes into play when the process to provide quality long term mental health is faulty (Like most under-funded overwhelmed medical processes).

Another problem and probably the most glaring one is simply greed, bean counters realizing your life ended at a young age is a massive sum of government money saved. Money saved is money earned.

And of course organ harvesting, though I don't think there's a sound moral argument against not harvesting organs so that someone else can live a full life.

Sadly the fact is we don't live in a world where the 99% have access to any form of legitimate long term mental healthcare, so I feel like implementing that idea in the state our world is in is a slippery slope to something much darker.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Super interesting start, looking forward to seeing where this goes!

joined Jan 11, 2022

Ooh it gets better? I like it a lot already! Thanks for your hard work!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Interesting series! Thanks for the scanlation!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Cute and funny, thanks for the uploads!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Interesting story so far, thanks for the upload!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Well... That's done at least.

Not very happy that Kase won, though. She's just getting rewarded and doesn't have to face any consequences whatsoever for jeopardizing their moving in, delaying and losing the previous offer, etc. I was hoping that she'd be actually forced to choose and take a stand, instead of everything just going her way for reasons of plot.

It was overall a very weird arc, and I can't help but feel that despite living together, their relationship took a step back.

I agree, I think it would have been far more interesting if she had lost the race.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

This hurts. I really enjoy the mix of "Oh shit a new chapter is out, I'm going to feel sad" and "This is such a good manga" when I see the upload.

Thanks for the translation!

joined Jan 11, 2022

Aaaghh!!! Why is there no spin-off of them living together?!
This is almost cruel, showing me what could be!

Haha, thanks for the translation!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks for the translation Daphie, I really liked this manga even if it wasn't as spicy as some of us may have hoped.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

I'm 100% biased because Girlfriends was my introduction to yuri but... I love this author and this series, thanks for the upload and translation!