Wait, is the sword/shield protagonist British or Scottish?
Whoop. There she goes.
Hey, if Bubbline could pull it off...
Lol “speak of the devil.” She has no idea how literal that is. XD
externally screaming
Is that a White Rose doujin? That’d better be a White Rose doujin!
Bonus points for anti-dad insurance. Ain’t nobody touching that little bean!
That moment when you realize exactly how gay you are.
What’s with that dead fish stare?
Ooh, Weiss with her hair down. Not bad.
Lesbians in fluffy sweaters will keep me warm through these cold winter months. <3
Goin’ out for a morning snack. ;3
Reimu in a business suit is surprisingly hot.
My sweet li’l bees! <3
This feels like a particularly feelsy cg from a visual novel.
No horse required.
Because Nep.
Tap-chan is definitely bad for my heart. They really need to slap a surgeon general’s warning on her forehead.
D-doctor... I need a doctor... bleh
They totally did afterwards.
I never thought I would feel sympathy for a zombie.
And then her leg fell asleep too.
Huh. Bottom Moira. This is something I didn’t know I needed.