Forum › Posts by Weeb Depression

joined Sep 12, 2021

The translation of the latest chapter title feels EXTREMELY liberal to me. Is that really the vibe of what the author meant? I'm not seeing it

I think it works. It at least keeps the part about not asking which was definitely in the Japanese title.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

All least, none is cheating anymore.

I disagree, I still think Kashiwai is cheating on her fiancé. She didn't tell him the whole truth about her infidelity and they haven't broken up yet.

I'm curious about how the boss will react to this. He seems like the jealous type, but I'm hoping he'll tell that guy to stop being nosy.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

They're going to celebrate her birthday the next chapter, how exciting!

joined Sep 12, 2021

if she ate the chocolate, how did she get her memory back ?

I assumed the effects weren't permanent and only lasted for a day, but I'm not sure at all.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

The first 2 pages with the pov from the purse were pretty cool and reminded me of my younger self trying to understand the grownups fights from the door/corridor.

But CMOM did Momo realy need to cut her hair? Not that she looks bad now.

I agree. While the bob looks nice I prefer her original hairstyle, it had more personality.

joined Sep 12, 2021

I don't get the story. Can someone tell me how Miki-chan didn't realize that wasn't her childhood friend? Like the MC was black-haired, her childhood friend was not??

I think it's because Miki didn't care about her childhood friend. That line about focusing on the future rather than the past really hits different after you finish the story. At first I thought it was romantic. Now it feels...painful. Miki willingly threw out her old photos. I thought that was going to be explained by a flashback of childhood angst but it wasn't. Miki also didn't know that her childhood friend liked her, said friend wasn't willing to confront her up until she died. So all in all, I don't think the childhood friend meant as much to Miki as Miki did to the mc or the friend herself. And because Miki didn't care, she let herself get fooled.
Another reason why she was fooled, the mc was a good actor. I can't tell whether the mc legitimately thought she was worthy of the childhood best friend role, or if she was purposefully trying to distract Miki from her lies by making her think her memory was wrong. But either way, it was effective. Especially considering the Miki didn't really care about her childhood friend.

Weeb Depression
Make a Mark discussion 20 Aug 23:01
joined Sep 12, 2021

So at first I was happy because I thought the author chose the rare "bad ending" of not having the characters end up together. Then part 2 comes out and I realized that the actual bad ending was the characters getting together. While I am disappointed that they do end up dating, I did like the juxtaposition between them; especially in their designs, they were basically opposite colors.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

Thank you, Galim. At least somebody gets it.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

I think the second to last page is a reference to The Little Prince.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

I'm so happy that this updated!

joined Sep 12, 2021

Thank you to whoever translated this. I've been waiting for an update for a while.

joined Sep 12, 2021

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

Thank you for the update!

joined Sep 12, 2021

Dynasty Forums: It's extrovert power! Not male power! Kirin kun, stop projecting your hatred of men onto Beta Male!
Also Dynasty Forums: Beta Male wanted a threesome with Aya and Mitsuki!

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

The power of yuri "saves" the day

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

Dacryphilia and floriography, nice.

joined Sep 12, 2021

^ I dm'ed Sumiko a while back. Apparently she grew up outside of Japan, hence why she's fluent in English and probably why she has a facination with Rock music.

That's pretty cool.

joined Sep 12, 2021

Unfortunately I have to put this up too.

joined Sep 12, 2021

Too late to bring this again XD

Unfortunately you're wrong. People are bringing up the interview again. I wish you were right though.

joined Sep 12, 2021

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

I can't believe this author made a butthole joke with a latte, what a chad.

joined Sep 12, 2021

While you dumbasses are arguing over nothing I'm going to say that I'm happy for the author and hope everything goes well for her and her baby.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

So romantic

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

This is so cute!

Weeb Depression
Yuri Danshi discussion 19 Jul 15:19
joined Sep 12, 2021

Thank you to whoever is translating this. Dealing with the mc's rant and ridiculous vocabulary must be a pain. And thanks for the afterword that explained the history of yuri manga.