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joined Dec 13, 2016

Absolutely criminal that there is so little discussion on this work! This is one of my favorite yuri coming-of-age stories, and while obviously sexual in nature, it does not fall into the trap of showing sex just to have it, but rather uses it as the vehicle of self-discovery. I honestly rank it up there with Girlfriends in terms of same-sex coming-of-age romance.

joined Dec 13, 2016

Don't know how I have been sleeping on this. Obviously it isn't really yuri, but the art is great and lends a lot to the comedic effect.

joined Dec 13, 2016

Looking For Room from (as scalio said) Asagi Ryuu.

Much obliged, buddy.

joined Dec 13, 2016

KingOfKings posted:
Nice, always love more New Game! Anyone know what's up with the gang signs on page 5?

LII02 posted:
Not a clue about the gang signs

I'm pretty sure it's a Kpop thing, my sister (who is a kpop fan) does those signs, if I'm not mistaken, those are supposed to be hearts... like:

In practice:

. . . . Yeah.

Now about the anthology, it feels kind of weird to see New Game with Canno's artstyle, but it was good nonetheless.
My favorite however, so far is the first chapter, hope to see someone trying that someday.

Thank you so much! I never would have picked up on that, but it seems the most likely answer. Ironically, I think it looks more like a heart when done by actual people; their fingers are too spindly to really get the heart shape across in the artwork.

joined Dec 13, 2016

can you give the source of when the writer addressed the yuri publicly ?

It's not yuri, it's adolescence. /s

What is the source on that image? Tried doing a reverse image search but my detective skills are lacking

joined Dec 13, 2016

Nice, always love more New Game! Anyone know what's up with the gang signs on page 5?

Ayame 14 discussion 20 Apr 06:39
joined Dec 13, 2016

This was one of my favorites. Has the translation been dropped?

joined Dec 13, 2016

That scene with the mobile phone was a lot more fun in the live action, I almost died of laugher. (she constantly pressed the button to take a picture and didn't turn off the sound, so the whole class+teacher looked to her).

I'm pretty sure that the sound has to be on in Japan and can't be turned off, though this information may be a few years out of date. It was ostensibly to stop upskirt photos from being discretely taken

joined Dec 13, 2016

If anyone is interested, this is based off a series of images and short comic strips translated Daily Life of NEET-Chan.

You can find translations of most of them on Danbooru:

Aiura discussion 22 Mar 18:45
joined Dec 13, 2016

Glad to see some more of this is being uploaded. Always been rather fond of this series

joined Dec 13, 2016

It's definitely hot and all that, but a bit less than I've come to expect in terms of story in Mira doujin

joined Dec 13, 2016

Reading this was like reading the mangaka's previous work, Bokura no Hentai, in condensed form. All the angst and depression steamrolled into a five chapter read. Not often that I find something that makes me consider my own life in perspective. Going to have a long think after this one.

joined Dec 13, 2016

Alas, As soon as a ship sails, so too is she sunk. One of the few het pairings I would ship, but I suppose it's best for comedy's sake

Liberty discussion 01 Mar 07:56
joined Dec 13, 2016

Fascinating, it's refreshing to see a manga where the main characters don't constantly beat around the bush with angst regarding homesexual thoughts and actions, at least outside of H-publications. Hope this trend continues.

Love the art as well!

joined Dec 13, 2016

Very cute. Hope they end up as vampire friends forever!

Syrupy Love discussion 04 Feb 14:59
joined Dec 13, 2016

This is hot and all, but I feel pretty lost as to the actual plot progression

joined Dec 13, 2016

Glad to see a new release! The background art on this continues to blow me away. It looks how I imagine sceneries to be whenever I'm reading a more light-hearted fantasy novel.

joined Dec 13, 2016

I was pretty interested in the first chapter, but can't say I really enjoy where this is going.

I'll keep an open mind though, and try to check out the next chapters as they trickle in.

joined Dec 13, 2016

Holy crap, never would have expected the same author to be behind Room for Two. Can't say I hated it though, definitely an interesting set-up

Ovum discussion 14 Jan 17:13
joined Dec 13, 2016

I dig the story, but it made me distinctly uncomfortable for reasons I can't quite explain. I suppose that is a good thing if it can have such an effect on me though.