Forum › Posts by Thiaguinho-sama

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Jul 06:43
joined May 11, 2012


Thiaguinho-sama, I believe in equality. I also respect people's way of life. If they are content, I won't invade their countries to shove equality down their throats. A popular excuse of imperialism is to enlighten the ignorance. I am against that.

The thing is, the majority is happy with their way of life, and the minority suffer, it's always like that everywhere, also, I never said anything about invading countries, now you're just twisting my words.

Some of you seem to not have got what I meant, but in no moment I said violence is the only solution, or anything about invading a country, change is something gradual that can take a lot of time and work, it can never be done by invasion, change need to be done by the country own people, we from other countries can at best help them achieve it, and it should always start in peaceful ways, and protests are something peaceful, at least can be, but yes, at worse rebellion and violence is necessary unfortunately, but they're literally a last resort, when everything else fails and won't get anywhere after trying it a long time, change is something that need to be planned, not just show up screaming change and hope things will get better.


again, what I meant is: shoving your ideas by force and trying to be so fussy and outright aggressive against something people believed in for thousands of years is pure idiocy, lacks patient and wisdom all together WRONG.. will result only in shutting them down on you... blocking your ideas!
But why does it matter, let's get the artificial change.. feel modern and happy yappyyy.. liberals.. superheros yayyy.

this kind of McDonald's change makes me puck!

Except for the fact I never said you should shove ideas in other people and never said you should be aggressive and outright attack people, stop twisting my words, you're literally making assumptions about how I supposedly think changes should be made when I never said that, also, it's like you said, thousands of years, how long more you think we should wait to do anything? Maybe another thousand years? Change need to start somewhere.

Also, wow, sarcasm and offenses when at no moment I disrespected you, way to show that you can't make a proper argument against what I said.


Because it feels like people are taking the word fight to literally mean commit violence or use force when you can fight for your rights using non-violent means just like Ghandi did.

I see.


funny, you just did that XD ..

Funny you say that when my words have been literally twisted to invade countries, shove my ideal on others, and be aggressive against other beliefs, when at no point at all I tried to say we should do that.

last edited at Jul 24, 2017 6:46AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Jul 06:20
joined May 11, 2012



Maybe, but my point stays though lol

I am a harmonious person, remember ?

Yup, I remember, and that is completely fine, you should just live your life and be happy, nothing wrong with that, just don't act as if those unhappy and that want change are wrong for wanting it and trying to change things for the better, cause they're not.


What a war zone.

Maybe lol

I'm kind of finding the mention of Ghandi ironic.

Why? Explain please.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Jul 06:08
joined May 11, 2012


I would love to go into another 3 pages of discussion.. anyways, I truly realised we come from two different worlds. whatever floats your boat.

No, we come from the same world, you just came from a different country with different beliefs that makes harder to change things.

for me ?
nah, I just sit here.. write a nice article in some blog, a person or two would read it.. I still get girls.. and the state doesn't need to give me an official fancy paper saying that I'm exclusive with this person and our breakup would be legally nastier XDDD. argghh

I wish Martin can mix me a cocktail at 12:00 p.m

Yup, that is the thing, you don't need it, because you're happy with how things are, you don't care at all that things stay the same, and that's okay, you should be happy in your way, nothing wrong with that, but you can't deny that others are not happy with how things are, you don't need to agree or do anything to help them, but don't do anything that could get in their way either.


Thiaguinho-sama, you had made an assumption that your perspective is the fact. I don't think I can reason you out of it. All I can say is it is a dangerous thing to do, and don't be a villager. Lol.

Sorry but my only perspective that I believe is a fact, is that all humans are the same, independent of gender, sexuality, or religion, and should have the same rights and be treated equally, so please, how that makes me dangerous like the villagers? You don't believe in equality then?

last edited at Jul 24, 2017 6:08AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Jul 05:50
joined May 11, 2012


you think like that because you are impatient, you want to wake up and find everyone conforming to what you believe to be right. So in your logic, a rebellion will make those people raise their children differently ?

No, quite the opposite, I'm very patient, I know changes will never come overnight, and people will not automatically agree with what I believe, rights are something that can and are made into law, and people don't need to accept someone is gay, but they can respect they're different even if they raise their children to think that is wrong.

ok honey, you are mixing things up.. this is not slavery nor racism.

No, I didn't mix things up, slavery and racism are the same thing, or what, you think that slaves didn't fight for their rights? Or that black people didn't fight for them either? They didn't get their rights one day because white people was feeling nice, those things are the same.

I did mention that no one stopped me from indulging in my forbidden fruit.. they are not ready to know about it! nor do I need to make it on national TV to feel liberated. So, on the level of Human rights, no one has stopped it.. you want them to like it ? well.. you think of peaceful approach as long as it's feasible. Being hasty and aggressive is selfish and pure idiocy.

Just because you're fine with hiding it, that doesn't mean everyone is, some people want to be free, to be able to kiss their partner in public without end up in jail or being attacked, people don't need to understand and accept you, but they should respect, even if a law is necessary for making them not try anything against the minority, selfish is to ignore the countless people who want change just because you're fine with the status quo.

hahahahahhaha.. you know what's funny, women are still subjugated but under another form.. you know why? because all forced changes made difference in appearance not in the essence of the problem.
This is what I meant by forcing your idea, you only make a fake change.

Actually they made difference in the problem, a few decades earlier woman couldn't vote, couldn't have a job, and so on.

There's no fake change, there's imperfect changes, yes some woman still suffer some form of subjulgation, but guess what? Things in the past were worse, the fight for equality is something that will not end any time soon, just because for you those changes seems meaningless, won't change that for countless womans it made a huge difference, we wouldn't be here if people didn't fight for their rights in the past.

if this is your approach in life.. that even in argument you can't be persuaded, of course violence and rebelling is the thing you find practical.

Now you're just making assumptions, I never said violence and rebelling is the only way, you can make changes with peaceful ways a lot of times with time, but in some cases that won't work, don't talk as if peaceful actions are absolute, cause they're not, sometimes reellion and protest is necessary, and at last resort even violence.

in all the time that I've been gay for.. I can't understand how some gays suffer because they can't get married. what's up with mimicking hetrosexuals. Oh, maybe the tax cuts or something !
so dramatic even for me.

Sorry, but "mimicking heterosexuals"? That is offensive because you talk as if gays are a different creature, gays are not different from heterosexual people, we're exactly the same, and we deserve the same rights, that's the whole point.


Thiaguinho-sama, you missed my point. I need never said the villagers' action was right, I said it was "their version of the right thing". When people are conditioned into believing something is right, it is very hard to reason against it. Why is the religion example relevant? Because I can give Christian hundreds of proofs to discredit the Bible, but they won't budge. Rights are beliefs, not facts. Like the freedom to bear arm is an American belief, it is not a fact.

I know it's hard to reason with people who has being conditioned to believe in something, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try, as for the Christians, that is not relevant, you can't give proof the Bible is wrong, because the Bible is about faith, not about prooving if it's true or not, also, rights are not a belief, they're fact, freedom to bear arm is not the same as deny someone marriage or a service because they're gay or black, also, freedom to bear arm is a right, it's outright in the constitution, people was free to have a weapon since the beginning of humanity, and there's no need for that to change, because people have the right to defend themselves, and sometimes having a weapon is the only way to do so.

I don't know about the second point. I can tell you a 5 years old know a lot less than me, but he seems care free and happier. Is his happiness false? I am an advocate for knowledge, but I also think that knowing more does not necessarily make you happy, it can work the opposite.

Yeah it's true a 5 years old are happy without knowing anything, but they don't need to know anything, they're children, all they need to do is live their childhood and be happy, also, not knowing is not the same as believing in something that is false, they don't know anything, but they're free to learn and think for themselves, also, it's true that knowledge won't necessarely make you happy, and knowing less you can be happier, but the only reason people who have knowledge can be less happy, is because they see how bad the world is, which is exactly why change is necessary, it's better to know, maybe be kind of unhappy, but be able to make the world better, than never know anything and things continue bad.

last edited at Jul 24, 2017 5:53AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Jul 04:53
joined May 11, 2012


change doesn't need to happen by yelling and rebelling.. but slowly educating and planting the seed of the idea.. and this is the peaceful, harmonious approach that I prefere (or the bullshit as you call it).

Except that sometimes that is the only way to make change happens, or what, you really think that when a good amount of people are against a minority, they will let someone teach their children something they're against? Unfortunately sometimes when you try to be peaceful, people who are against what you say, especially people who have power, will do all they can to shut you up, unfortunately in some cases rebelling and protests are the only option.

secondly: some cultures are older than some countries XD .. to ask them to go follow anyone else just because you want them to be like the other country.. is upright insulting, aggressive and narrow minded.

No, insulting is how some people are treated because of their gender, skin color, or belief, and so on, being a culture is not a excuse to make anything accceptable, and you're completely ignoring the point that change is not something that happens overnight, change is something gradual that takes time, and to make something clear, it's not about make them like other coutries, but to give every human being the rights their deserve.

you want your ideas be respected, respect other's beliefs and try slowly integrate yours to flow with them.. not to shock or force changing directions. I don't under any circumstances wish that this becomes an idea that someone dies for just to name a new hero and make a statues for them.. there are more important and precious things to die for.. this however, requires time, patience and respect.. if you go aggressive, you will face violence.

Respect is a two way road, they don't respect our beliefs either, and no, I won't respect a belief where woman need to be subjugated. or where gays can be killed for what they are, or any other bullshit like that, sometimes shock is the only way to start change, and people don't die so they can be a hero and get a statue, people sometime dies because for them, not doing anything against what they believe is just plain wrong, is worse than doing nothing, and for what is right they're capable of dying if necessary, and don't forget one thing, yes life is too precious to throw away, but those people didn't commit suicide, they were literally murdered by the bigoted people who prefer the status quo where a minority might suffer, sometimes patience and respect don't work.

and I, LOVE my bullshit, aka"harmonious living".

True, you love your "harmonious living", but guess what? Just because you're happy with how things are, there will be countless of gay people who will completely hate how things are right now, don't ignore that a lot of people are not happy with this false harmony.


The point was not missed. It was in fact never discussed. Her comment was not on the content but on the technicality of the meaning of the sentence. And in this context, her comment is valid. If you "do not suffer", it does not automatically mean you are "happy". In a similar vein, being "not poor" does not make you a "rich" person.

True, sometimes if people are not suffering, it doesn't automatically mean they're happy, but that completely ignores the argument Esoteric tried to make, a country might not have gay marriage, some will not suffer because of that, but others will, you can't generalize that, just because some are not suffering that doesn't mean there's not others who aren't, someone will always suffer when their rights are denied.


Thiaguinho-sama, take a deep breathe, no need to get angry lol.

There are some truth to what Foxy said. Illusion of harmony, what is illusion to you and me may be the truth to others. In the context of the movie Esoteric cited, the villagers believe in that "illusions" which is their version of "the right thing". It is like me telling Christian Jesus is not real... you see my point?

If you think you are happy, you don't necessarily suffer. People can't crave what they do not know existed, so ignorance is a bliss to them.

But the villagers believing that is right won't make it right, and your point is invalid, because we're not talking about Jesus, religion is about faith, about believing in something you can't prove, rights are fact.

It's true that people can't crave something if they don't know that exist, but that is just because they don't know better, they don't know about the choices and the possibilities they could have, also, just because they don't know about some things, that doesn't mean they will be automaticaly happy either, there will always be a reason for suffering and sadness, and having knowledge can help overcome them more easily.

Foxy lady

However, Thiaguinho-sama, in all your explanation, I encourage you to reread your argument. I was smiling because you put in details my argument which is just technical level. Thank you for backing me up unknowingly. XD

Nah, I won't reread anything because I know very well about what I said, I don't care about technical level, I care about the whole picture and facts, nothing anyone say will change my belief that people should fight for their rights instead of just accept things how they are.


Indeed. We don't teach a child the concept of non-violence by beating him into submission lol. We must first walk the talk.

Except for the fact we're not talking about children, but society as a whole, and on it, it's adults who will try to stop minorities from having their rights, and they're capable of using anything they can to stop that change.

Also, no I'm not mad lol, sorry if I sounded like that, I tried to choose my words, but sometimes it end up not sounding as good as I wanted... And hope I didn't forget to reply anything lol

last edited at Jul 24, 2017 5:02AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Jul 04:00
joined May 11, 2012

Hello Foxy Lady

Basing from these statements, one can't say with finality that the absence of suffering makes one happy, i.e., under reversed argument. In so doing, the illusion of happiness doesn't guarantee as well that people are suffering under baselining the definition of illusion, happiness and suffering.

That's a valid point. Not full does not = hungry XDDDD

What the hell are you even talking about Orange? Her point is not valid at all, it has nothing to do with what Esoteric tried to say.

Seriously, I'll be blunt, no offense Foxy Lady, but I honestly don't know if you really completely missed Esoteric point, or if on purpose you twisted their words and used rhetoric to try sound smart, like, really? They didn't talk about the literal feeling of happiness at all.

To make clear what I believe was the point Esoteric tried to make, by illusion of happiness they tried to argue that just because a place looks happy, in harmony, everything perfect and without problem, that doesn't mean that's true at all, actually quite the opposite, everywhere has some problems, only reason some places seem to be all nice and happy, is because there's a minority there who feels forced to suffer in silence, or are forced to, just so the "harmony" can continue, because after all, who cares about the minority when the majority is happy right?

A example that could explain what I believe Esoteric tried to say is bullying in schools, all schools have some kind of bullying, if you find any school at all that try to portray themselves free of any bullying, they're outright lying and just hiding it, society is the same.

I must say that I completely disagree with this "harmony" bullshit, people should never stay quiet and give up on their rights, change never happens naturally, because bigoted people who are against the minorities will do everything they can to not let it happen and keep the status quo.

And hlama, I disagree that ignorance is a bliss, if anything ignorance is the source of most if not all problems in the world, because through knowledge we have understanding, and with it acceptance, another cause of problems is lack of communication, people should talk and listen to each other more, countless of problems could be averted if they did that instead of making baseless assumptions.

With that said, guess I'll go back to the shadows. disappers into the darkness

last edited at Jul 24, 2017 4:12AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 Jun 18:53
joined May 11, 2012

As for love scene, I still say the story might end in threesome!

And what you mean about your girlfriend expression? More details please xD

Also, link for the Discord group, in case any of you want to give it a try.

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 Jun 18:49
joined May 11, 2012

Why I'm not surprised you two already want to go into perverted stuff lol

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 Jun 18:46
joined May 11, 2012

Welcome you too True Evil lol

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 Jun 18:43
joined May 11, 2012

Welcome to our abandoned thread Nora89 lol

joined May 11, 2012

Here Nora89

Already put in the last page, it was used by me and the previous people long ago, but just like in here they all disappeared with time, only me is left I guess, anyway, you're going to notice there's link to a discord group too in some posts of that page, it's a group I made some months ago, to try bring some of the people back, you guys are welcome to join if you want.

joined May 11, 2012

If you guys want just go use the off topic thread created for WDTFS long ago lol

joined May 11, 2012


only in ch57, Seju knew that she failed to identify Sumin's inferiority complex.. only in ch72 I think Sumin was able to identify Seju's insecurity.

10 years ago, both of them expected the worse, Sumin expected that she wasn't enough and Seju would find a better person compared to her "too ordinary" self, on the other hand, Seju expected Sumin to hate her and leave her one day. Those two things collided together within the bartender incident.. as if both of them saw what they expected becoming a reality. Their main issue wasn't only lack of communication, but that they loved each other so much but didn't believe in each other just enough.

Yeah, there was definitely more than just Seju family, Sumin parents dying, and the cheating, there was already some problems there.

joined May 11, 2012

At best they would show after the story ended, just to kick us in the face, showing that all the suffering was kind of meaningless, since it was neither fault, unlikely of course lol, it was just a plot device, they didn't had any other way to really break their relationship and suffer so long otherwise.

joined May 11, 2012

More like that the cheating broke their strained relationship is important, they talked too little about something so important, which in my opinion just shows that what matter is not so much the cheating, but that they broke up because of it, cheating was just the cause, the effect is what matter.

joined May 11, 2012

Or she was talking about getting drunk and what happened afterwards, even if she was too drunk to know and remember what she was doing, it was still her fault for getting drunk, that's what I'm talking about, we can't exactly pinpoit all facts, so it ends vague and still open to interpretation, I still believe that in the end it doesn't matter how or why, but the result, which is why we never got the whole picture.

I don't think it would change that much, because in the end they're still stuck in a vicious cycle, without outside help I think Sumin would either not believe or ignore it, and Seju would still do nothing, at best it will make easier for them to become good friends,but that is almost already happening anyway thanks to Sungji, after so long I don't think the whole incident really matters anymore, because the damage was perpetuated for too long already, because they chose to continue like that.

thanks, I wish you happiness with someone you love and loves you back.

Haha, thanks, but I already accepted I'm basically Forever Alone. (TvT)

It shows also that Seju always has this attitude of taking responsibility, while Sumin admits her habit of shifting the blame.

I think Sumin knew deep down nothing was Seju fault, but since she was accepting all of it, things just got out of hand, since she didn't had the habit before, at least before their incident their relationship seemed to be perfect.

sia ue

Which means she didn't cheat on Sumin out of an anger as you said.

Which means in the end we'll never have a why or how, unless they give more on the cheating, we'll never get anywhere because it's just way too vague, people will interpret different depending on who they like, and their views on being drunk and cheating.


but wait, did Seju mean the drinking part or having sex with him, I wonder!

We'll never know, cause fuck us, that's why! Dx

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 5:12PM

joined May 11, 2012

That's the thing though, we don't know how it happened and how much control she had over it, since all we know is that she was drunk and didn't even remember the night, that's my only problem with the cheating, they left it too vague, could easily go either way, it's why I suspect sometimes that there was going to have some plot twist somewhere, we see how much Seju loves Sumin and is dedicated, so if there's no plot twist, I suspect they left so vague because it would either be a plot hole or bad writing on how so easily Seju cheated, since we saw she can stay years alone waiting for Sumin.

I would say it's not the topic itself, but how some people dare to use something serious like depression as an excuse.

And I always enjoyed the thread lol, it's fun~~, also, congratulations on having a waifu? lol

I agree, there's not much to discuss besides if they have/had it or not, and I would say most countries still have poor mental health awareness.

sia ue
I would say Seju was always on the brink of depression, but only Sumin was holding her back, you don't have a family like that without having some mental health problems.

That image, I would say that Seju was always like that, and became so passive to Sumin like that, because she had to always deal with her family bullshit, knowing how they treat her, endure all Sumin throws at her must be easy.

Also, if you have interest you guys can use the old Off-Topic thread, just like in here the previous people who commented basically disappeared, so might as well use both, also welcome in the discord group, now that I think about it, I think I'm the only one left from the previous group. (T^T)

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 4:56PM

joined May 11, 2012

Completely unrelated, but it's so strange get out of my hole and stop lurking after so long, I'm feeling like this lol

joined May 11, 2012

First of all, Seju couldn't really understand Sumin pain because she pretty much never really had a family, as for the cheating, in the end we still don't know why or how exactly it happened, I have two theories, either there was going to have a plot twist there, maybe it would happen but the extension screwed the story flow and they never put it, or maybe would be something for last chapter, just for tragedy, to see in the end their relationship problems was not completely their fault, OR, why and how never mattered, just the result, which is their relationship being screwed up.

Either way I agree with you, in my opinion how all started is meaningless, because after so long it all became their own fault for not even trying to move on, I'm kind of always baffled how there's still people who try to blame everything on one of them.

Haha, you're welcome, you should try to be less angry girl. xD

Oh yeah isn't you who her girlfriend joined here? I need to go back and catch up with some parts of the discussion. lol

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 4:32PM

joined May 11, 2012

I kind of thought you was talking about Sumin situation only, and I knew it was someone else who started the topic, but it can be kind of hard to keep track of the discussion since it can move pretty fast and with big posts, so I decided to make that post just to be sure, and the links I gave are a pretty good way to get a grasp of depression, so it's always good to spread them.

As for Sumin and Seju, I belive both started having depression for various reasons, like how Sumin lost both parents and the cheatig, and how Seju always had a shitty family and then lost Sumin, I belive that what happened 10 years ago just made both go offrails, sure some actions could be excused on their depression and whatever they were feeling, but with time because neither moved on, both basically became very screwed up, Sumin becoming the selfish jerk she is and treating Seju bad, while Seju became a complete doormat for Sumin in the hopes she would come back.

I would say both of their personalitiies, not just Sumin, are caused because they never moved on and how they dealt with their problems in complete opposite ways, by basically one becoming completely active agaisnt the other who became completely passive to anything she does, so they basically got stuck in a vicious cycle, them having depression is in my opinion just another symptom of how bad their relationship is because they're stuck running in cycles unless someone who really cares about both do something, which is why Sungji comes to the picture, because otherwise even with all the suffering, they still love each other and are somewhat happy staying like that, they would probably never move on without someone helping both, even if just a little, they're too complacent to do anything besides perpetuate their own suffering.

Although Sumin depression started with her parents death, and of course that's a pain that rarely goes away completely, after Seju cheating, independent of how or why it happened, it just made both become lost, with time any depression they have is caused by their vicious cycle, Sumin blaming Seju and Seju accepting it was just another of the countless mistakes they did, any other reason they had to feel depressed or to be how they are was lost after 10 years staying in that situation, so I agree with Nora89 that after so long, most of their problems, like depression, was caused and perpetuated by themselves, so you can't really put Sumin depression on her parents death anymore, because with time that reason was lost in my opinion.

Either way, what I have to say about the ending, cause it's what I hope will happen, theesome incoming! And that makes this come to mind, so I guess I'm in team neapolitan? It kind of is their colors after all...

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 4:18PM

joined May 11, 2012

I blame Chrome being unhelpful for no reason, hope you won't have much problem fixing it, cause that sure looks like a pain in the ass. :(

joined May 11, 2012

Man the thread sure became active since last time I showed up, you guys pretty much already said everything that could be said, so I'm coming mostly because some of you mentioned depression and well, some of the things said are pretty inaccurate, to not say worse, so I hope at least some of you will have enough interest to read this:

Adventures in Depression - The site is not all about depression but the rest is also a nice read, so I recommend to a have a look later

Adventures in Depression Part Two

Depression Comix - This is a webcomic so start in the last page since newest strips are in the front page, I know that's kind of obvious, saying just cause I know some people who started by the lastest strip in the front page instead of starting in strip 1...

Nora89 and True Evil
I hope at least you two will read it, since I think it was mostly you two who discussed it.

Especially you Nora89, I know some if not all of what you said is probably related direcly to Sumin and maybe about the minority who use depression as an excuse to be assholes, but not only some are still very offensive, but some are well, bullshit, to put it bluntly, like for example how you said:

a hard situation comes, okay.. be depressed, cry for two weeks and eat your favourite surgery/buttery full of happiness food.. but after that, get your shit together and your attitude straight.

even in that case, the person should have the willingness to get better and ask for help when needed.. not shove their weak souls on others !

is the excuse for every ass hole being a genuine ass, when in reality, their flawed personalities and actions is what caused them to be depressed in the first place!

Though I don't really hold those comments much against you because you seem to be arguing mostly about Sumin and depression as excuse for how she is, not to mention later you acknowledge the topic is touchy for you, so I honestly hope you don't have that kind of view about the majority of people with depression in real life, or that you just don't really know how it is and those links will help change how you see depression.

Anyway, I hope those links will help you guys understand depression better since it's a pretty hard thing for most people to understand, I wanted to post those images to finish my post but they're too big, so here link for them.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 3:21PM

joined May 11, 2012

Tried previous version and nothing either, I'm starting to wonder if the problem is my Chrome.

joined May 11, 2012

Tried refreshing and reinstalling but it didn't make any difference, Tampermonkey continues to execute it but nothing shows up.

joined May 11, 2012

Alice Cheshire
Are you still working in the userscript? Asking cause only today I noticed it doesn't seem to be working for me, Tampermonkey seems to be executing it, but nothing appears in the screen anymore, so I'm not sure what to do.