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Distortion discussion 22 Feb 21:12
joined Jan 4, 2022

This one is gonna be rough, I can already tell. The gaslighting of Saki is probably going to be the main driving plot here and we're going to be put through the ringer right along side her as she struggles with being torn between her first love and the girl that openly loves her. I have a feeling that twin tails there is going to crop up again and torment Saki as well. This will either conclude with the girlfriend realizing how monstrously horrible she's been to Saki and change, or Saki will end things and try to make a happier life with the girl at the end of the chapter. Just hoping it doesn't end up having some depressing or bittersweet ending, I've been getting my ass kicked by those lately.

joined Jan 4, 2022

Mmmm! chef's kiss This was so good. I'm sad that it didn't initially sell well enough to warrant the full seven volumes that the author intended. I would have loved to see some more interactions with other vampires or even a sub-plot dealing with internal rifts among the other nations. Regardless this was an amazing story and a super cute romance! At this point I don't think there's been a yuri manga published by SE that I haven't fallen head over heels for. I will definitely be buying physical copies of this!

joined Jan 4, 2022

Y'all it's not split personality or multiple personality, it's DID (Disassociative Idenity Disorder). The personalites have their own memories and uniqueness, they don't often interact unless the original primary (Hajime) calls them together. The reason why Rei was born was because Ichigo killed off Hajime, though in theory because it's DID Ichigo should have been the one remaining but I wonder if she killed herself as well. That is what wiped the slate clean and allowed Rei to exist, a brand new primary with no trauma and no alters. I kept expecting Ichgo to resurface especially when the psycho doctor showed up, but I'm thinking that Rei received personalite traits from both Hajime and Ichigo.

She fell in love with her Sensei without it being about sexual touch. (Hajime softening Ichigo's desires)
She still wanted to be a doctor. (This is directly from Hajime)
She found the will to stand up to one of her abusers. (Ichigo 100% ;P)

I have a theory that psycho doctor was the one that created Ichigo in the first place, so it was poetic that it was her personality trait that let Rei knock her on her ass. The end was a little eh to me, I wanted to see at least one wholesome kiss as the final conclusion but going on the picnic again was okay.

joined Jan 4, 2022

I do find this an interesting series and I want to keep reading, but I have to agree that we seem to be heading in the direction of a bittersweet ending and my heart is already in for trouble when Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata concludes. I guess we'll have to see where volume 2 takes this if/when Archivers get around to it. I would say that the theory of Aoi being married and Anna knowing is pretty likely as a safe guess for a bittersweet ending, but hear me out with a different thought.

Anna knows that Aoi is a lesbian and doesn't want the bright and shining Sahoko to be "like that" too, I think that's why she says in the last chapter before we flash to the present again "I just can't see it." I think Anna wants to keep Sahoko preserved in this pretty little hetro bubble, she doesn't want Aoi to show up because she knows she will lose "her Sahoko". I don't think Anna is against same-sex couples but the character seems to like things to be very static and organized, I think she's afraid of having to change her view of Sahoko (even though it shouldn't make any difference if your best friend is gay or not) or she's afraid of how it will look if she supports her.

joined Jan 4, 2022

This was very cute, ended a bit abruptly for me, but still very cute. I would definitely love to see a continuation of this story at some point or even a larger world/story that included these two. I'm not often into BL but I would love to know more about that one character and his boyfriend. Maybe Aoto-sensei could do a cute trans-girl or trans-guy character as well? Either way I like this story and the, albeit small, world that it built.

joined Jan 4, 2022

i feel sad cuz it's been a year.. TwT

Not really. It's been 3 months. SAD does a lot of projects and as Ranka has said on multiple occasions they don't always have the most structured editing and release schedule. Plus they have to wait for publishing from the author, and if Akashi-sensei is taking this at a more leisurley pace it will probably be a while between releases.

joined Jan 4, 2022

So. Fucking. GOOD! I was a little over halfway through when I learned that there's an anime as well, gonna watch that next. Adding this to my list of manga I NEED to buy!

joined Jan 4, 2022

Okay, I managed to finish it. I started reading this a year ago I think and it was really rough to get through some sections because the abuse was just so much, but I'm in a better place now than I was then and found it a bit easier to get through. It helped to know that there had to be a happy ending waiting.

So initially what drew me to this was the similarity to Utena, and while the relationships in that were always very ambiguous (as was the ending), this story was much more overt about the affections and relationships between characters. I think we can ultimately chalk that up to the difference in time between the stories, the 90's were always a bit hit or miss with queer romance in manga and anime. What a different 10+ years makes! As I kept reading however I started to see it for what it was, a message and a metaphor for the modern era, that times change and people with them. You don't have to go with the flow of society or respect traditions that actively degrade or hurt others. Middle and High school is shitty time for most people and more often then not we make it worse for people by taking our frustrations out on them, but once we start to see that we're all just a little broken we can move forward and mend together. Tsuki was a very broken and lonely character, but Sora loved her immediatley and without question. Once she saw just how far Sora was willing to go for her, once Sora's feelings reached her, she could start to mend too.

All in all I'm glad I read this and I'll definitely be picking up the official releases!

joined Jan 4, 2022

This is looking pretty bonkers. It has potential so I'll keep an eye on it.

joined Jan 4, 2022

This is cute af, and I'm looking forward to more. I'm hoping that the author doesn't introduce a character/plot that somehow complicates their relationship, these two are so ridiculously in love with each other that it wouldn't make any sense. Though I could see either of their parents maybe causing issues at some later point in the series, Hii didn't look to thrilled to inform her parents that she and Haru were getting married.

joined Jan 4, 2022

First: I think people need to realize that the concepts of bully and teasing in many Asian languages are very close. So when Chaeyeon says she used too "bully" her it was probably of the teasing kind and not the harrassing kind. It's a very nuanced thing.

Second: "It's not like we'll see each other again." Famous last words spoken by every yuri protagonist, Chaeyeon.

joined Jan 4, 2022

I loved this story the first time I read it and I loved it even more reading it again. It's a really cute story.

I know some people were concerned that the direction of the story was that of "I'll turn you gay", but I hope they stuck around to see Chiyo's growth as she started to question her own sexuality more intensely. This is pretty common IRL in Japan from what I understand because LGBTQ+ topics are still not openly discussed or taught despite marraige legalization being a very recent thing. A lot of Japanese people will often go most of their lives in the closet in some way, for those of us here that are LGBTQ+ we know how that can be. How scary it can be to question everything that society has tried to say you are and aren't. Chiyo was fortunate to be surrounded by people who would love and support her as she explored her growing romantic love for Ritsuka. It's very much a "right time, right place" story, and there is something infinitely wonderful about that seredipity. There are a few other stories like this


These stories will probably continue to be explored going forward because this is the situation of so many people find themselves in and relatable stories and characters help people explore and understand themselves.

joined Jan 4, 2022

I pray to god there will be a happy end

There will be for Shizuku. We see her at the start of the story, so much more confident than she is when we see her at the start of the relationship. It's gonna be a tearful ending for sure, but I think it's that hurt and that pain that will spur Shizuku on to do a lot of great things that she didn't get to do with the girl she loved. I'm not that ready for it myself but we'll see what happens in the next month or so.

joined Jan 4, 2022

I really enjoy the artistry and the story of this. Every kiss, every hand hold, every subtle touch made my heart skip. They are both so wonderful and I can't wait to see where the author and her partner take the story next.

Side Note on Chapter 9.5: [I'll leave Shiine's side of the monologue up to the imagination] I don't think there's a single person that didn't have the thought, "Shiine is the personification of Gay Panic right now." ^_^ So cute.

Dear NOMAN discussion 19 Jan 03:57
joined Jan 4, 2022

So good, from start to finish! There were definitely points where Bazu reminded me of Alucard from Helsing, then I started thinking about how hilarious a meeting between those two would be. Anyway, Neji-sensei is definitely a favorite of mine now that I've read three of their series. Looking forward to more, and to adding the physical copies to my library.

joined Jan 4, 2022

I...I love this! As a self proclaimed wolf I love this so much. The art is fantastic, the story is cute, compelling, and there's room for action/fighting that was foreshadowed in chapter 1. I can't wait to see more and I will be one of the first in line to buy this if/when it gets a western release!

joined Jan 4, 2022

This. Is. So. FUCKING. CUTE! GAAAHHHHHH! I love this series so much!