Maybe a controversial opinion, but black haired girl seems pretty damn selfish and cold hearted to me. Actively says how great it is to be with her girlfriend, yet still hangs suicide over her head so casually. Feels like that would put a ton of unfair pressure on blondie to try to keep her alive, consciously or subconsciously. Can’t imagine how draining it would be for BLONDIE to have to put up with someone constantly going like “hey, which do you think would be quicker? Noose or jumping off a building? Teehee!” Just seems generally insensitive to how she might be making blondie feel, despite supposedly caring for her.
That being said, if blondie hasn’t properly expressed how much black haired girl means to her, then maybe black haired doesn’t truly know how much she’s actually loved and valued. Maybe that would make her reconsider her stance on life and actually want to stick around a bit.
But idk, this was too short to really explore more in depth than that, I think. Would’ve liked to have seen more, looks like a thought provoking premise just nipped too early.