Forum › Posts by FuzzFactory

joined Aug 12, 2018

^That last question, I realize just now that I have no idea either. Nanase and Yuni have been together for a long time, right? So, do they f*ck? Anyone can recall if we ever saw them having sex? Because really if Nanase hasn't any interest in sex with girls (or at least zero interest in Yuni's body) then this relationship has much deeper problems than Fuuko.

I feel like most of the people in this comment section either skimmed through the manga or just skipped straight to the latest chapter.
Yes, they have sex. Yuni thinks about three distinct times they did it, literally in chapter 2.

You guys should probably catch up with the missing chapters 10 to 15 on mangadex, because i really feel like most people here are talking without having read the entire manga lmao

last edited at May 20, 2023 9:17AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

Friendly reminder that Nanase only confessed because "oh god she's the only girl who doesn't find my haircut stupid im in love "

joined Aug 12, 2018

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

am i going insane or has some people not realized that there is a difference between cheating and ntr?

how has the fact that they exist as distinct words not given them a clue of this great profound truth at all?

I understand there is a difference, but from the very beginning it wasn't just cheating. Straight from chapter 1, Fuuko was trying to steal Nanase's girlfriend, and that's literally the basis of netorare

joined Aug 12, 2018

I love how polarized people are lol. You can't point out the mistakes a character made or the stupid decisions they made without someone else jumping at your neck for "justifying" the other one's actions

PSA: Saying how bad Nanase was as a girlfriend does not mean you're justifying Yuni's cheating
Saying how stupid Yuni is does not mean you're defending Nanase
Not everything is black and white in life, and especially not in this story lmao

joined Aug 12, 2018

Now, I wish Nanase tries to regain control and to win Yuni back. While it'd be logical to just walk away, like any sane person would do, maybe she has in her the will to fight.

Sadly in reality there's not a lot of people who are willing to walk away, especially if the cheating partner comes back with promises of "never doing it again"
So there's space for fixing ("""fixing""") their relationship imo, but given that it would mean removing Fuuko completely from the equation, I doubt the author is gonna go there

joined Aug 12, 2018

I don't think reassuring is the right thing to do, but when all the blame for the cheating is being thrown at her, she doesn't even try to defend herself, she still defends the club. So yeah Nanase isn't the worst of the trio but she is pretty fucking stupid ngl

joined Aug 12, 2018

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

Huh? it was clear as day NTR since chapter 1, what do you mean?

joined Aug 12, 2018

idc what anyone says but everyone here is a horrible fucking person and should not be dating

Truly. I'm pretty sure the point of the manga was to create a NTR story where everyone is equally wrong with no obvious bad guy to hate, so you hate all of them

joined Aug 12, 2018

God damn it Nanase is so fucking stupid, Fuuko is an absolute bitch but she's just spitting straight facts, the idiot can't even think about Yuni being a higher priority than the club when asked "Which is more important" directly by Yuni

Why even keep a girlfriend at that point lmao she clearly never cared about her feelings

(Not saying it's her fault more than it is Yuni's for being a weak ass idiot for not bringing it up in a serious conversation earlier and Fuuko's for being a cunning predatory bitch)

joined Aug 12, 2018

I couldn't make this shit up

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 10:50AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

joined Aug 12, 2018

I guess our minds are not brilliant, sharp and fast enough to see why Fuuko is a perfect angel who is doing the right thing without any kind of malice. Give up Kirin, you will never understand the complex intricacies of the plot, as you don't see two steps ahead into the author's mind like some falcon eyed people here :(

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 8:33AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

She finally wants to wrap things up and end yunis and Nanase relationship for good. Everything she did was to get to this point where Nanase will be hurt so bad she completely abandons

Yeah, basically ever since she saw "Hinayu" complaining about her girlfriend on twitter her goal has been destroying that dysfunctional relationship in the worst way possible

joined Aug 12, 2018

I like this one because all the MCs seem to be committed to doing things that make me say, "Oh, jeez, that looks like a really bad idea!"

That's pretty much what the author intended IMO. Regular NTR stories often have a victim who does nothing wrong and is only there to suffer, but in this one everyone is bad in their own ways lol. Not a single character is "right", which makes it so interesting to see how much lower they can go

joined Aug 12, 2018

And the reactions are proof of it. Better hate than indifference.

nobody hates the manga we just hate evil bitches so keep doing gods work. Human TLs are greatly appreciated
that said this comment section is hurting my brain

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 8:23AM

School Zone discussion 27 Mar 01:13
joined Aug 12, 2018

I dont get it? The author has a yuri manga right here, but actively decides to ignore the main characters for many chapters after that one beach episode, instead of actually developing their relationship, and now says they want to write yuri? damn... well guess ill just read whatever they make next

joined Aug 12, 2018

Addition ^
With this, I'm closing my case with you. Don't ever speak unkind to me again:

Oh, yeah, I figured out now EXACTLY what is your problem. You gave me enough info and I don't need your answers anymore. Don't try to play games with brilliant mind ever again. Now I'll tell what is your problem and why you attacked me.

Someone accused Fuuko for sexual assault, and I said if she truly assaulted Yuni, Yuni would be sexualy repulsed to her. Which was true, now we can see it in chapter 10 and 11 that Yuni NEVER was repulsed sexually to Fuuko

And that's the reason why you call me "peak yandere", even when I made myself clear that I'm strictly speaking about facts in MANGA, not about real life assaults.
I remember very well, you tried to pull me in, in some nonsense, and you started to write about real life sexual assaults, which I denied to comment, making clear border that I won't speak about it, just about this manga.

You are part of moral squad of hypocrites here, harassing people who are speaking objectively about facts, and you are harassing people who don't have triggers.
It's immature and stupid to equate someone who is objectively speaking with facts about acts. Your mind is closed and pitiful.

Thanks for this little mind exercise, it was not too hard for me to resolve this mini riddle. But it was funny.
Never play games with the greatest PI in the world. There was no mystery hidden from me, nor ever will be.

Don't cross my way again, Mas*na. Just walk my way. It's you who are having serious problems, not me, and I an very sorry for it. It was not my doing. I'll be kind to you from now on, not judging.
Take care about yourself. You are lucky that I'm not a person for whom you took me and accused me to be. You can't believe how fast my mind is about picking details and never ask me about all what I know...

I won't claim a prize of the bet, be well

Alright you go your way I'll go mine, but for real you're seriously mistaken about me lol. You can see how old my account is, it's way older than yours.
Plus it would probably help you to look into you ego a bit. Never before met anyone who thought so highly of their own intelligence in a random ass manga website. Just friendly advice, you come off as a very arrogant person, even if it's not your intention

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 7:31PM

joined Aug 12, 2018

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

Give me facts for this accusation. If I'm wrong, show me
Explain yourself and tell me what problems you have with me?
You started first to attack me from yesterday, you assumed my gender as cishet male, spoke to me from haughtiness and insulted me. And now you are continually harassing me writing shits without facts.

Point exactly at where I said anything about your gender or sexual orientation? Everything I wrote in response to your comments was 100% gender neutral. You sure you got the right person?

Tell me what do you want? I did not start any fight with you, what is your problem?

You're saying that a woman who goes after someone who is in a relationship, while knowing fully well that she's in a relationship, and pushes her to cheat taking full advantage of her emotional weakness, is "noble" and acting "righteously", and is "not malicious" at all. Is there any other conclusion i could draw from your opinions? I just hope you don't apply the same logic to real people.

But I know who you are. That girl who learns Japanese.
This is your 3rd account which I recognize, after 2 previously banned from here. So, it's not surprising that it's you who make problems here. You were in this section of comments before. Don't try to deny, I have the eyes of a falcon, and I'm very good with details and I can recognize style of writing. And you attacked me before, I remember you.

Fam you're paranoid. This is the only account i've had since i discovered this site in 2018 LMFAO

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 7:19PM

joined Aug 12, 2018

Your takes of Fuuko are getting more and more insane, since when is someone who uses all means necessary and absolutely crushes her love rival with such malice noble?

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

joined Aug 12, 2018

I'm sure this will be the dumbest question's to ask. Out of all the girl's at there school that fuuko could have dated. Why did she choose yuni? Is it because she love's yuni or is it for some other reason?

She knew Yuni was a lesbian from twitter, plus let's be real, Yuni is an awful person but she's insanely cute and super hot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Aug 12, 2018

I can see Fuuko's story coming from miles away though.

I bet my ass she was groomed into being a lesbian by her childhood friend, only for her to go "haha girls cant actually be together!!" and leave for a man (then come back pregnant as we saw lol)

So that trauma turned her into a bitch who's desperate for attention. And I also bet her whole motive is "Nanase is halfhearted just like my ex so Im actually saving my beloved Hinayu from her so she doesn't suffer as I did"

joined Aug 12, 2018

The difference is that you can't choose to fall in love with someone else, it just happens. You can choose to not fuck other people however. Which one hurts more is case by case basis of course, but that was not your question.

Actually, I was talking about something else. About people who will justify leaving their partner with excuse "There is someone else, but I did not cheat on you".
They DID CHEAT in their heart already, and it's nothing more morally acceptable or "healthier", than literal cheating. For me it's the same.

Bro are you okay?
You can't control your own feelings. Falling in love with someone else is not cheating lmfao. You can't decide what you feel.
It only becomes cheating if you act on those feelings behind your partner's back.
If you develop feelings for someone else, and talk to your partner about it and decide to break up, that's healthy. That's communication. That's the only reasonable outcome for the situation.
Continuing to be with someone while you have feelings for someone else won't do any good for either of you. You'd be a massive hypocrite if you stayed with your partner while loving another person.
Physically cheating and hiding it from your current partner is scummy, and the worst thing you could do.

By saying that leaving your partner because you developed feelings for someone else counts as cheating and is worse than outright fucking another woman, you're outing yourself as a toxic psycho lmao. Peak yandere behaviour

last edited at Mar 25, 2023 2:56PM

joined Aug 12, 2018

Nanase is a good girl, but a terrible girlfriend, She has her priorities all over the place. And its not just the fact that she puts the club above everything else, but she's also quick to turn her back to Yuni for anything. She will leave her in the middle of a conversation if someone from her club calls her. She constantly keeps her at an arm's distance "so they won't find out we're dating", but acts way closer with her other friends, and isn't bothered by skinship, except when it's with Yuni. She doesn't act like a girlfriend, she barely acts like a friend with her lol.

Fuuko is a witch who decided to take advantage of a girl in a clearly vulnerable emotional state, by purposely being everything her girlfriend isn't. She's smart and cunning as hell, she knows what Yuni isn't getting from Nanase and is quick to provide it to fill that void. Her intention from the beginning was to destroy a relationship that she knew was falling apart (from reading twitter), to "save" Hinayu from her oh so very bad girlfriend she always tweeted about. Her goal was to steal Yuni for herself all along.

Yuni is an absolute cunt. Her feelings about Nanase are 100% justified for the most part, but she takes action in the worst possible ways. It's okay to be angry if yout gf stood you up to go play volleyball, it's fine to be upset if she runs away every time she's called by someone else, it's completely understandable to be jealous if she acts close to everyone except you. But god damn she can't help being the absolute worst person in this manga. The kiss and piercing in the manga cafe can be blamed on Fuuko for playing the right cards to manipulate a vulnerable heartbroken girl, but everything after the manga cafe has been her fault and only hers. No money for the train to osaka? She could ask her parents, but compensated dating seems to be a better option in her eyes (because she wanted to date Fuuko). She's in a hotel with Fuuko? She told her to go sleep, but Yuni still went out of her way to have sex with her even after being rejected once. Fuuko didn't do anything this time lol. Nanase's friend confronted her? It was the perfect time for some reflection on her actions, but she went full denial mode and got violent because she didn't want to hear the truth.
She's only been taking advantage of Fuuko as a source of comfort and sex and taking advantage of Nanase as her "girlfriend" but can't be assed to choose one or the other, so she decides to just hurt both at the same time.

God damn I cant wait to see how her life is ruined from here on

last edited at Mar 25, 2023 1:23PM

joined Aug 12, 2018

The reasonable course of action was for Yuni to just dump Nanase and go out with Fuuko normally... though it was even more reasonable to dump Nanase and ignore Fuuko because she's clearly a sociopath lol.

Yuni is an absolutely retarded bitch, she has every right to feel abandoned (because Nanase is a terrible partner in every single way) but she's stupid enough to want to keep her for some reason, even though she clearly doesn't like her one bit lmao.

Nanase is a clown who can't take a hint. Literally leaves her girlfriend alone whenever someone else calls her, even though she knows Yuni hates it. "Oh im so happy we're at the pool together" proceeds to go eat with her club friend leaving yuni on her own lol. lmao.

That said, the blame is on the three of them. Nanase for being a neglectful clown, Yuni for being the most selfish cunt in tokyo, and Fuuko for being a literal sociopath who started everything.
Honestly, if you take Fuuko out of the equation, the couple would have fallen apart on its own eventually

I honestly believe the original intention of the author was to make a story where the three of them were equally at fault, but it clearly developed a bias along the way. Yuni is the worst, then Fuuko, then Nanase.

last edited at Mar 25, 2023 12:45PM

joined Aug 12, 2018

Man he's just like me fr fr