Forum › Posts by Bellalizz

joined Sep 1, 2017

I’m here like mad pressing the right part of my screen to see the Next page... why ;-;!

joined Sep 1, 2017

Can you believe, new characters introduced for the new volume to be about. It's like this is AnoKiss or something.

How are there still people who don't understand the nature of this series?

YES. These comments are getting really annoying, seriously, it's the same bullshit every time. You KNOW there's gonna be a new couple every volume alongside the main one, get over it already. =___= Like, there's been ten comments to complain about the obvious and almost zero to talk about the chapter. If you don't have anything to say, then just don't. Sorry, but it just pisses me off.

Anyway… That was unusually depressing for a Canno story. Though there's probably more to it − I guess Ayaka and/or Yurine are gonna get involved in all this one way or another. If you wonder when your relationship went off the rail, though, Asuka… that might be the day you stopped interacting with people? I can't think that's a good foundation for a healthy relationship.

Really liked the imagery in this chapter though, especially at the end. It's like that train announcer was watching them break up or something… Also, page 26, that leaf on the mirror reminds me of the way Tanuki transform in Japanese lore. Might be a way to symbolize that Asuka is trying to be someone she's not… I'm also pretty fond of Asuka's design. She looks a bit more adult than the characters we've seen until now (though since she's 19 that makes sense). Anyway, I'm curious to see how Canno continues that story. Their relationship seems pretty hard to fix right now.

Oh, and chart.

Thanks for the chart, really helps lol

joined Sep 1, 2017

keep clicking on the right side


Another of the same. Surely there are many more of us?

Legend says they are still clicking furiously

We are.


Joining the furious clicking train in hopes that if we click enough, our dreams will come true

Maybe they will, if he read the comments ಠ_ಠ
click, click, click.... (°▽°)

Sometimes, the forums are really relatable

Me too... Me too guys....

You wonderful folks took every word straight from my fingertips.

There should be a support group for the frustrated clicking readers.

joined Sep 1, 2017

I enjoyed the manga and decided to read comments on it... worse idea ever lol. I only hope this continues to get translated otherwise my poor little heart will suffer.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Can't believe I only just now found this! Kinda glad I did though, waiting one year would've been agony.

I really love everything about this manga! Everything feels so natural and flows so well. All the side couples are fantastic. Even the incest one; while I'm usually against it, they're so cute together. I love that Yuki pretends to be so princely but she's secretly just a rascal. I love Masami and Midori too; how Midori's lack of trust drove them apart, but then they communicated and talked about it and I just uuuughhhh, it's so good.

My absolute favorite thing is Aoi and Riri. I'd be totally fine with them not getting together, because they have such a good friendship. I love the idea of a sweet Ace girl being friends with a hopeless lesbian and just being overall supportive and promising that she won't go and fall in love and leave Riri like her other friends. Aoi is such a bro, I want to hug her through the screen.

Can't wait for the last chapter

Welcome to the group...

Image Comments 05 Jun 02:26
joined Sep 1, 2017

Oh I thought the artist would create and post with the intent of just posting in dynasty but I guess after reading the rest I misunderstood.

Image Comments 04 Jun 08:49
joined Sep 1, 2017

Wait so all images are input for dynasty not like image copying?

joined Sep 1, 2017

hjyfun posted:

I thought they would do it in the shower... you know with the

Does that actually work? It doest seem to work for me though... Were is my gay friend I can pay for? :c

...i can confirm it does sometimes, but its a waste of water lol

Well, it's the faster way to get them wet !!!

Edit: ._.)

I get the best orgasms with the shower, so the shower is a favorite! I got 11 orgasms in like 45 minutes once, was pretty sore after xD So I can confirm it works!

Omg... teach me! like I would see this in the movies and I tried it one time and I felt like an idiot because it had no effect and yeah tots a waste of water.

1 x ½ discussion 04 Apr 20:38
joined Sep 1, 2017

Dear brothers and sisters,
Let's commune together in sin. There's plenty of time after death to repent for it.
I am a worshipper of incest, as long as there's consent, in manga as in really life. Moreover, it's not like either of them is gonna be pregnant, right ?
That was for the presentation.

The love seems to be genuine for the daughter, and at least the mere mere physical attraction is without doubt too on the mother's side. I hope the author's gonna say "FUCK SOCIETY" in the end... I was already disgusted enough this year with Yuzumori-san !
The author had the immense talent up until now to show a REALISTIC incest case. Something that works.

I can’t help but laugh at your comment but I’m on the same ship so... preach.

joined Sep 1, 2017

I didn’t even get past the first part and I’m already bored. Sorry translators but it’s not working out.

joined Sep 1, 2017

I would like to say Thank you to the people who are “spoiling” the ending for me because this whole “letting go of her hand” situation killed me. I am a huge Yuri fan but I don’t think this is yuri, if anything it’s probably a sub and not the main part of it. Again.. Thank you for saving me spoilers

joined Sep 1, 2017

I hate to bring this back but



joined Sep 1, 2017

After thinking it over I get that it was pretty bad, yeah. I still don't think it was intentional trolling or malicious though, so I'd be more inclined to cut them a break as long as they don't do it again.

Not to be rude but I am surprised you didn't see a comment he made before, if you read back anyway, so I agree with calling him out on it. I legit only made this account to talk about it because i love this manga and after reading his comment it made me think "wow how sad.. don't wanna break my little heart so mind as well just create my own ending in my head" which sounds stupid but it happens. Either way I won't allow such a stupid comment ruin my liking to the manga. Despite it being a public page, some comments are completely unnecessary. If you want to talk about something, be informed and not go based off of what you see or is being told, if you read along (if you understand) then go ahead and talk all you want. I don't see how it isn't malicious becaus he made a comment before and same thing.. honestly the post are meant to talk about the manga and not the future of it, unless it is released because otherwise it's considered a spoiler, but even a spoiler has a general knowledge of the manga

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 4:52AM