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Citrus discussion 20 Feb 16:00
joined Jan 22, 2018


I don't think Mei actually believe that she doesn't deserved Yuzu. What's stopping her from loving Yuzu is the burden of being an only child and sole heiress of her family's business. she got no choice especially after the talk she had with her grandfather in the car. Mei is just so stubborn to ask for help and just keep her problems on her own.

@mei is waifu

I don't want to make the japanese family tradition vs western culture, a big deal in here because to be honest, it doesn't matter if you live in asia or western countries. our parents does expects us to conform with what the general society considers to be normal. I grew up in Asia but I currently live here in America. my parents never forces me to do something that I don't want or marry someone I don't love. what the heck?! I know it does happen but i don't think most family in asia do these traditonal arranged marriage bullsh*t.

last edited at Feb 20, 2018 4:01PM

Citrus discussion 20 Feb 10:42
joined Jan 22, 2018

@mei is waifu

Now that I can think clearly. I actually think Mei lied to Yuzu when she said that she decided it for herself because she doesn't want Yuzu to go after her. as she said in the letter if she sees Yuzu again, she won't managr to go through it. she felt pressured into marrying her fiance and inherit the academy because of her grandfather's ailing health and because she's the only sole heiress.

Regardless, I still want Mei to chase after Yuzu this time.

And I don't know much about japanese family tradition but you can't say that anyone in here hasn't experience to choose between someone or something they love over their family responsibility especially the lgbt community.

last edited at Feb 20, 2018 11:03AM

Citrus discussion 20 Feb 09:41
joined Jan 22, 2018

Is anyone in here happy that we'e actually going to see Mei and Yuzu go through this cliche yuri trope of "rich girl will eventually marry a guy in the future" rather than Saboura Uta giving us an inconclusive happy ending where we don't know for certain if Mei and Yuzu will be lifelong married couple after graduating highschool. but it sucks that Sabuoro Uta needed to make Mei the bad person for this drama. I can't even enjoy the anime because of this.

Citrus discussion 19 Feb 22:54
joined Jan 22, 2018


why wouldn't everyone not be shocked with this sudden turn of events? when the latest chapters before chapter 36 are all about Mei falling in love with Yuzu and reciprocating her advances that we were all convinced that this would be the time, she'd actually fight to be with Yuzu. it's like Mei just throw away five volumes worth of her character development.

After everything Mei and Yuzu went through as a couple. Who the f*ck would thought that Mei would actually choose to marry some random guy and inherit the academy over Yuzu? LOL it's like a f*cking sick joke from Sabuoro Uta.

Well, Mei has just become the antagonist of her own love story with Yuzu. so I guess it's all right to hate her for now. what a b*tch.

last edited at Feb 19, 2018 11:42PM

Citrus discussion 19 Feb 09:24
joined Jan 22, 2018


I think the side characters will be playing a big part on the next arc because throughout the series, Mei isn't the only one who Yuzu has change for the better with her warm personality. I really want to see where Harumin stand on her bestfriend's situation. we do have a hunch that she is just playing dumb because as Matsuri said that Harumin is the type of person who doesn't want to be personally involve with other people's problem. but I don't think she will just watch in silent and lowkey help Yuzu just like before.

I'm still disappointed with Mei's decision and the way she left Yuzu with just a letter was very cruel especially after she admitted on a f*cking piece of paper, how she really feels for her. but I really admire Yuzu for respecting Mei's decision even though she was head over heels in love with her. that's effing true love right there. imo Yuzu is just a really great character.

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 23:58
joined Jan 22, 2018

So, the time skip is 6-8 months but Yuzu still cried like it was just yesterday. everyone has this worried expression on their face while lookimg at Yuzu. I don't want Yuzu to turn into a more darker character but this turn of events will greatly change her view about love. I can't wait to see how much Yuzu change and see how will Mei react to this new Yuzu.

last edited at Feb 18, 2018 11:59PM

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 23:36
joined Jan 22, 2018

Okay, please. Stop. This is getting too embarrassing to read, to the point where I think you're trying to kill me with sheer cringe.

I've actually seen worse in one of the forums in here and yeah even I are also cringing with my post. I mean the chapter is still fresh to everyone's mind. the rage posting just shows how frustrated and disappointed everyone is with chapter 36.

I actually feel like Sabuoro Uta intentionally skip a month to published the next chapter because the next chapter will probably be much worse than chapter 36. the Citrus anime would be over before April. so SB still has plenty of time for chapter 37 and see if the manga will have an effect on the BD sales of Citrus.

now, I don't know if I want to praise SB for having the balls for stirring sh*t up to make the story interesting again without adding too much nonsensical plot even with the anime still running or I want to give her a big smack in the head because I'm pretty sure this chapter will cause a lot of reader to (temporarily) rage quit the manga and possibly the anime after reading the new chapter.

but I'm glad to see that this new development in the story even though it's heartbreaking, shows how much the readers are still invested on this manga. I still have faith on Sabuoro Uta so I hope that despite whatever everyone says, she will continue Citrus, the way she intended the story to unfold.

last edited at Feb 18, 2018 11:42PM

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 15:55
joined Jan 22, 2018

everyone is triggerred because of the new chapter. who wouldn't? almost everyone expected Mei to value Yuzu more than anything. Yuzu fought so hard for her without minding the consequences. I thought this would be the arc that Mei is going to show how much she love Yuzu but it was the other way again. Yuzu was the one who got hurt and yet she's still the one who needs to make things right. right now, I really want to see Mei beg and cry to Yuzu, for her to come back to her until her eyes bleed.

what pisses me off is that Mei let Yuzu to deeply fall in love with her even though she has no intention to return those feelings because of her ambition. Matsuri is everyone of us right now.

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 02:24
joined Jan 22, 2018


nah' Mei is just being a selfish bish just like her father. I know that if Mei see Yuzu again, she will probably decide to back out from the arrange marriage but because she badly wanted it to happen. she decided to cut Yuzu away from her life. that's how f*cking determined she is to pursue her "dream".

I just watched episode 7 and no matter how much Mei shows more emotion here than on the manga. I can't still forgive her for leaving Yuzu.

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 01:30
joined Jan 22, 2018

this manga turned into a more one-side or unrequited love. it's too unfair that Yuzu is the one who needs to suffer the most and also the one who will probably resolve this. I've never seen Mei actually do something for Yuzu other than probably hurt her a billion times before she could even say I love you to her. "love letter"? more like a reason for Yuzu to commit suicide or be miserable for years.

sh*t I shouldn't have read the latest chapter before watching episode 7.

last edited at Feb 18, 2018 1:32AM

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 01:13
joined Jan 22, 2018

How I wish I could say this heartache will be worth it in the end. I just don't really get how Mei could leave Yuzu like that after everything Yuzu did for her. well, I guess Mei is no different from her father and grandfather. they don't give zero f*ck for the people who has been there for them all these time as long as they could pursue their dreams and aspiration in life. man, Yuzu is too good for Mei. I can't believe that Matsuri developed into a more better character than Mei at this point in the manga, even after every sh*t she tried to pull because of how immature she was back then.

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 23:27
joined Jan 22, 2018

And you still miss my point. At this point Mei's dream isn't inheriting the Academy or upholding the Family's tradition, her dream is to be with Yuzu but she can't forego that burden in the same way Shou or Yuzu could.

Mei lacks that courage to break from the traditions she was raised to believe. And she acknowledges her own cowardice in her letter.

I guess you missed the part when Mei told Yuzu in the letter that she wants to follow the path she chose. you know a path where Yuzu doesn't exist.

Mei said she was a coward for only leaving a letter and not telling everything to Yuzu herself because her resolve of choosing her dream over Yuzu will crumble. and not because she was being a coward to break her family's tradition.

either way. it only shows that Mei doesn't love Yuzu that much to leave everything behind.

last edited at Feb 17, 2018 11:30PM

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 23:21
joined Jan 22, 2018


to be honest, I failed to understand that Mei choosing to cut-off Yuzu in her life is an act of being selfless.

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 23:13
joined Jan 22, 2018


my main point is that Mei chose this decision herself regardless of how bad her social skill is. what drives her into this decision is all because of her dream of inheriting the Aihara family and not just because she only wanted to keep her family's tradition.

this new chapter is frustrating all of us and dividing us but all we want is a happy ending for both of them. but it will be hard for the readers to forgive Mei that easily. I don't know how can she redeem herself after this.

last edited at Feb 17, 2018 11:14PM

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 22:59
joined Jan 22, 2018


IMO Mei choosing to marry her fiance in order to inherit the academy and to please her grandfather over Yuzu has nothing to with her social skills/issues.

what really hurts me as a reader is that Mei chose this decision not because she was forced unto it but because she wanted it more than how much she love Yuzu.

last edited at Feb 17, 2018 11:03PM

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 22:34
joined Jan 22, 2018

Sometimes I wonder, who the hell is the intended audience?
It's way too shallow for adults and inappropriate for kids. So it's for manchilds?

Who cares? As long you are entertained by it. other people's opinion shouldn't matter

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 22:25
joined Jan 22, 2018

This is the worse scenario that I had been dreading since knowing that Yuzu and Mei are step-sisters. it sucks to be honest that Mei still chose to marry her fiance in order to inherit the academy? what a load of bullshit!! I know this new development will probably make the story better in the long run but I still feel bad for Yuzu. she's so deeply in love with Mei. Yuzu gave everything to Mei while Mei on the other hand couldn't gave that love back. if I was a friend of Yuzu. I'll probably tell her that Mei is not worth fighting for but since I'm a reader, I want them to be the endgame couple.

Citrus discussion 22 Jan 01:41
joined Jan 22, 2018

Hi guys, I'm new here!! it's getting intense in here xD

I just want to ask any Citrus expert in here, if the Citrus Anthology has any relevance to the main Citrus manga? Because the Citrus Anthology is hinting that Harumin has feelings for Yuzu. I mean she's already playing dumb trying not let anyone notice how she knows what's going on between Yuzu and Mei but that's one of the best thing about her. so, I'm not going to complain about it. I just really hope that Harumin will also play a prominent role in the upcoming volumes.

The manga is getting good again. now with the pov changing from Yuzu to Mei. Mei, please don't let Yuzu down. she fought so hard to keep your love from falling apart.