Well, I just binged the whole series on Mangadex. I'm satisfied with this as a work in the yuri genre. This is a cohabitation story where the two main characters are the most important people in each other's lives, and there's no implication that they would leave that lifestyle for someone else. As a story in general, though, there are problems. It's heartwarming that they work out their self esteem issues through each other and learn not to suppress the parts of themselves that are unattractive, but most of this happens in the last volume through internal monologue, not action or even dialogue. The pacing is extremely off. I liked the first two volumes where they slowly got closer and had slice of life moments, but I have to wonder why more drama didn't get completed in them, and why there was a subplot at all, although I do like the popular gyaru. There's also a major plot hole: if the gyaru didn't destroy Aiko's book, then who did? and a major part of the story that I think could have used some explanation: what was up with so many coincidences in a row of Mao's story predicting natural disasters, unless somehow her editor was editing in information from weather forecasts? Overall, though, I don't regret reading it. It was definitely a unique manga, and the struggles of Mao in particular were compelling to read. It's beautiful and a little unreal, two fucked up people as if by fate fitting perfectly together.
last edited at Feb 28, 2022 11:19PM