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Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Allow me to make myself clear in few things:

I am not interested in people, generally, in any way. I am here to discus about manga.
Particularly this one inspires me and moves me to think a lot, because of its complexity and depth.

I am observing from the position of THE JUDGE
Like in the court.
( btw. we all take position of the judge, reading people, reading artworks, etc. I am just telling it openly that others should perceive me as the judge with very wide perspective and deep insight into life itself, and I will use my knowledge to give some probably unexpected insights on this case)

Author is presenting one most complex and hardest case of adultery from very unusual angle, including some of very sensitive themes,
-questioning is there a sexual assault,
-questioning and challenging morally acceptable norms, etc.

It's not fluffy and I understand that some of those terms give the triggers to some people.
I just wish not to be personally involved and judged by others when I'm discussing these hard topics, defending traits of characters, not the acts!!!
I think it should be clear to everyone who reads and follow my comments that I'm speaking from the higher level of consciousness and knowledge, not from the need to justify some low carnal desires.

I am trying to be maximally objective and understanding in my judgment of characters as it is possible, with info which Author gives from chapter to chapter.
It's like collecting the puzzle, part by part, trying to get the whole picture which is still vague.

Until manga is finished, we readers can't give the final judgment.
But we can follow, form or change our opinions with every turn over.

In this case of adultery, if Fuuko wants to get her girl and happily ever after, she must act completely noble (righteous), without a stain of dirt. And she is doing for now.
Righteous act allows punishment of the culprit.
For now, Fuuko is in position of.....let me freely call it "The Righteous Angel", with the powers to bring Salvation or Disaster
So, with that powers, she is allowed to act as she is acting, even when we call it bitchy, manipulative, blackmailing, etc.
She never plays dirty having all these powers and never used those powers out of control or crossing the boundaries of others (even now, when she reveals all openly to Nanase, it's AFTER Nanase saw Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs and yet she wanted to stay in denial)

That's the reason why I call her character noble, because of her impeccable sense of righteousness, her sense of timing, her patience, etc.
She is the only character who is constantly walking on the edge of knife . Any wrong move will bring disaster upon herself
(the position of Righteous Angel is the most dangerous position because of given powers to them. It's constant balance between Salvation and Disaster)

This is my observation for now, from info collected from chapter 1 to 16
We will see what future brings

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 5:25AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Nanase is a narcist, who gets adoration from her surrounding (girls from the club, Yuni, best frend...)
But Nanase never gives compliments and adoration in return, she is selfishly taking and taking, more and more. And Yuni has her needs too, to be loved and adored.
Nanase is killing her.
That's why I will always take side of Fuuko. She is a lifesaver. And that's why I will never judge Yuni for cheating. She is simply too weak and too empty to get out alone from her current relationship with Nanase who is constantly sucking her vitals.

So, to summarize your points

-Nanase is killing Yuni [by neglect]
-Fuuko is saving her

Let's say those two simplified you assumed semi-correctly
It's not just neglect, she is sucking her and taking all what she can.

-The method of saving is cheating [physically, i.e. sex] which subsequently makes it okay

No. It's not about sex. It's about Fuuko giving response to ALL what Yuni needs, to fulfil her.
Physical aspect is the least important of all. But Yuni was the one who needed fulfilment in physical aspect too.
It's something like a silent agreement between those two.
If Fuuko gives Yuni a praises she needs, Yuni will reward Fuuko with sex (ha, ha, it's true, think about it)
Yuni is weak and empty on all levels, totally sucked. To the point of death. Yuni needs EVERYTHING, and Fuuko will give her everything.

Don't forget, it was Yuni who initiated sex, not Fuuko. And don't forget that she said something like "Don't you dare to stop now!" after first time screaming Fuuko's name. And then they go all night long (so, imagine, if you say that Fuuko is filling Yuni's emptiness with sex, how empty is Yuni then, haaha)
Fuuko is just an excellent reader of Yuni, ready to give her all what she needs. But she won't overstep Yuni's boundaries, that's why I call her noble.
Don't make assumption that if I say Fuuko's character is noble means that I am making the act of cheating noble. She is righteous character with the great sense for punishments and rewards. It makes her noble.

So I think at least one valid interpretation of your insights here is exactly what I said. If Fuuko had another method (which she obviously would not have wanted to take, but that is beside the point) of helping Yuni, then that renders cheating not the "noble" road anymore, right? So basically what you are saying is that she did indeed help Yuni by sleeping with her, right? And since you hold that what Fuuko is doing is noble and that that something was cheating, you must believe that that was the only method she had of "saving" Yuni, ergo my point stands.

Ah, I see now...You are equalizing a trait of character with an act.
Now I think I finally understand what is the problem here, generally.
There are people, like colorblind, but in the level of understanding abstract terms.
For example, If I am defending cheating here as a case from manga, you (they) see me like a cheater itself. Because you (they) can't make the difference between an act and me. For you (them) it's the same.

And now, I made a problem to you calling Fuuko noble (her character), but she is a cheater in your eyes
And now it confuses you, because your mind makes mechanical equalization between noble and cheating, and it is like you have a red alert in your mind. You are fighting to exclude one from another, using your own logic.
Give me some time to think how I can help you to see better, and understand. Give me a time to find a way how to explain it for you that you can understand. (or correct me if I got this wrong) but I saw recently many people online with this "problem". I just suppose that is the problem between us to understand each other better

Actually, I already have one idea what we should do. I will later quote this part of your message and respond on it separately again, and then I'll tell you everything about my idea how we can make clear to each other what we don't understand now

These are just the facts of what you said, don't call it a misinterpretation just because you don't like it~

Of course not, you are cute in your way of expressiveness and subtle humor, I like to talk with you

Maybe the next chapter will reveal that Fuuko is some kind of reverse-succubus, and she is giving Yuni back all those vitals that got sucked out, how exciting!

Yeah, ha, ha you are right, at this point anything is possible

One question for you, what you think about this manga? You said that you don't agree with me, that manga irritates you (why?), but give me some hints about your thoughts, some fragments to understand your POVs

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 1:44PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Anyway, I said enough from my part, all what I wanted for now.
How people will understand or misunderstand my POVs is not up to me.
Now you all have enough time to think about different perspectives which I generously shared with all of you here and you all can contemplate on mine insights or yours
We will see in next chapters what will happen.
I may be right or wrong, I don't know, I just gave my deep scan insights about the work as it is now, analyzing all. That's all.

I still hope that my words reached to a few wonderful people out, who recognized my voice that took their burdens from them, helping them to understand themselves and life itself better
If you wish to take this like a promise from your Angel who cares, you may...

I wish to tell something about Yuni. She is potentially suicidal character ("You'll be lonely to the point of death")-

-It's what Fuuko said because she understands (gay) loneliness and need to be loved and accepted.

Yuni truly needs someone like Fuuko to keep her going and help her balance, pulling her out from a hole of her current relationship disaster.
That's why I approve her cheating on Nanase.
If situation is not serious as it is, I would never justify her cheating
But this is a case of life and death.
She is caught in mismatched relationship with Nanase, who is always surrounded by people.
Nanase can't understand depths of loneliness.

Nanase started their relationship from very shallow reasons, just because Yuni heartwarmingly and sincerely complimented her new haircut. (exceptional cuteness of Yuni's character, she is most adorable girl when not in problems)

Nanase is a narcist, who gets adoration from her surrounding (girls from the club, Yuni, best frend...)
But Nanase never gives compliments and adoration in return, she is selfishly taking and taking, more and more. And Yuni has her needs too, to be loved and adored.
Nanase is killing her.
That's why I will always take side of Fuuko. She is a lifesaver. And that's why I will never judge Yuni for cheating. She is simply too weak and too empty to get out alone from her current relationship with Nanase who is constantly sucking her vitals.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 11:10AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Do you really think that Yuni was capable to break up with Nanase without Fuuko's interference?

No actually, and I don't think I ever said this? However, implying that the only way Fuuko could have helped is sex is kinda weird too no? Of course we know that Fuuko wants Yuni so it makes sense from her pov, but I find it a bit wild from a reader perspective.

Are we really at the point where the only reading of the sequence of events so far is that the angelic, righteous Fuuko saved poor neglected Yuni from her hateful girlfriend killing her, all through the power of fucking her brains out? When's the canonization ceremony? Wait does one have to be deceased for that? Eh whatever.

Hahahahaha, I never said any of it what you implied in your comment, not in the way how you get it and interpret here.
Especially nothing about Fuuko "helping with sex"
I'm sorry if it is all what you can get and (mis)interpret from my insights.
Take care.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 10:41AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I need also to mention that 浮気 (the cheating part of the sentence) strongly implies "sex". So Fuuko doesn't just say Yuni is cheating on her, it also carries the meaning they had sex.

Which is, again, the truth. Ie, she laid everything bare in front of Nanase.

Thanks for this additional info. Now I can understand better why you decided to express her in that way.
Now it makes sense to me totally.
Again, thanks for your time to answer my questions and make everything clear.
I apologize if I sounded harsh

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Now then I did read everything you typed since, and I guess I can see why you feel the way about the story and characters as you do, from your established pov. Even if don't agree, it's as valid an interpretation as any interpretation is I suppose, regardless of the author's original intent. Suddenly pulling in suicidal tendencies is kind of strange though, you never mentioned it before, nor did you express the need to justify cheating in that way until now.

That's because I did not talk about Yuni before, in wider context.
I was weighing my opinion about her character and her cheating.
It was impossible to talk about Yuni without mentioning sensitive topic of cheating, before I came to clear conclusions.

Do you really think that Yuni was capable to break up with Nanase without Fuuko's interference?

And, yes, Yuni is potentially suicidal character. You can see her often surrounded with darkness and dark thoughts, on the edge of panic attacks. She is constantly crying out for a savior
Fuuko comes in as her charger, to balance her and keep her alive.
Without her, Yuni would break apart and become suicidal

Sometimes break ups and clear cuts can't come fast and at once. It's a process and needs time, to mature.
Some people (like Fuuko) can bear all of it alone, but not Yuni.
Yuni is most sensible character here, the most needy (not in the negative way)
She needs love to keep her moving, and a lot attention and appreciations from her GF

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 9:50AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

My questions about differently translated key moments are valid, not hostile to translator, or accusatory. I just wish to know pov of the translator on that subject.

I mean you did pull the "unprofessional" card among other things, not many would call your post very cordial I would imagine. But fine, let's leave that part at that since it is between you two anyway.

Yeah, you are right, I apologize for pulling the word "unprofessional" to translator. Take it as a consequence of my defensive mechanisms. I was under personal attacks before, and probably still in some kind of defensive mode. Sorry.
I am not hostile person, but in a states of subconscious defense mode I may sound harsh.

Plus, it changes Fuuko's flow of character completely, she never was a bitch to Yuni, before.

She did call her selfish and stupid just the chapter before to be fair. Like our translator-san said, Fuuko is not one to mince words even if she comes out as bitchy.

Yeah, I said to translator that I understand now their pov and I accept it.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Heh. I checked and you misread their translation. Even in the MTL, she doesn't say "I saw her". It's written "I said hey". Probably the typesetting wasn't done well if it led you to read it that way.

Yeah, you are right. It's covered, and I did not see well. My mistake then, and thanks for making clear. Really, "I saw her" and "I said hey" you see only a part "I sa....he.." and it can be interpreted both ways. Now I know why your translation was different from my (mis)interpretation.

In the original text, it's ねぇてば, which is a call for attention. Both translation are valid (and mine is more readable) so there's no real difference in interpretation there.

Yes, now it does not matter how you will say. I was just asking because I misinterpreted meaning

It's really unimportant, or rather, it's just showing that Yuni is preoccupied about Nanase, even though Fuuko is just besides her. In no way is Fuuko warning Yuni about seeing Nanase.

Yeah, again, I did not know what was hidden behind Yuni's thoughts

Other, you say "She is cheating on you with me" (which is accusatory toward Yuni and somehow not in spirit of Fuuko's true feelings to Yuni)
Other translation is more neutral: "We are cheating on you"
Can you explain why the difference? And why you decided to accusatory expression?

The original is わたしたち浮気してるよ which literally mean "we are having an extramarital affair" or "We're being unfaithful". Which obviously sounds cringe in English. "We're cheating on you" would be somewhat valid, but I don't like it. In English it makes it sound like they were BOTH dating Nanase and they're BOTH cheating on her. But Fuuko isn't cheating on anyone so I don't think it fits.

My way of putting it (She's cheating on you) may sound accusatory, but it's still the truth: the only one cheating here is Yuni.

OK, I understand. It was your personal preference to say that way.
I can only say that it's a bit harsh and sounds very bitchy from Fuuko according to her true feelings to Yuni.
But, anyway we will see in next chapters which interpretation of Fuuko's character is more "correct" (toward Yuni)

Just don't be unprofessional in your work.

lol. I'm not a professional, for one. And for two, I think this way of putting it is completely in character. Fuuko says the things as they are. She's the least deluded character of the story.

Yes, I agree with you in this, about Fuuko. No delusions, and speaking as it is. Ok, I accept and understand your reasons.
Thanks for your answers and for making it clear to me and showing me where I did not see clearly what is written.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020


My questions about differently translated key moments are valid, not hostile to translator, or accusatory. I just wish to know pov of the translator on that subject.

My remarks are also valid, because in extra 15.5 Fuuko finally shows the depths of her feelings for Yuni but at the end of new translation of 16th chapter, she reacts like throwing Yuni to the wolves.

It's very different to say: "WE are cheating on you" than: "SHE is cheating on you (with me)", like "me" is not important

In first case, "WE" is compact, they are together in it as one.
In second case, it's clear separation, and accent is on SHE (...with me)
It's weaker expression. Plus, it changes Fuuko's flow of character completely, she never was a bitch to Yuni, before.

That's why I asked translator to explain to me why she is such a bitch now, when we know she loves Yuni.

Or we will wait for next chapter to see who was right

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I didn't think just translating and posting a chapter here would raise such a storm.

Well, if I translated it, it's because I think it's really good at what it does.

And the reactions are proof of it. Better hate than indifference.

I have some questions about your translation to make something clear about very important key details.
I did read both, and your translation somehow presents Fuuko in very negative way. Other translation is not.

First, scene at the train station. There's a moment when Fuuko tried to speak with Yuni and text is covered with Yuni's thoughts.
Fuuko says: "I saw her", but in your translation it's: "Can you hear me"

I think it's too much difference between those translations, and it's very important key detail for the whole story.
"I saw her" has a weight, but "can you hear me" has no importance at all for whole scene setting and further development.
I don't think that Author made an unimportant scene with words covered with thoughts. It's actually a sign for attention of the readers. That Yuni missed very important info.
And trust me, I'm on the same wavelength with Iwami Kiyoko that I can see her thoughts through every little detail she sets in her artwork.

Other, you say "She is cheating on you with me" (which is accusatory toward Yuni and somehow not in spirit of Fuuko's true feelings to Yuni)
Other translation is more neutral: "We are cheating on you"
Can you explain why the difference? And why you decided to accusatory expression?

If you can make it clear, because I see how it negatively influenced the whole story. It's somehow out of character of Fuuko.
Is it possible that you missed completely the spirit of whole artwork, misleading readers to wrong conclusion and got the hate as result?
Just don't be unprofessional in your work.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 7:40AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

This manga should be most popular manga in the world, and deserves movie.
One day I hope

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I wish to tell something about Yuni. She is potentially suicidal character ("You'll be lonely to the point of death")-

-It's what Fuuko said because she understands (gay) loneliness and need to be loved and accepted.

Yuni truly needs someone like Fuuko to keep her going and help her balance, pulling her out from a hole of her current relationship disaster.
That's why I approve her cheating on Nanase.
If situation is not serious as it is, I would never justify her cheating
But this is a case of life and death.
She is caught in mismatched relationship with Nanase, who is always surrounded by people.
Nanase can't understand depths of loneliness.

Nanase started their relationship from very shallow reasons, just because Yuni heartwarmingly and sincerely complimented her new haircut. (exceptional cuteness of Yuni's character, she is most adorable girl when not in problems)

Nanase is a narcist, who gets adoration from her surrounding (girls from the club, Yuni, best frend...)
But Nanase never gives compliments and adoration in return, she is selfishly taking and taking, more and more. And Yuni has her needs too, to be loved and adored.
Nanase is killing her.
That's why I will always take side of Fuuko. She is a lifesaver. And that's why I will never judge Yuni for cheating. She is simply too weak and too empty to get out alone from her current relationship with Nanase who is constantly sucking her vitals.

If someone needs facts, basis and explanations for my conclusions above, be free to ask without bringing unnecessary conflicts.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 5:15AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Dear Admin, I was personally attacked playing "the devil's advocate" defending unjustly accused Fuuko (a character from manga) for sexual assault, blackmail, etc.

Some people can't make the difference between art and reality, and it's not my fault
Only one of my comments in this thread is off-topic, when I asked my attacker what a problems they have with me? Personal attack was attempted on me for constantly being in topic, just talking about heavy and sensitive situations from manga

I just wish people to stop making false conclusions equaling me and my personality with sensitive cases from this manga, which I'm talking about and I will continue to speak freely being in-topic, as before, avoiding personal-level conflicts. But I ask from the stuff to take care of me and protect me from now on from personal-level attackers, seriously

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 2:40AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Addition ^
With this, I'm closing my case with you. Don't ever speak unkind to me again:

Oh, yeah, I figured out now EXACTLY what is your problem. You gave me enough info and I don't need your answers anymore. Don't try to play games with brilliant mind ever again. Now I'll tell what is your problem and why you attacked me.

Someone accused Fuuko for sexual assault, and I said if she truly assaulted Yuni, Yuni would be sexualy repulsed to her. Which was true, now we can see it in chapter 10 and 11 that Yuni NEVER was repulsed sexually to Fuuko

And that's the reason why you call me "peak yandere", even when I made myself clear that I'm strictly speaking about facts in MANGA, not about real life assaults.
I remember very well, you tried to pull me in, in some nonsense, and you started to write about real life sexual assaults, which I denied to comment, making clear border that I won't speak about it, just about this manga.

You are part of moral squad of hypocrites here, harassing people who are speaking objectively about facts, and you are harassing people who don't have triggers.
It's immature and stupid to equate someone who is objectively speaking with facts about acts. Your mind is closed and pitiful.

Thanks for this little mind exercise, it was not too hard for me to resolve this mini riddle. But it was funny.
Never play games with the greatest PI in the world. There was no mystery hidden from me, nor ever will be.

Don't cross my way again, Mas*na. Just walk my way. It's you who are having serious problems, not me, and I an very sorry for it. It was not my doing. I'll be kind to you from now on, not judging.
Take care about yourself. You are lucky that I'm not a person for whom you took me and accused me to be. You can't believe how fast my mind is about picking details and never ask me about all what I know...

I won't claim a prize of the bet, be well

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 6:56PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

Give me facts for this accusation. If I'm wrong, show me
Explain yourself and tell me what problems you have with me?
You started first to attack me from yesterday, you assumed my gender as cishet male, spoke to me from haughtiness and insulted me. And now you are continually harassing me writing shits without facts.
Tell me what do you want? I did not start any fight with you, what is your problem?

But I know who you are. That girl who learns Japanese.
This is your 3rd account which I recognize, after 2 previously banned from here. So, it's not surprising that it's you who make problems here. You were in this section of comments before. Don't try to deny, I have the eyes of a falcon, and I'm very good with details and I can recognize style of writing. And you attacked me before, I remember you.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 5:35PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

It's OK if you disagree, I really don't mind. We are watching same thing from two different perspectives, and I explained "the shift" and why I'm observing this way.
I still see Fuuko noble in her "malicious games", which are childlike and harmless for any other proclaimed villain in human history.
She is not acting malicious, but righteous. Righteous act allows punishment of the culprit, not just giving or getting a reward for a good deeds

What you say about her "betrayal" of trust. Did you see that she tried to say to Yuni that she saw Nanase, in chapter 16. They are waiting for a train, and Yuni was completely absorbed in her own thoughts and messages on the phone.
She tried to tell her. Yuni did not listen. And then situation shifted in other direction, and Fuuko just takes that turn.
She is just following circumstances, and as an opportunist, grabs her chances. And it was a time to bring all to the light.

Look, Nanase and Yuni are acting slimy, trying to escape facing the truth. They are cowards. Fuuko is not. She did not do wrong revealing what Nanase denied to accept, that it was Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 3:02PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

adittion why I adore Fuuko and call her noble:

Fuuko is in continual pain. But she is hiding it from the beginning.
She is actually the only one of those 3 characters who constantly suffers and only one who seriously fell love. She is ready to suffer everything in seclusion, to get her girl. The strongest character of all those 3.

Yuni's points of suffering are between Fuuko and Nanase. She is in her own kind of pain, confused, lost. (etc, it's not yet the time to talk about Yuni)

Nanase is completely sheltered, but she must face the pain, like a blow. I'm telling all this from the beginning of my comments in this section.

It's my ability to see, far and deep, like a living scanner.
But usually people can't understand. Because I see before anyone else, and that's why people attack me and misinterpret me, I'm always going ahead of time. And it's like a gift and curse at once.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 2:07PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Man earlier you kept insisting that breaking up an established relationship if you start fancying someone else is morally questionable actually. However you also keep insisting that Fuuko is "noble" for very assertively inserting herself into said relationship, potentially forcing the very same breakup. I just can't keep up with this equation at all to be honest.

Let me try to explain now, earlier I was in defensive mode for some personal reasons and sorry if I took on you in my first answer to you, or misinterpreted your intentions

You asked why I call Fuuko noble.
Her role in this equation is an "expected villain", but this manga is not about classical relations between cheater (Yuni), cheated on girl (Nanase), and intruder(Fuuko), THERE IS A SHIFT

There's something what I did read long time ago, about drama triangle and roles called Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor.
In classic relationship, Fuuko should be "naturally" in role of Persecutor and it is the reason why people mechanically are assuming her as the intruder, by their habitual observation.
But since we have A SHIFT in this case, Fuuko is actually in role of Rescuer, just in a "wrong" starting position. And Nanase is an actual Persecutor, again, in shifted role (she should be a Victim by default, but she is unconsciously torturing Yuni and it's documented in manga).

This manga has very unusual setting, an inversion, and it's magnificent from the author. Actually, there are more shifts than one, and more overlapping triangles with addition of other characters. Done to the perfection, and I am in awe. Kudos to Author!

I hope you can understand this explanation, and why I claim my rights to call Fuuko noble. Her actions to get Yuni are impeccable. She never plays dirty punching below, or backstabbing (don't count cheating as a backstabbing, it's more on Yuni).
She brought everything at the open just in time, with clean cuts and timing.
Trust me, she did not play dirty, and she could. Very dirty, if she wanted.
If there is more questions, anyone can be free to ask, if I missed to explain something clearly.

About morally acceptable questions I answered in my 2nd comment behind, from here

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 2:12PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I honestly think some of their thoughts get lost in translation somewhere between their mind and the written text. Perhaps ESL or something along those lines is at fault. I kinda get where they're coming from in some of their angles, specifically the questionable nobility displayed by Fuuka, but something definitely doesn't wholly come across to us.

Yes, it's true, I already wrote a comment here (2 Mar 01:36), apologizing for my clumsy expressions in English. Thanks for understanding.
And thanks for not assuming my gender as cishet male, as both girls assumed from my comments, just because I mentioned NTR few times, I suppose

Here is this mentioned comment of mine:

First, I apologize for my comparison for one of my earlier comments
- how we are not different from characters in this manga (comparing us readers to Asahina, and other translators (actually translations of manga) to Nanase and Fuuko)

It was nothing personal against anyone, especially translator(s) here, just an example in life, and how discussion here inspired me to comment.

English is not my first language and sometimes I'm clumsy to express myself properly as completely self-thought by reading books.
So, forgive my clumsiness if you can or want. I just need for myself and my own consciousness to make it clear to others that my intentions were not malicious.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 9:49AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I was waiting for that extra 15.5 translation, and I'm glad I was right from the beginning, about Fuuko truly loving Yuni
I was having a faith in Fuuko from the beginning and I' not disappointed.

Man earlier you kept insisting that breaking up an established relationship if you start fancying someone else is morally questionable actually. However you also keep insisting that Fuuko is "noble" for very assertively inserting herself into said relationship, potentially forcing the very same breakup. I just can't keep up with this equation at all to be honest.

Well, I am against moral hypocrisy (read this comment from yesterday):

I was talking about moral hypocrisy of people who are constantly changing partners justifying themselves by leaving people behind with excuse "There's someone else but I did not cheat on you"


And all those comments of mine and quotes are on account to Yuni, because people say she should just break up and she is justified and all is fine. It's not so simple situation.

and don't try to accuse me or mark me while I'm objectively bringing up only FACTS FROM THIS MANGA, NOT ABOUT REAL LIFE
Someone attacked me already before (for defending Fuuko against accusations for committing a sexual assault)
My answer is that we are already mature enough to know what is morally acceptable what not,
I AM SIMPLY ENJOYING ONE BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE OF ARTWORK HERE and whole story, without care for morality in real life.

You sure will not commit the murder watching movies about murderers, yet here in one artwork about NTR and cheating we are all "infected" to become cheaters?


(ha, ha, what a subtle cuck spice!)

what the fuck, like seriously

Yes, seriously. An irony of Author of this manga. Ask Yuni why she sends cropped photo of herself to her GF, erasing Fuuko's kisses. If it isn't a " subtle cuck spice" (also made by Author), I don't know, you tell me how I should call it?

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 8:45AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I was waiting for that extra 15.5 translation, and I'm glad I was right from the beginning, about Fuuko truly loving Yuni
I was having a faith in Fuuko from the beginning and I' not disappointed.

Quoting a part of my comment from 03 Feb 00:37 :

She said multiple times that she LOVES Asahina.
It means all stared by finding her venting account by accident, sharing same interest in girls.
At first she follows it without knowing who is behind. From a detail that she knows about 3rd month anniversary (I think so, there is a panel with exact month but I'm not sure)
At least 3 months backwards she was developing her genuine feelings for an unknown girl.
She had a lot of time to see how previously happy girl becomes unhappy.
And after finding out who the girl is, she decides to step in, already tired from falling in love with straight girls. Because she knows Asahina is attracted to girls, and she takes her chance.

It's true, Asahina is already taken, but from her venting account Fuuko sees that relationship is not healthy. So her motives to interfere are not despicable, I can say almost noble, even if she looks like homewrecker if you look from another perspective about "ruining one established couple"
But what if that couple is already "ruined"? (actually going nowhere related only to each other)
And she is just accelerating them to face reality, interfering and fighting for the girl she loves. (I really expect that her feelings are true, not lies)

More than enough reasons to root for Fuuko.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 4:33AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Fuko's personal dilemma is all about not being "number one" in the eyes of the girl she loved.

Now she tells Yuni she's fine with being her "second girlfriend / side chick" but that's not true. She's not fine with it at all. She wants to be Yuni's "number one." And we see she can get really jealous when Yuni is thinking about Nanase or talking about her. So I don't think polyamory is an option here.

It was me who mentioned POTENTIAL poly ending few times (which is not my personal preference because it's just a status quo, now everything out at the open).
I completely agree with you with this, about Fuuko. Only Yuni could be "poly in development", but I think that she is caught in the situation and developed affections for both other characters, but Nanase and Fuuko have no chemistry at all. They would only share the same girl, and all stays the same, no shift, no development, just meh

I am really still completely open for any possibility for the ending, but my personal preference (and most logical according to the story), is splitting into two matching couples and finish this catastrophe of mismatch between Yuni and Nanase. I think Fuuko deserves to get the girl she likes.

In chapter 10 there are two pics of Yuni with Fuuko, and Yuni with Nanase.
We see the proof about greater chemistry between Yuni and Fuuko.
Yuni even cropped a photo asking Nanase "do I look cute?", and it's from the pic with Fuuko touching her and Yuni is blushing (ha, ha, what a subtle cuck spice!)

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 3:44AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I can see Fuuko's story coming from miles away though.

I bet my ass she was groomed into being a lesbian by her childhood friend, only for her to go "haha girls cant actually be together!!" and leave for a man (then come back pregnant as we saw lol)

So that trauma turned her into a bitch who's desperate for attention. And I also bet her whole motive is "Nanase is halfhearted just like my ex so Im actually saving my beloved Hinayu from her so she doesn't suffer as I did"

Chapter 10 page 22, 3 middle pics.

Other remark, Fuuko met her old flame currently pregnant AFTER starting "salvation' of Yuni, there was no "trauma turned her into a bitch" and no comparison to her ex to Nanase.
For now, there's no exact proof that something ever happened between them in so young age (11-12 yo Fuuko traumatized for loving a girl???), Probably it was completely one sided from very young Fuuko, relaying on a promise to be priority to Yuzuki-san

She was shocked to see her first love pregnant. It was not trauma, it's a pain

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 8:58AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I was talking about moral hypocrisy of people who are constantly changing partners justifying themselves by leaving people behind with excuse "There's someone else but I did not cheat on you"

You misinterpreted my comment, just assumed my gender, and spoke to me from haughtiness and with insults, which tells enough about you.
You should call me Your Majesty from now on, because I'm very generous and merciful, more than Rulers of this site...

And all those comments of mine and quotes are on account to Yuni, because people say she should just break up and she is justified and all is fine. It's not so simple situation.
You should find my previous comments about it if you wish to understand what quoted person and me were talking about whole day today

last edited at Mar 25, 2023 3:59PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

The difference is that you can't choose to fall in love with someone else, it just happens. You can choose to not fuck other people however. Which one hurts more is case by case basis of course, but that was not your question.

Actually, I was talking about something else. About people who will justify leaving their partner with excuse "There is someone else, but I did not cheat on you".
They DID CHEAT in their heart already, and it's nothing more morally acceptable or "healthier", than literal cheating. For me it's the same.
If they try to justify a break up replacing their partner with someone else, they are hypocrites.
Maybe I was not so precise before, in my previous explanation. Which is also valid.