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joined Feb 3, 2021

LMAO atta girl

joined Feb 3, 2021

i love how much range there is in this series. it's so grounded in reality

joined Feb 3, 2021

being the person who sees them at their most vulnerable, them feeling so safe with you that they can be needy and unabashed about what they want, especially when they seemed so invulnerable before >>>>>

joined Feb 3, 2021

fuuko deserves so much better bruh

joined Feb 3, 2021

i need risa so bad

joined Feb 3, 2021

i neeed a sequel where the sex is so good they both end up confessing pls pls pls pls pls pls

joined Feb 3, 2021

stop now i want a girlfriend

joined Feb 3, 2021

When you act and speak in exactly the same way, it is the conclusion people make, and have made many times already all around.

Are you serious right neowww? lmao you sound pretty socially-unaware. claiming homophobes act and speak in the same way as queer people who at most talk shit and try to avoid het in the art they consume is very strange behaviour. i dont see queer people actively trying to get het shows off the air, for instance. and that's just a mild example of homophobia lol. go outside, dude.

EDIT: to be clear, i mean mild as in comparatively, unfortunately there are far more dangerous examples of homophobia

last edited at Jun 3, 2023 12:09PM

joined Feb 3, 2021

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

Chapter 5 is...sort of a pseudo flashback chapter? It's framed around Fuyuki talking to the blonde senpai about Eri. According to Fuyuki, Eri is a little "selfish" and bad at "reading the mood" (basically means she has bad social manners) and so had trouble making friends. This came to a head in middle school, when Eri was confessed to by a female friend she finally managed to make; Eri turned her down, and apparently a (false, according to Fuyuki) rumor spread that Eri said something homophobic in the process, leading to her getting bullied. Later, in high school, Eri had a breakdown, asked if Fuyuki "likes" her (as you may know, "suki" in Japanese can mean both "like" and "love"), then begged Fuyuki not to betray her and to "always be my friend." Fuyuki says that she used to rely on Eri when they were kids, but now Eri is the one who relies on her.

So the major issue in using this chapter to draw conclusions about Eri is that it's all from Fuyuki's point of view, cobbled together from stuff Eri told her years later and Fuyuki's own speculations (which are almost certainly colored by the pride she feels at being Eri's only friend whom she relies on). While we do get to see certain scenes from Eri's past visualized, several key moments are not shown -- most notably, we don't actually see Eri rejecting her friend, so we don't actually know if Eri really did (inadvertently?) say something homophobic or not. We never once see inside Eri's head. The major upshot of the chapter, to me, is actually about Fuyuki; the lesson she took from Eri's past is that if she confesses her feelings, she'd destroy their friendship. But we don't know if that's how Eri sees things. That's why I think the chapter is consistent with a number of different interpretations of Eri's character.

Edit: I wrote this before I saw Kazu-kun's post. My only disagreement with their post is I don't necessarily think that Eri is using Fuyuki as an "emotional crutch." There's probably some codependency there for sure, but we can't completely trust Fuyuki's view of the situation because she clearly takes a lot of pride in viewing Eri as relying on her; in other words, she has a bias toward viewing Eri as this sort of weak damsel who needs protection and coddling. We can't know the full story until we get a chapter from Eri's point of view.

i appreciate both your perspectives on this. it fuels my curiosity even further because WHAT IS ERI THINKING I NEED TO KNOW

joined Feb 3, 2021

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

I can do that for you if I don't mind.

First thing first, keep in mind that Eri is one year older than Fuyuki, as they said in chapter 3. That means they never went to school together. Also back when they were kids, Eri was Fuyuki's older sister figure. She was more mature and always looked after Fuyuki who was a bit of a crybaby. This is a stark contrast to their current relationship. Now Eri is sort of immature and childish in her behavior while Fuyuki is the seemingly more mature one. There's a reason for this....

Eri was a bit of a selfish kid that liked to do things at her own pace and wasn't that good at reading the room. As a result, she had problems making friends in elementary school. And this problem only escalated as she grew up. On top of that, Eri was kind of a badass back then, so when another kid threw her shoes to the garbage bin in an stupid attempt to bully her, Eri went and outright beat her up. Quite badass indeed, but this kind of situations just isolated her more from all the kids in class. Meanwhile, Fuyuki who was even younger and only met with Eri occasionally didn't know Eri was going through all this crap.

By the time Eri started junior high, she was all alone, so she ended up clinging to the first person that talked to her. She was so happy she finally made a friend, but it all came crashing down when that friend confessed to her. Eri rejected her, and after that, everyone else in her class accused her of being cruel and telling the other girl she was disgusting and whatnot.

Eri was all alone all over again, and then one day when she and Fuyuki were hanging out, Eri finally broke down and spilled all this to Fuyuki while crying her heart out. In desperation she made Fuyuki promise she will never abandon her, that she would be her friend forever. And ever since then, their relationship changed. Originally, Eri was the older sister figure, since she was the older one, but after this Eri became more childish and started clinging to Fuyuki and depending on her. Fuyuki became her emotional crutch.

Eri is way more messed up than we all thought. The hints were all there though, like the way she clings to Fuyuki and seemed dependant on her, or the fact she doesn't have any friends besides Fuyuki and Kyou, and even her relationship with Kyou is mostly superficial and empty.

Fuyuki was telling all this to her sempai, and she seems to have some sort of plan and wants her senpai to help her. But to be honest, no matter what kind of plan Fuyuki has, I think the main problem here is that Eri is deeply damaged, emotionally speaking, and I don't think she needs a girlfriend. I think she needs to fix her life first. She can't keep depending on Fuyuki and using her as her emotional crutch. That's just not healthy. And if they did get together, it would just make the problem worse, imo.

thank youuuuuu. definitely sticking with this more

joined Feb 3, 2021

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

joined Feb 3, 2021

i have a crush on risa

Ma Chérie discussion 17 May 21:40
joined Feb 3, 2021

this made me cry ;-; so sweet

joined Feb 3, 2021

am i the only one who likes the new cut? i feel like it brings out her eyes

joined Feb 3, 2021

Now I can finally die in peace

your pfp fits your comment so well

joined Feb 3, 2021

she's good lmao

joined Feb 3, 2021

itta best boy

joined Feb 3, 2021


joined Feb 3, 2021

I love them. I love them so much.

joined Feb 3, 2021


joined Feb 3, 2021


joined Feb 3, 2021

i cant believe my favourite character here is fuuko lmao. she's the the most straightforward, direct and sincere one

joined Feb 3, 2021

butchxfemme <33333

joined Feb 3, 2021

Kasumi already felt loved by Aki, she just didn't know that Aki loved her this way. Unlike the "I love you's" she has been manipulated with so far, a tearful confession from the girl who has been there for her during tough times is more than just empty validation.

Kasumi also dropped an "I love you" to Aki while she was staying at her place. Platonic as it may have been at the time, it was definitely affectionate.

this is a good point. maybe it's not that it was empty but the issue is how fast it all happened imo. and i guess it's fair to say one doesnt need to have feelings for someone before dating them. i just didnt like this story that much

joined Feb 3, 2021

plus she seems really dependent on male validation

She seems really dependent on SOMEONE's validation. Last page evidence suggests it doesn't matter if it's a male.

fair. was basing it on her string of shit boyfriends, but true she seems to just crave validation in general

last edited at Apr 26, 2023 2:08AM