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joined Apr 8, 2019

Touch fluffy tail

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

meh, the tired trope of "old friend secretly always in love with an MC" who only confesses when it's so clear she'll never be accepted.

I mean, it's not necessarily a bad trope per say, but it's just so damn overused in yuri manga that it's just get over with this dumb point we all know will lead no where, and progress the main couple pls

After catching up, I really think it's purely because she feels she's losing her and is scared of that. Until now, she was always able to visit Asahi and Subaru at will, but if Asahi moves to Hinako, the whole visiting thing will become more difficult and they might grow more distant - especially with how awkward the dynamic between them has been already.

It's a trope and kinda overused, I agree, but in this case I really like the timing of it, feels very natural to me - she's grasping at straws, feeling desperate and that she has nothing to lose.

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

LOL....She was inspired by Ginpachi (Gintoki)

Side note, since nobody bothered to correct here, she wasn't. She was inspired by a TV series called 3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei that ran 8 series since 1979 to 2011 and is pretty popular show about a teacher mastering a class of delinquents (imagine live action GTO with straight main protagonist, or something like Sister Act 2 / School of Rock - but all these examples have "too cool" main hero). The change Kinpachi => Ginpachi is a wordplay as an advance censorship.

It's similar to what Gintama does - though Gintama does it not to avoid rights issue, but for comedic pun (Kintama is literally word for testicles, "gold balls" => Gintama is silver balls).

Sanya Juutilainen
VAMPEERZ discussion 25 Apr 10:37
joined Apr 8, 2019

So who was that hanging from that ceiling?


joined Apr 8, 2019

Gratz to muromaki on getting published, let's remember Raide over sweet, sweet yuri manga.

Sanya Juutilainen
Yuyushiki discussion 08 Apr 12:23
joined Apr 8, 2019

Slight mistake on page 12, benath => beneath.

Thanks for the translation!

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

That supportive smile was something.

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

The thirst is real! =w=

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

I think this chapter's message is the best we could get for this year.

What I am surprised is that she actually called herself a lesbian. Big shock, I know. By that I mean that, Japanese people don't use the word "lesbian" as over there it is synonymous of Porn.

I think you misunderstand how translation works.

^ This

probably the original jp had レズ ("Les"), which is pretty commonly used to refer to and self-identify as lesbian in a non-offensive way.

Oh? I thought "bian" (ビアン) was the more common term for self-identifying, partly because レズ was so often used in a derogatory manner. (At least, I'm pretty sure I read that in some older stories around here, but times could be changing.)

Yeah, it's basically moving in circles. In 90s and early 00s, Les was sometimes used as derogatory as well, so some people started preferring Bian. Those connotations are mostly forgotten by now, though, and many new people just use Les - in my opinion also simply because it's easier to understand for people outside of the community

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

Mom's Hino's spaghetti

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

@bitfarb I did for a few panels not sure why- probably just because of how long they teased us with no progress in the past.

But it was amazing it WASNT a tease :)

Probably because Mari was being a lot more ditzy than usual I think. I don't feel like she's the type who'd run outside half-naked without realizing it, for example. She's usually a lot more level headed and rational.

Wouldn't say ditzy, felt more like teasing. Which is unusual too, tbh

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019


Sanya Juutilainen
Yuru Yuri discussion 16 Sep 06:16
joined Apr 8, 2019

i wonder how an idiot like Sakurako can function and stay alive in the adult world, without help from her sisters and Himawari this girl will pretty much useless and be a NEET for sure. And let's not talk about her personality

Get knocked up by Himawari, become a household mom of four.

Sanya Juutilainen
A-Channel discussion 01 Aug 06:44
joined Apr 8, 2019

Too bad, Yutaka. You'll get it the next time!

Sanya Juutilainen
Dull discussion 28 Jun 04:13
joined Apr 8, 2019

Such a dull doujin

joined Apr 8, 2019

To be honest, the credits page was all I could think of even during reading the original ww

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019
Of course the phone has 69% of battery when Koguma sets Hino-san as her wallpaper.





Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

RIP, Kogu and Omichi, was nice knowing ya.

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

edit 2: also the beginning of this chapter just makes me sad. neeko's mom just has no faith in her anymore. she only believes her daughter could be a fuckup. she's no longer worried about her daughter as a person but only as a perceived reflection of her abilities as a parent

At some point people will give up, it's just that the point differs for various people. It's not really something she can do much about, since it's not really conscious.

(Interesting side note, some mothers have a condition where they give up pretty much after the birth, disconnecting them from the child.)

last edited at Nov 4, 2019 11:59PM

Sanya Juutilainen
Yuri Moyou discussion 16 Oct 05:26
joined Apr 8, 2019

not sure if chief is smooth af or oblivious af...

she's obliviously smooth af

She's smoothly oblivious af

Sanya Juutilainen
Yuri Moyou discussion 07 Oct 00:51
joined Apr 8, 2019

S-so bold~ ///////

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019




Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019


I see what you did there~

Sanya Juutilainen
New Game discussion 25 Aug 06:18
joined Apr 8, 2019

Sanya Juutilainen posted:

Anyone reading raws... did Kou-chan say すき、大好き or 愛してる?

I think what really matters is Rin's reaction but anyway here

Thanks a lot! I agree with your remark, but just wanted to know as a nuance :)

Sanya Juutilainen
New Game discussion 23 Aug 21:48
joined Apr 8, 2019

Anyone reading raws... did Kou-chan say すき、大好き or 愛してる?