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joined Apr 3, 2016

If i can magically get into the manga as a new character i would definitely go inside the manga to love Seju. She is so hot and loveable

If I could get in there, I would go on business. I would sit Seju and Sumin down with me and perform some serious psychotherapy on the both of them. Then I would make Sumin break up with Sungji and get back together with Seju so I can treat Sungji next. God, I'd get so rich off of them. I'd come back a made woman! xD

last edited at May 29, 2016 7:09AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 29 May 06:08
joined Apr 3, 2016

I've just gotten up, so it'll need a bit before I can consider myself "totally awake." xD Im on my second cup of coffee though, so it probably won't take much longer before I feel ready to start the day. And it's 12pm here already. xD Ah well. Sleeping in is what Sundays are for.

last edited at May 29, 2016 6:11AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 29 May 05:40
joined Apr 3, 2016

/yawns/ Morning everyone.

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 12:50
joined Apr 3, 2016

Good :) Su doesn't seems a bit too outdoorsy to tolerate a little hospital room for long.

With her, it's the same with most people: it depends on the season and weather. xD During summer and spring, she usually loves to go out and just do stuff and meet people. Once the weather gets cold and unpleasant though, she turns into a couch potato. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 12:47
joined Apr 3, 2016

This is the place where she's going. On the website, it says that apart from the rehab schedule the patients are required to go through every day, they offer a large variety of free time activities, such as "a large, tranquil park with over 300 different kinds of trees and flowers as well as a pond to enjoy the sight of fish and ducks during a calming walk. Volleyball, basketball and tennis fields as well as several opportunities for indoor sports, such as ping pong, squash and a small gym for those who want and should get active and a new, still small library with a not yet too large variety of books, which hopefully will still be enough to offer something for the creative minds. There are also several spacious community rooms offering TVs, board games and card games for everyone, who enjoys meeting new people." With a description like that, I'm afraid she's gonna want to move in there. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 12:28
joined Apr 3, 2016

but where's Su heading now?

She's going to spend 3 weeks in the cardio rehab clinic in Rüdersdorf, which is about 30 kilometers away from Berlin. She's been absolutely excited about it ever since she got hospitalized, since over there she won't be bound to a single room most of the day.

Great that you're getting some time in with her, must be stressful going so long without her around :(

It really is. I miss her terribly. Dx But honestly, after she told me there was a chance she could have died if she'd have hesitated to see her doc, after knowing there was a higher chance she could have died during the transplantation since she wasn't in her best shape yet, I'm still just happy she's here and she's fine. I was scared like I never was before on that day. ^_^;

last edited at May 28, 2016 12:29PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 12:05
joined Apr 3, 2016

I'll just laze around, watch some TV, wait until the last bits of my gastritis finally wear off. Su gets transferred tomorrow, so I'll start packing some of her stuff later. I'm glad that I can be the one to drive her there tomorrow afternoon. Haven't seen her for too long already.

last edited at May 28, 2016 12:05PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 11:11
joined Apr 3, 2016

If you go into industry afterward, there's hardly ever an expectation that you need to write for journals

See, I think that's where Germans are a bit stricter. They don't really care what you do with your doctor title after you get it, but it's like having aqcuired that title seems to bind you to a duty to try to actively contribute to your field. I'm hardly a practicing psychologist, but since I have a PhD in it, I learned from a kind peer in Hamburg (that gathering I mentioned a while ago, where the old folks refused to acknowledge me), that I should nonetheless try, just to make sure I won't get blackballed as a lazy bum, who has no actual interest in the field and thus doesn't deserve to get any recognition. I'm not sure how far such a reputation can actually spread or what kind of relations and connections play a role, but since I'm a pretty public person, I admit I don't have the guts to take the risk. Anyway. /sighs/ I finished writing it. Now all that's left to do is send it to the professors at my alma mater and see what they think. If I'm lucky, maybe a few things I mention are actually gonna get picked up.

Meghan Trainor's "No" has been stuck in my head for 3 days now and it just doesn't go away. I don't even like the song. >_<

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 09:22
joined Apr 3, 2016

For sure it's not always the case, and I don't know anybody that was required to publish a book, but it's not uncommon to be expected to publish articles in journals. Pretty much everybody I know out of an R1 university was expected to publish, or they wouldn't be considered ready to graduate.

Publishing an article in a journal is an entirely different deal than writing a book though. xD In Germany, there is no such pressure to make yourself known to the public in that way. However, while it's not a requirement to graduate, once you do get your PhD, it's somewhat an unwritten code of honor to contribute to the research of that field (which is the main reason I wrote that term paper. xD) Bachelors and Masters don't have to do that yet (although it'll greatly boost their reputation among their peers if they do), but once you're a Doctor and you don't contribute at all to your field...well, expect your colleagues to frown at you at gatherings of any sort. And trust me, a bad rep travels fast over here. >_<

last edited at May 28, 2016 9:23AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 06:48
joined Apr 3, 2016

Are PhD students required to publish some books?

How did you get this idea? xD I mean, I've never heard from anywhere, that you need to become an author to get your PhD.

last edited at May 28, 2016 6:50AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 06:16
joined Apr 3, 2016

Cool. I think i also heard from some people that for their Master's they had to write as thick as books.

For my MA, I had a minimum of 25 pages. PhD was harder, especially the one in sociology. 40 pages. A fellow student handed one in with 38 pages, which lead to the work not getting recognized and thus not getting graded. >_< Uni is a strict place, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 04:04
joined Apr 3, 2016

Damn! 50 pages? Is that normal? What kind of topic is it about?

It's about the role of identity in humanistic psychotherapy. I'm trying to suggest, that therapists should generally pay a lot more mind to what the individual identifies as when it comes to therapy methods. In the paper, I explain my thoughts on that, present some theses and etc. And yeah, I think 50 pages is a pretty standard length for a paper of that kind. There are longer ones. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 03:13
joined Apr 3, 2016

Are you not sleepy at all?

Not anymore, strangely enough. I swear, about 3 hours ago, I was about to fall asleep at my desk.

How many pages did you write for your paper?

50 ^_^ I was at 52 at first, but I edited a few things out to make it a round number.

last edited at May 28, 2016 3:13AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 May 02:02
joined Apr 3, 2016

So I worked through the night and finally finished my term paper. Funny thing is I was tired like a dog 2 hours ago, now I'm wide awake. xD Anyway. Happy weekend, people.

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 May 14:30
joined Apr 3, 2016

Also you seem to associate old age with knitting, do you even know how to knit? haha

But knitting isn't one of them, lol

Honestly, I just stole that imagery from Su. You know, to do Rainy a favor. xD

last edited at May 26, 2016 2:33PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 May 13:55
joined Apr 3, 2016

If that's romantic then I don't want to be one...

I think there's definitely a limit to how much baby talk you can use with your partner before you both seem like you have a weird fetish or something, but I personally do like cute nicknames, to be honest. xD Lucy and Su are the only ones, who didn't like it. :-/ Well, nothing much I can do about Luce anymore, but one of these days, I will get Su to respond to either cupcake or cutie. And if it's the last thing I do!
Me + Su: /being old, sitting in rocking chairs and knitting socks/
Me: Cutie, can you get me some more of the blue wool?
Su: Ya, sure.
Me: /jumps up awesome-grandma-style, points at her/ Ha! Haha! There! I said it! I said I'd get you to respond to it! Ha! I win! Woohoo! /coughs/ /dies/
Yes. That's probably how it will happen.

last edited at May 26, 2016 1:56PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 May 12:57
joined Apr 3, 2016

Heyyy.. share us the story...

There isn't too much of a story. xD It happened when we've been together for about a year and we went to a bar that was throwing a party (10 year anniversary of its existence or something, I don't really remember.) There was this girl, who got a bit flirty with me and I just played along for the fun of it, but mainly to provoke Su and see how she'd react. I was just curious about it. Well, she didn't react at all, in fact. xD She sat there perfectly calm right next to me, chatting with the barkeeper and respectfully staying out of my conversation despite hearing every exchanged word and undoubtedly not missing any of the innuendo we threw back and forth and I'm pretty sure she noticed most of the subtle, but far from innocent touches as well. When we went home, she even laughed about it and praised the girl, saying "Boy, that chick that sat with you all the time had some serious skill! She really knew her game." I was a bit too drunk to make an actual point then, but the next day when I apologized for probably getting on her nerves a bit and asking how she stayed so calm, she just shrugged and said "If you want to leave, leave. If you want to stay, stay. I'm your companion, Lin, not your owner. I won't waste my time on worrying about losing you until I hear the words from your mouth." I was a bit taken aback by it back then, but over time I learned to understand her reasoning. Su has a very straightforward way of viewing life in general. She strips everything down to its simplest base and that's what she works with. It's quite refreshing, seeing how we tend to make the world so complicated these days. But it's also hard to understand from time to time. Sometimes I'm not quite sure if I'm dating a naive fool or a wise genius. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 May 12:12
joined Apr 3, 2016

Ahaa.. u sure this is not reversed psychology? XD

100%, lol. Su is not the kind of person to get jealous. Trust me, I tried. And I failed miserably. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 May 11:11
joined Apr 3, 2016

Ahaha.. gonna tell Su abt this... xD

Lol, as if she's going to care! xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

but leaving someone loving you like that behind and be able to build sth new with someone else in full happiness is so .... I don't know how to describe it XD

The word you're looking for is "impossible," or at the very least "extremely rare and untypical."

Seeing how there is still an entire arc left in this story, if Sumin really does love Seju while she is obviously aware of Seju's feelings for her, there is a large chunk of storytelling left to do for them. Running is not coping. If this is where the Sumin/Seju story is allgedly supposed to basically end, Team Gaji would have only proven, that they have no idea how the human mind works and that they don't understand their own characters. It'd be unrealistic and unlikely for a person like Sumin if she would be able to cut ties like this and move on after a bit of heartache. She has been hung up on Seju for ten years as well. There is more to come. A lot more. That is, if Seju doesn't put her own early end to this cruel story...

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:09AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 May 09:18
joined Apr 3, 2016

/stares at Alvis/ Mmmm. Fresh meat. Perfect.

I see you sexies have been quite talkative without me. I hope you're prepared to face the punishment for your crime.

Kidding, obviously. xD I?
Anyway, unfunny jokes aside, hey ladies! ^_^ I'll get to read the past posts now, to see what I missed.

last edited at May 26, 2016 9:18AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 May 16:02
joined Apr 3, 2016

I can just imagine the face of my mother if I were to show her the kitchen convo we had in here. She would probably do one of her condescending smirks she can do so annoyingly well and say something along the lines of "Pfft. Amateurs." xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 May 15:13
joined Apr 3, 2016

We're still talking about cooking? I thought that topic would've gotten old by now. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 17:31
joined Apr 3, 2016

Call me impenetrable hornet

If this isn't already a superhero, definitely should be.

Impenetrable Hornet vs. Dominant Mice - THE MOVIE!

Synopsis: In a country ruled by a bleeding king, bleeding people are calling out for a hero. Luxes get raped for excitement, Infants dominate things, fantasies come alive. These things are the tragic every day happenings ever since dominant mice got permission for something. The bleeding people are losing their hope. But help is on the way...

Welcome Home
control the situation
We do not need more than draw
There is no reason to leave
Welcome Home
thumping music
You can now
There is no reason to leave
Welcome Home
Welcome Home

Something is ringing a bell... Is that "Work" by Rihanna and Drake maybe?

last edited at May 24, 2016 5:35PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 17:27
joined Apr 3, 2016


The purpose of one's work and thoughts about one's future, no matter how noble either may be, all play no role at all when one puts their own psychological and physical health at risk just to achieve something, that in the end is nothing but an illusion to begin with. Remember what I just said about moderation and how it applies for everything in life? In the end, as long as Kanojo still feels fine with what she's doing, all is good. I also work a lot more than I should without even writing down my hours, simply because what I do rarely actually feels like work to me, so I don't mind if I'm getting paid overtime or not. The meaning of what I do lies far beyond the money I get. However, if she starts feeling unhappy or unsatisfied with what she's doing, she should really reconsider her career choices. It's the same warning I keep repeating to people so often: a breaking soul is like a drowning person - it doesn't scream for help. So maybe try to tell her not to ignore signs her body and mind might possibly give her one day. First symptoms are always the strongest.

last edited at May 24, 2016 5:37PM