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joined May 11, 2015

The first work of this author I find absolutely disgusting...

joined May 11, 2015

a somewhat long-winded story about a girl loosing nearly any match she playes? Was an ok read... a bit booring at times

last edited at Jul 26, 2019 10:18AM

joined May 11, 2015

"Translation" for everyone having problems reading the child's bubbles. I definitely had to read some of them a few times since English is not my first language...

Rewhe is sthis? Where is this?
Is it Ghtirla to veale eth chran? It it alright to leave the ranch?
N’tow eyth tge adm? Won’t they get mad?
Ksanth me ingplhe rfo! Thanks for helping me!
Shwa my irha! Wash my hair!
Isth Twah? This What?
Looc…!! Cool…!!
Nio? Oni?
Esthclo!! Clothes!!
Meho ontiraploex!! Home exploration!!
Achmots tyemp. Stomach empty.
Odogit’s! It’s good!
Kurumi (*lkmi) remo Miruku (*Milk) more.
Achstom Lluf. Stomach full.
Desiuto aypl!! Outside play!!
Koggonnio Nsanio nio!! ?? Oni-san ?? !!
Flytterbunsa Butterfly-san
Nsanio! Oni-san!
Rehe, seaple! Here, please!
Ah…. Werflolingfal… Ah…. Flowerfalling…
Enev ughtho I tup ti no! Even thought I put in on!
Nsanio kiss Oni-san kiss

Stil not sure on the Koggonnio Nsanio nio!! part. If it's onigokko = tag, that would make sense. But this would require a translation error in only this one bubble. Hard to decide without the raws.

last edited at Jul 22, 2019 6:22AM

joined May 11, 2015

^A post on MAL forums has the first two listed as confirmed safe, referencing a twitter post.

Ishidate Taichi should have been a honorable guest on Animagic 2019 (one of Germany's bigger Anime/Manga Events) at the beginning of August... I wonder if he's still coming. I'll hope he's ok and the others who are injured get well soon.

Image Comments 04 Jul 14:27
joined May 11, 2015

But still not licensied unfortunaly.

fun fact: The Manga is actually available in Germany (in German ofc).

tMnR discussion 24 Jun 08:55
joined May 11, 2015

Maybe I misremember, but wasn't there at some point somewhat of a guide for reading Eli x Umi chapters by this author in the "right" order?

joined May 11, 2015

sooo..... where's the comedy in this shit?
when I was on page 4 I would already have liked to punch the author....

joined May 11, 2015

I've read the first volume some months before this got animated. I first thought the mc would be Yuri, because of how she seemed so nervous talking with that blue haired girl. Also that kiss joke. Plus this was on dynasty where there's Yuri most of the time.
Watching the anime until ep 7 it became clear this is not the case after all. I won't lie, I was disappointed. But it's not the het, it's the 40 yo with a 16 yo pairing that's disturbing. Also that weird joke with the predator on that park where the Kabadi leader was training.

Wait, wheres the 40 year old? You mean Hobo sensei? That wasn't in any way a serious pairing.

If you are talking about Andou, that guy is in his early 20s.

Andou? In his early 20s? Maybe on paper. I‘d say mentally he‘s about 12-15... ;)

Rainbow discussion 31 May 14:16
joined May 11, 2015

I actually was a bit worried when there was another page after showing them as old grannies...

but it was realy cute and awesome

Image Comments 22 May 07:07
joined May 11, 2015

^so basically: the image and author are shit, because they didn't draw to your liking?
Solution: shut up and move on or draw something better...

joined May 11, 2015

Too much drama for me, I‘ll pass on this one...

joined May 11, 2015

Reading this feels like reading a deviantart or tumblr fanfic. Tadakoro is the author self insert to the point where she's also an artist and Nikaidou is the author's "ideal lover" which is a bland mary sue that solves all of Tadakoro's (the author's) problems simply by existing. This wasn't a big deal during the SoL chapters but once an actual antagonist (bully-san) appears it really becomes obvious how ridiculous these characters are. I'm 99% sure that the author was also bullied during highschool days and this 'bully saga' is her imagining how better her life would be if a 'Nikaidou' exists back then to stop her bullying problem (and all her other problems).

btw, Tatsubon (the author) is male as far as I know...

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 8:07PM

joined May 11, 2015

Oh hey, Muppo showing us the name of the new Japanese era!

Muppo is awesome - and looking good in a suit. :)

Image Comments 28 Mar 18:15
joined May 11, 2015

I mean you could always appreciate the original art.

last edited at Mar 28, 2019 6:16PM

joined May 11, 2015


That's it! Thank you so much! :)

joined May 11, 2015

A story about two girls in high school/college. both are a bit of a delinquent I think (dying hair), they fall in love with each other, get a bit of drama and at the end one of them gives a key to the other for their future home.

Sry I can't remember much details anymore. I read it on dynasty, but I think it was some years ago.

joined May 11, 2015

what a waste of time... not even the art was anything remarkable.... just some low grade average art. Seems like someone drawing nothing but nonsense porn trying their hands at some "story" and giving up after the first few panels

Image Comments 08 Mar 09:35
joined May 11, 2015

I like that the eye has it's own towel XD

joined May 11, 2015

Why is there a 404: Men Not Found tag?

First time you've seen her dad or a guy at all in the whole series.

Not strictly true. There were several guys in the manga up to this chapter. They just weren't as prominent as her dad was.

Some examples I can think of without searching:
- when Erie walks over to Sachis place, there is a guy in the front of the panel (with his wife and child I think)
- the Swiss Cheesemaker
- Ayaries dad whom we've seen on a picture before
- several male High Schoolers when the panels show Erie and Sachi in school
- Sachis dad whom we've seen from the back when he receives her letter

joined May 11, 2015

no comments for such an awesome and cute piece of art?

I need some more chapters... lets say... about a few hundred... :3

New Game discussion 23 Feb 06:50
joined May 11, 2015

I really don't get the author anymore...

When Aoba was competing against Yagami it was like: Yeah, Aoba did well, but the company really doesn't give a shit about anyone other then the established lead character designer to promote their works, despite how good they are.

Now it's like: yeah we don't give a shit. You're an unknown 3D artist in our company nobody knows you, you're leading the new game, just pick anyone. Even the newbie. We really don't give a shit about anything....

The fuck?

I think I'll put this on hold... the first part was good, but nowadays I don't think the author has any idea what to do with their work and just keeps producing more and more crap...

joined May 11, 2015

wrong order?

while the list shows the order correctly, reading switches ("next chapter") from 12 to 14 to 13.

joined May 11, 2015

Wow. Unexpected level of harshness in the comments today.

Well... It has a little bit for everyone.

  • If claims sexual relationships between women don't exist in real life.
  • If openly insults shippers.
  • It has no actual Yuri to speak off in a site about it.
  • It's boke/tsukkomi comedy routine feels off, with both of them being rather unlikeable, and the punchline is lame.

Yep... a little bit for everyone. And REALLY doesn't benefit from the fact it's released so close to "Straight Girl walks into a Lesbian Mixer", which I can't really say it's too good either but it kinda delivered, and people might have expected a similar result.

I feel very sorry for the translators, though, for the negative reception. It's not like they were translating Lemonade or anything like that.

Personally I found "Straight Girl walks into a Lesbian Mixer" kinda underwhelming if not even bad, whereas this wasn't so much about yuri but I liked it for its comedy which I found rather hilarious. But I think it's different with anyone - some like it, some don't.
The only problem I have with the comments on this one: just because someone doesn't like it, doesn't mean the chapter itself is bad.

Image Comments 09 Feb 05:18
joined May 11, 2015

^ that picture is the best XD

Image Comments 06 Feb 05:26
joined May 11, 2015

uhhh.... mixed feelings about this one.... the pairing is cute, but this gives me bad memories about the RoB scam....