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Mama Mama discussion 30 Mar 23:33
joined Feb 13, 2016

I understand the wish for happy yuri, I love that, too. But I think you can't have yuri without also now and then writing critical stories (critical about all the shit lesbians and the LGBT community in general) get. Please don't always assume the worst when something is not diabetic-level WAFF. :)

I agree. I think Amano put in an afterword or foreword somewhere "if you're looking for fluffy 'onee-sama' yuri, look elsewhere." I wish more mangakas had that attitude. When I first got into yuri I really expected it to be more like this one-shot -- art can be enjoyable, but it can also be a vector for confronting difficult issues.

My people!!! In real life, being a lesbian isn't as simple as a happy ending, I know because I am one. I understand that happy endings make people feel good, but reality exists, I know, SCARY, but it does.

Nishi Uko discussion 26 Mar 22:33
joined Feb 13, 2016

We need more of Nishi-Sensei.

Yuri Fangirls 26 Mar 20:21
joined Feb 13, 2016

I am an EXTREME Yuri fangirl. No, seriously. I don't try to hide it in real life either. I enjoy loving women, and reading about women loving each other. I can't tell you how long I fangirled after reading Moonlight Flowers, NO JOKE. Join me, fellow Yuri fangirls! We will take over the world!!!

Topaze discussion 26 Mar 15:36
joined Feb 13, 2016

Nishi-Sensei, another fantastic work. I think my favorite part of her works will always be the art. It isn't Moe, but it isn't totally disgusting to look at like other ones. And I love how it's so mature with adult themes. I'm sick and tired of Yuri always taking place in high schools with high school girls.

To Meet discussion 26 Mar 15:31
joined Feb 13, 2016

Why does this have a non-moe art tag? It's moe!... imo...

THE FEELZ! >.<... If only I get lucky have have this kind of relationship... it's so sweet >.<

Because the art isn't Moe. As in, they don't have ridiculously big, adorable eyes, and blushing faces all the time. Even if the story is Moe, the tag says "Non-Moe art."

Demande discussion 26 Mar 15:27
joined Feb 13, 2016

I don't get why it's too short. Maybe because I like short stories, but this was the perfect length for what this one-shot was trying to convey. I don't think I could stand a whole series derived from this.

joined Feb 13, 2016

How unhealthy for everyone all around. They should've made more chapters to touch on Suwako's background, because right now, she's just some bitch who isn't faithful.

Gardenia discussion 20 Feb 00:55
joined Feb 13, 2016

Why does everyone hate bad endings? I mean, I like good endings too, but I LOVE bad endings. Especially when they don't go out of their way to end badly, like with this. I mean, just glance over at the historical tag. You really thought it would end on a happy note? (XD sides hurt from laughing) If something as calm as this makes you cry, stick to fluff.
Edit: This isn't even close to the saddest, or original thing I've read. This was barely depressing, or an exactly bad ending. This was...meh.

last edited at Feb 20, 2016 12:58AM

I Girl discussion 18 Feb 03:10
joined Feb 13, 2016

Wow. That's all I can say as I drop this manga like a stone.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Eh. Am I the only one that thought this was just pretty much the same thing we see with Teacher-Student Yuri?

joined Feb 13, 2016

I LOVED THIS. I absolutely dread reading the same, boring 'school girl, childhood friends / Onee-Sama, all girl school, everyone happens to be a lesbian' plot. :) Yup, I definitely live me some older women.

My Beloved discussion 17 Feb 21:52
joined Feb 13, 2016

Haha, that Maria-Sama reference though XD (Not that I've ever seen that anime. It seems to typical and melodramatic for me.)

joined Feb 13, 2016

Hmmm, I am disappointed with the general lack of Minami x Yutaka in doujins... Wish there was more :(

Totally agree, it's a great shame that they're over shadowed by Konata x Kagami despite being a far better pairing

I know right?! UGH! I know good Yuri pairings when I see them, and Minami x Yutaka is definitely a match made in heaven! Konata x Kagami is fine, I guess, but they just don't have the compatibility and Moe + Fuwa Fuwaness that the Minami x Yutaka pairing has.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Wow. I should have expected this from a Yuri. Even though it was supposed to be just mindless sex, they still snuck some feels in.

Mugi to Azu discussion 14 Feb 17:07
joined Feb 13, 2016

I love Mugi!!! :3

Yurishiizu discussion 13 Feb 14:30
joined Feb 13, 2016

I'm a yuri fangirl lesbian and I don't always care for toys in the story but I don't hate them but natural is nice when it's done right. Problem is I hate incest because I have sisters and something just doesn't sit right with me when I read incest XD it's like a back of the mind thing.

Haha, same. I don't really like the toys included in Yuri, but sometimes whenever an author does it without toys, they make it totally unrealistic. Anytime I stumble across an incest manga / anime, heterosexual or lesbian, I feel creeped out since I have brothers and sisters XD.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 2:31PM

Akari Ijiri discussion 13 Feb 13:57
joined Feb 13, 2016

That was pretty terrible. Why can't someone just make a good Akari doujin? Every Akari doujin makes fun of her. T~T My poor little Waifu.