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joined Apr 20, 2015

Thanks halmoni~

Seol-a's a complete riot, the adorable goof. And mothers are the best, her mom picking up on her 'love glow' and all.

joined Apr 20, 2015

@ gugu09

I highly that dude is No-rae's ex. Hee-Jin mentioned that he's still in the military. And from what I know of Korean military, they still have to wear their uniform even during time-off. (Halmoni can clarify this further if I've gotten it wrong).

joined Apr 20, 2015

I don't think Yu-ji is just one of her many friends (i.e. acquaintances) because Min-Jeong did say something about if your foot is being cut by a trusted axe it hurts more, and also Seol-A's thoughts in Chp 12 "Both types were pathetic, but the latter even moreso... Because the pain I felt for them was greater". We see after that, Seol-A falls asleep and the first thing she dreamt about was Yu-Ji. Again, if you don't care about that person, you wouldn't

1) Question why she would do this to you (thus Yu-Ji's comments got to her and hurt her quite badly), and
2) Take revenge and hurt her back (i.e. use Ji-Hwan & flirt in front of her). The flashback has an accident hinted us that someone (mostlikely Yu-Ji) shouted "MOVE" to save Seol-A (I presume it is Seol-A's back. Maybe I'm wrong).

But the whole scenario of this flashback tells us that Seol-A gets hurt by people whom she considers close and she tends to take revenge if she thinks she has been used. So in this case, she felt used (betrayed) by No-Rae and used the same ignorance & flirting technique to hurt No-Rae.

I wrote about the flashback accident because that may be a crucial point as to why Seol-A would NOT give up on No-Rae that easily - especially after being spat at with "mine your own business. .. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore" right on the face... I mean, if you hear your special friend saying something directly to you or even if to someone else (but you heard it indirectly), you would have just walked away & not be friends anymore. But Seol-A didn't. She kept pursuing to question why No-Rae would say something like that in the first place. I think the flashback accident has something to do with this and she regretted not asking Yu-Ji directly. In chp 33, Seol-A contronted No-Rae and said, "But a problem like this will only grow more and more convoluted as time passes by.... I know because I've experienced it before". This showed Seol-A has matured from a similar incident in the past (I am assuming this experience is based on her past with Yu-Ji).

What I got from that chapter is different than yours. Yu-Ji most likely 'befriended' Seol-a because she has a crush on Ji-Hwan and is using Seol-a to (somehow) get closer to him, hence Seol-a's line about it hurts worse when girls try to befriend her while having an ulterior motive on the side.

Seol-a probably believed that Yu-Ji was truly her friend (remember she is starved for female friends) up until she overheard the girls in the classroom. And it looked she was shocked really hard for her to be wandering around afterwards obliviously to her surroundings and apparently into the path of a motorcycle. The 'MOVE' was probably from the motorcyclist himself yelling to catch her attention. I'm assuming there was so big accidents (no visible scars so far on Seol-a that we've seen). Some time after that, she called Ji-Hwan and did the whole let's-go-get-ice-cream thing in front of Yu-Ji to get back at her. You see Yu-Ji's hands shaking from anger/jealously.

As for the whole "get your nose out of my business..." business, I somehow get the feeling that Seol-a was the one who said to Yu-Ji. Don't remember the chapter, but the flashback showed Yu-Ji with widen/surprised eyes while Seol-a has a flat/emotionless one. It's probably that she regretted(?) things turning out the way it did with Yu-Ji so that's way she refused to give up on No-rae.

joined Apr 20, 2015

This was an adorable chapter~ And the sitting on Seol-a accident is just plain gold.

One part that I don't really understand is when they arrived at the apartment and No-rae was trying to apologize. Why did Seol-a act so cold? I know she said she was too tired but she just brushed off No-rae like nothing...Her actions reminded of what happened around ch12-13 when she was jealous of No-rae and Ji-Hwan being all cozy together.

joined Apr 20, 2015

I am totally jumping ahead of the storyline, but just imagine the trip back to Seoul!

I mean, Seol-A has the car...she can offer No-rae a ride back, and Kim family will probably push her to accept the offer...

Head canon GO!

joined Apr 20, 2015

Halmoni's sack/package thing is too cute for words.

But looking at No-rae's conversation with her brother, she was considering bailing out/not acting on her feelings in fear of social/cultural backlash in addition to the emotional aspect. I like this. We all know No-rae's a deep, thoughtful person, but she's considering the problem in all angles because it would affect the both of them too.

But hopefully Brother Kim's wise words will push her towards making the right(yuri) decision sooner rather than later.

With that said...the next coupla chapters are gonna be filled with fluff and drama. Can't wait!

joined Apr 20, 2015


I do have a source for raws to refer to for translation/quality checks, but I won't be spreading the link around (if you do know where to find it, kudos to you lol). There are people out there who put raws up.

Kudos for me I guess since I know about that source (subtle hints about sanctuaries and strangers notwithstanding). And thanks for the clarification about the google drive!

joined Apr 20, 2015

Long time lurker here :D Finally decided to make an account to thank Halmoni for all the work she's done!

Hahahaha Seol-A had a major Orz moment

At least Seol-A's the type to remember her drunken escapades lol.

Also, are the ch29-31 folders on the google drive supposed to the empty? I see them being updated but there's nothing in them.